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- photojournalist, curator, FOSS and privacy enthusiast
- Comment on Firefox rolls out Total Cookie Protection by default to all desktop users worldwide | It is Firefox’s strongest privacy protection to date, confining cookies to the site where they were created 6 months ago:
This is old news, from 2022!!
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
You seddit right!!
- Comment on Trackers blocking without (total) ads blocking 1 year ago:
Google is paying copius sums of money to in AdBlock Plus (asuming this is the extension you are speaking about), makes sense to avoid it completely and run uBlock Origin.
- Comment on A teachers union says it’s fed up with social media’s impact on students 1 year ago:
Opening para from a NYT article on the Waldorf School in Silicon Valley:
“The chief technology officer of eBay sends his children to a nine-classroom school here. So do employees of Silicon Valley giants like Google, Apple, Yahoo and Hewlett-Packard.
But the school’s chief teaching tools are anything but high-tech: pens and paper, knitting needles and, occasionally, mud. Not a computer to be found. No screens at all. They are not allowed in the classroom, and the school even frowns on their use at home.”