- Comment on Looking for a VPS. I don't know who to choose. 1 week ago:
I’ve been happy with racknerd. They usually run specials that are pretty reasonable:
I did have one rather long outage of about 48 hours once. The host running my VPS had a nic fail. They got it fixed and it’s been solid ever since.
- Comment on Network Switch 5 months ago:
I’m partial to mikrotik gear, the CRS305 has 4 sfp+ ports for around $150.
- Comment on Pihole on gateway device? 5 months ago:
Both opnsense and pfsense allow custom DNS entries so you still have that as an option. Probably the other options do too but you’ll just have to verify.
But if you want to keep it simple I would just keep the pihole as a separate device. A lot of the built in options aernt quite as easy to setup and don’t have the best interface compared to pihole IMO.
- Comment on Pihole on gateway device? 5 months ago:
Most of the more advanced gateways have some sort of DNS filtering built in. Opnsense has an adguard plugin, pfsense has pfblocker-ng, openwrt has a few different options, Unifi has a solution too I think. Usually you can just load the same block list that pihole uses into the filtering software and you are good to go.
If you want the most flexibility and want to use the same hardware for both gateway/DNS and want to try out different DNS/router solutions a hypervisor would give you the most options. But it would also be the most complicated.
- Comment on I'm the developer of WalkScape, the RuneScape inspired fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL. We're now accepting more people to the Closed Beta! 6 months ago:
I’ve been in the closed beta since February and I can vouch for this game being awesome. It’s been a great way to encourage me to take my dogs on walks and stay healthy. I definitely recommend checking it out.
To the dev, your game has motivated me to learn flutter/dart. I’ve been working with it for four months now and I’m getting close to finishing my first app, so thank you for the inspiration!
- Comment on Weird (to me) networking issue - can you help? 6 months ago:
Another solution is to use NAT on the router. NAT all traffic from the client network 11.0/24 to the routers IP on the server network 10.0/24.
That way when the server sees the ICMP echoes on its 10.102 network it will look like it came from the router and send the reply back together router instead out its other interface.
- Comment on Somehow USB disks are still the easiest and most reliable way 7 months ago:
- Comment on Help designing a button? 8 months ago:
The official framework mainboard 3d printed case uses a compliant mechanism to push the power button, you can take at look at the open source STL files to see how they designed it for inspiration/reference.
- Comment on Selectively chaining a VPN to another while allowing split tunnelling on clients? 8 months ago:
I do something similar with opnsense and policy based routing. opnsense is acting as both a VPN client and server. The client interface connects out to a commercial VPN, and the server interface listens for incoming connections. Based on what I I want to accomplish I setup firewall rules that use policy based routing to route incoming VPN traffic where it needs to go.
Regarding split tunnel on the client, the Android wireguard app has the option to specify what traffic uses the tunnel based on the application
- Comment on It's almost the week-end, what are you guys going to play? 8 months ago:
I just started tears of the kingdom a few days ago.
- Comment on Cannot reset DNS Settings 9 months ago:
Once you change your DNS server in your router, make sure to renew your clients DHCP lease. It may still be using the stale DNS server. On windows verify its using the new DNS server with: ipconfig /all
- Comment on You're Not Imagining It: Google Search Results Are Getting Worse, Study Finds 1 year ago:
If you use Firefox, the reader view works great when you want to look at just the article and nothing else.
- Comment on I'm new to networking and self-hosting and have no idea where to start. 1 year ago:
A custom router + managed switch is a great way to learn. Studying the fundamentals is also good, but in my opinion it’s not as fun as setting up your own network and learning hands-on.
If you decide to go this route I highly reccomend taking regular backups of your config (and backup again before you change stuff). Part of learning involves breaking things - trust me you will break your network - and in networking that’s one of the best ways to learn. Backups will give you an easy way to restore to a known working configuration.
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
I use duckduckgo for personal use and google for work and I have noticed a significant quality drop the results for both.
- Comment on What can I do with an old laptop? 1 year ago:
Yes. A unifi ap connects all my wireless devices to my LAN
- Comment on What can I do with an old laptop? 1 year ago:
Yes its my main router. Everything comes into the laptop across one interface setup as a trunk that includes vlans for WAN, LAN, etc. From there proxmox has a vlan aware linux bridge setup that connects to all the VMs/containers that I run. The VM virtual interfaces get tagged with whatever network I want the host to be part of.
- Comment on What can I do with an old laptop? 1 year ago:
I have a laptop motherboard setup with proxmox running:
- plex
- radarr,sonarr,prowlarr
- opnsense
- foundry VTT
- pi-hole
- unifi controller
- qbittorrent
- kavita
This is running on an i5-1135 with 40gigs of memory. If your frugal about how you have stuff setup you can pack alot of services into old laptops.
- Comment on Weird Wireguard issues I could use some help with. 1 year ago:
If your VPS can connect to your home router as a client it sounds like your wireguard server on opnsense is working correctly.
Might be a problem with your phones WG config. Have you tried taking the client .conf file from your VPS and loading it onto your phone to test a working config file?
- Comment on Intel announces Thunderbolt 5 with double the bandwidth (40 Gbps to 80 Gbps) 1 year ago:
Nice. I’m interested to see how eGPUs perform on TB5.