- Comment on Larian Studios has two major games in development and opens new studio in Warsaw 9 months ago:
Or Tencent
- Comment on Is this too soon? 9 months ago:
Not soon enough
- Comment on YEAH 9 months ago:
“The mattress was only 1 year old you sick fuck”
- Comment on Big Tech to EU: "Drop Dead" 9 months ago:
Apple needs to realize that the EU doesn’t care if they left. They barely pay any taxes in the EU and don’t even create much economic value. Since most Apple jobs in the EU are in retail, businesses administration and tax evasion. They don’t produce shit here.
- Comment on A Fine Vintage! 9 months ago:
- Comment on Womens fashion guide 9 months ago:
The necklace indicates how many ova she still has left.
- Comment on iFixit hails replaceable LPCAMM2 laptop memory as a 'big deal' 9 months ago:
Yeah if you are clueless you’d think they done it for no reason
- Comment on Stack Overflow bans users en masse for rebelling against OpenAI partnership — users banned for deleting answers to prevent them being used to train ChatGPT 9 months ago:
Aren’t a lot of answers outdated on stackoverflow?
- Comment on Lilium (LILM) receives firm order from UrbanLink to put 20 eVTOL jets into service in Florida 9 months ago:
But this thing works https://youtu.be/ywJWka1evH8
- Comment on Lilium (LILM) receives firm order from UrbanLink to put 20 eVTOL jets into service in Florida 9 months ago:
They claim that these are less loud and less dangerous. Since this uses a shit ton of engines it means that multiple engines can fail before it loses lift. The reason why helicopters are loud as fuck is because the tips of the blades break the sound barrier. The blades in these engines do not go faster than the speed of sound. And unlike a helicopter this eVTOL has wings so when it is in flight the rotors don’t need to spin as fast as during takeoff.
- Comment on xkcd #2929: Good and Bad Ideas 9 months ago:
Yeah it can reduce PFAS levels in your system. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2790905
Though better to just donate that blood than let it go to waste.
- Comment on Draw your own conculsions 10 months ago:
In 2008 Sasha Grey won Performer of the Year award.
- Comment on recruiting theocracy 10 months ago:
- Comment on What are some mainstream game series where you really do need to start from the first game? 10 months ago:
The Metal Gear series is interconnected to a high degree. Sure the games are perfectly playable without playing the previous games, but you’d miss a lot of plot points. Like for example even the PSP games are pretty vital to the story. Because several characters of Peace Walker show up in MGS5 without much explanation of who they are.
- Comment on Best options for entry level 3D printing available these days? 10 months ago:
Geeetech Alkaid. It’s a $99 resin printer and the reviews I’ve seen say that it’s pretty good especially at that price point. Though you’d probably be spending $300 if you buy a curing and washing station and a bottle of resin as well.
- Comment on Drake threatened with lawsuit over diss track featuring AI Tupac 10 months ago:
Alphonso Tupacino
- Comment on Fisker now expects to go bankrupt within 30 days 10 months ago:
some rich hobbyist engineer/mechanic might buy one for parts. So they can use the parts to convert a ICE car into an EV
- Comment on Older patient gamers: what is your preferred gaming platform? 10 months ago:
I play mostly on my Steam Deck nowadays. Also if a game is too heavy for the Deck I just subscribe to GeForce Now for a month to stream to my Steam Deck. Once everything is setup on the Steam Deck it’s pretty much friction free to start a game, especially in GeForce Now.
- Comment on World of Warcraft boss says Microsoft is happy to 'let Blizzard be Blizzard,' but I'm not sure that's entirely true 10 months ago:
And sexually harassed women
- Comment on The Sega Dreamcast 10 months ago:
They dug their grave with the 32x and Saturn. The Dreamcast was just the final blow.
- Comment on Excuse me, my son's name is also Borts... 10 months ago:
Are they Dwarves perhaps?
- Comment on Channel 4 responds after calls to sack Rachel Riley for Sydney stabbing post 10 months ago:
She should sue herself for defamation.
- Comment on So much for free speech on X; Musk confirms new users must soon pay to post 10 months ago:
Unfortunately the entire games industry is still on Xitter and nobody wants to leave it completely for Bluesky or Mastadon.
- Comment on Want to lose weight? Poverty can help! 11 months ago:
You can still lose weight if you eat unhealthy shit. Like I know people that eat McDonald’s everyday yet they ain’t fat. While you still don’t get all the necessary nutrients being unhealthy skinny is still better than being fat.
- Comment on Polestar Joins Tesla in Departure from Auto Lobby Over Proposed Vehicle Efficiency Standard 11 months ago:
Pornstar and Tesla pull out of Lobby.
- Comment on こんばんはー! Fediverse いますかー? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
And you can find really cheap delicious food in Japan.
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
And food is often cheaper
- Comment on Real! 1 year ago:
Wat de fak zei je fokkIng over mij, jij kleine trut? Weet je dat ik als beste in mij klas ben geslaagd bij de Koninklijke Mariniers and ik ben betrokken geweest bij meerdere geheime invallen tegen Al Kaida en ik heb meer dan 300 bevestigde doden. Ik ben getraind in gorilla oorlogsvoering en ik ben de beste sluipschutter van de gehele Koninklijke Nederlandse krijgsmacht. Jij bent niets meer voor me dan een doelwit. Ik zal je fokking wegvagen met een precisie zoals nog nooit eerder op deze aarde is gezien, let op mijn verdomde woorden. Denk je nou echt dat je weg kan komen met zulke shit over mij op het internet te zeggen? Denk nog eens na, klootzak. As we speak ben ik mijn geheimen spionnen netwerk over de de hele VS aan het contacteren en je IP word nu getraceerd dus je kan je maar beter voorbereiden voor de storm die komt, kakkerlak. De storm zal je trieste kleine ding die je jij je leven noemt wegvagen. Jij bent fokking dood, jonge. Ik kan overal zijn, op elk moment, en ik zal je in zeven honderd manieren doden, en dat is dan alleen met mijn blote handen. Ik ben niet alleen extensief getraind in het onbewapend vechten maar ik heb toegang tot het gehele arsenaal van de Koninklijke Mariniers en ik zal daar volledige gebruik van maken om je trieste reet van het continent weg te vagen. Jij kleine kut. Had je maar kunnen weten welke onheilige vergelding jouw kleine ‘slimme’ opmerking over jou heen bracht. Misschien hield je dan je kut bek. Maar dat had je niet kunnen weten en nu betaal je daarvoor de prijs. Jij godverdomme idioot. Ik zal woede over je heen schijten en je zal er in verdrinken. Jij bent dood jonge.
- Comment on Real! 1 year ago:
Spreek NEDERLANDS met me!