- Comment on Tough break, kid... 1 year ago:
Your original post referred to wanting to hire people based on the tools they use to do a task, not their ability to do the task. That’s why the comparison is accurate.
Personally, I think caring that is silly.
- Comment on Tough break, kid... 1 year ago:
Lol that’s like not hiring someone because they take notes with a pen instead of a pencil.
- Comment on Samsung purposely knives customer's TV to weasel out of repair 1 year ago:
The company addressed the issue though. I’d agree with you if they were like “oh well, things happen” and that was it.
No one got away with anything.
- Comment on Samsung purposely knives customer's TV to weasel out of repair 1 year ago:
It’s shitty he doesn’t link to the original video. He shows the original channel in his video, but isn’t directing traffic.
- Comment on Any suggestions for overcoming addiction to capitalist big tech social media and streaming etc? 1 year ago:
I completely agree. The post kinda combined the two ideas and I was trying to suggest separating them. Anyone can get harmfully hooked on anything.
- Comment on Any suggestions for overcoming addiction to capitalist big tech social media and streaming etc? 1 year ago:
Sit quietly in a room and meditate. Every time you want to reach for a device, meditate for 5 minutes. Just breathe.
Or just go for a walk without any tech.
- Comment on working at a hospital: should I remain in the room watching a patient until he takes a certain medication? 1 year ago:
Eh, if you’re in the hospital, do what you’re told. If you don’t want to listen then just fuckin leave.
Waffling in the middle is a waste of everyone’s time.
- Comment on YSK that horses evolved in North America, migrated to Eurasia across the Bering land bridge, then went extinct in North America. 1 year ago:
Why should I know this
- Comment on Mozilla Senior Director of Content explained why Mozilla has taken an interest in the fediverse and Mastodon 1 year ago:
If someone brings a toy to class, it’s wild to me to say that if the whole class likes it enough, they must donate their toy. If you love it, go make your own - hell, just copy it exactly as it is and make adjustments from there.
- Comment on How is it that there are cold treatments and hot treatments for the same injuries/conditions? 1 year ago:
As I understand it, heat will relax the fleshy bits but encourage swelling a bit and cold will reduce swelling but stiffen the fleshy bits. So depending on how far your injury is on its healing journey, you can use whichever is better at the time.
- Comment on Why cant the Middle East just chill out? 1 year ago:
I gotta be honest, if you ever want to make a point land with anyone, starting with “… privilege” is about one of the worst ways to do it. It’s just an insult: you have such a cushie life that you can’t conceive of whatever.
And then, given the opportunity, you should probably actually answer their question instead of simply condescending.
- Comment on What's it called when pronunciations are sounded out with normal letters? 1 year ago:
Phonetic spelling
- Comment on What is your job interview ritual? 1 year ago:
I disagree with not saying “I don’t know”. I’ve interviewed people who refuse to say it and it’s pretty easy to tell. And I’ve worked with people who don’t know something and are afraid to admit it - often at the 11th hour, they have to be rescued. It’s pretty aggravating IMO
Ultimately, I’d want a team member who was comfortable with admitting that and then had methods to find the answer.
- Comment on What is your job interview ritual? 1 year ago:
I generally read through my resume and prepare extended blurbs about the projects/responsibilities I’ve written about - after all, that’s really all they’ll know about me at first.
Then I think of more detailed things throughout my career so far that wouldn’t be resume-worth, but that I’m proud of or learned from or whatever. Just to have a bit of a script for that side of things.
I make sure I’ve got good enough answers for the basic interview questions: biggest strength, weakness, hobbies, projects outside of work (and why I don’t do them).
I try to have 2-3 questions to ask them at the end. Sometimes I don’t really have many good ones, so I make a note to make some during the interview itself - asking about tech stack details is usually a good springboard. And I genuinely will make a note to myself to remember that because I know that I can flip into autopilot and not be very chatty.
The rest for me honestly is just rehearsing that basic script enough to let it flow casually so that I can spend my energy on listening and interacting with the interviewers (and being in a good headspace for any technical questions that pop up).
When I’ve not done that step, because of the nerves from being on the spot and with new people, I tend to come off kinda stuttery and unsure of myself.
- Comment on Australia wants to force cats to stay inside or give them a curfew because they are murdering so many other animals they are a threat to the country's biodiversity 1 year ago:
When you’re the animal in charge, you gotta appeal to the lower animals and take out the competition
- Comment on Can someone explain the boundaries around 'people pleasing'? 1 year ago:
A “people pleaser” personality means a person feels a strong urge to please others, even at their own expense. They may feel that their wants and needs do not matter or alter their personality around others.
- Comment on Metal anchors in wood 1 year ago:
As long as your drill bit is harder than the thing it’s drilling into, it’ll work.
- Comment on From a networking perspective, does the Fediverse strike anyone else as "optimistic"? 1 year ago:
Wouldn’t that be lazy loading, not optimistic?