- Comment on Kroger’s plans to roll out facial recognition at its grocery stores is attracting criticism from lawmakers, who warn it could lead to surge pricing and put customers’ personal data at risk 4 months ago:
Well, they wrote some letters. There’s nothing more the nations law makers can do to protect citizens from corporate greed and price gouging. /s
- Comment on 5 months ago:
Didn’t Google try this a decade ago with Google Glass, but recieved such a negative response over privacy concerns that it abandoned the project.
Am I remembering this wrong? Have people’s views on privacy changed to the point where this is acceptable? Does Meta not have the features that Google did which prompted to backlash?
- Comment on Climate change 5 months ago:
This would make traveling to Italy so much more convinient.
- Comment on CERN cuts ties with Russia, will expel hundreds of scientists by December 5 months ago:
With the existing international cooperation agreements now lapsing, the Geneva-based organization is expected to expel hundreds of scientists on November 30 affiliated with Russian institutions, Nature reports.
- Submitted 5 months ago to [deleted] | 26 comments
- Comment on Wind Beat Coal Two Months in a Row for U.S. Electricity Generation 6 months ago:
Remember when Trump said that the noise from wind turbines caused cancer? The internet remembers.
- Comment on Flipboard is going to let you follow fediverse accounts right inside the app 6 months ago:
What is Flipboard?
Seriously, 4 to 6 words is all it would take.
Flipboard, a social media aggregate app, is making good on a major fediverse promise.
Is that what it is? Did I guess right?
- Comment on I too love watching CP 😍 7 months ago:
There is a cerebral palsy anime?
- Comment on Gov. Abbott pardons Daniel Perry for 2020 fatal Black Lives Matter protest shooting after recommendation from pardons board | CNN 9 months ago:
Let me know if I got this correct.
- Perry drives his car, through a red light, into a crowd of protesters.
- After the collision, Garret Foster approaches the vehicle while legally openly carrying an AK-47
- Perry shoots and kills Foster.
- Perry’s admits that the legal weapon was not being aimed at him. In his own words "I believe he was going to aim it at me … I didn’t want to give him a chance to aim at me, you know."
- Perry has a history of "racist and inflammatory social media posts"
- Perry’s own defense team admits to him having “psychological issues, including complex post-traumatic stress disorder”
This is who Texas Governor Greg Abbott pushed to be pardoned? Is that correct?
- Comment on They're openly allowing illegal immigrants to vote in federal elections now in Arizona. 10 months ago:
I was thinking more that the documentation provided when registering to vote would be verified, not that a person would be looked up in a large centralized list.
But that was just a guess, the board of elections may just ruberstamp all requests for all I know about their processes.
- Comment on They're openly allowing illegal immigrants to vote in federal elections now in Arizona. 10 months ago:
This is a guess, but I am assuming that when people register to vote (since that is not automatic, but rather an opt-in right in the United States), the person’s information is sent to the local board of elections that can perform a search for the citizenship status of that individual.
I would expect the Arizona to already know if an individual is a citizen or not, so this requirement is more about preventing votes rather than securing the integrity of the voting process.
- Comment on They're openly allowing illegal immigrants to vote in federal elections now in Arizona. 10 months ago:
Only US citizens can vote in US federal elections. That is a federal restriction which is not impacted by this.
This is adding an additional requirement to show proof of citizenship before even being allowed to cast a vote.
According to this, people cannot vote for local or state level issues if they do not show a passport, birth certificate, certificate of citizenship, or other such document. Pretty sure drivers licenses and state issues IDs are not proof of citizenship, so a lot of people are probably going to be surprised when they show up and are not allowed to view for governor, state legislature, etc because they don’t have the right documentation.
This makes voting more restrictive, not less.