- Comment on The Mighty Hummingbird 3 months ago:
The Aztecs believed that Hummingbirds were spirits of fallen warriors.
- Comment on Discovering what this man has done has ruined my day 9 months ago:
Sorry to pile on but now compare the far right US Republican rhetoric to Hitler’s talking points.
- Comment on What games do you replay regularly/annually ? 11 months ago:
Rimworld. You can do everything from hedonistic hobbit type colonies to the most despicable humans to have ever lived. Very relaxing to me.
When I’m feeling nostalgic, Shining Force II for the Sega Genesis.
- Comment on * scroll * 1 year ago:
Username doesn’t check out
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Reading this, and remembering the context of the source material, my thoughts deviated to our present day problems. I can’t help but ask myself, “how can humans hate each other and commit the atrocities we do to other ppl?” Especially for totally pointless shit like skin color or what they would like to be called ffs. I had a thought, not sure if it is a revelation yet, that those ppl are presented with the struggle of life and misplace their angst at the prospect of the challenge of improving themselves daily. They don’t hate ppl for the little things, not really, they just don’t know how to use their inner conflict productively.
I love Star Trek for stirring these thoughts. Thank you for your posts Stamets. Peace and long life 🖖🏻