- Comment on Does anyone else feel like fireworks are a complete waste of money and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary Pollution? 8 months ago:
Sounds like neighbor problem, not a firework one
- Comment on Saying you're down to do something means the same thing as saying you're up for it. 1 year ago:
Gotta get up to get down.
- Comment on YouTube Premium's price is going up in yet another country 1 year ago:
- Comment on Cue X-Files theme... 1 year ago:
Jesus is coming…look busy!
- Comment on Kirk, no! That's Fezzik, not the Gorn! 1 year ago:
“No more Gorn, I mean it!”
- Comment on Maybe ghosts are real, but since they're incorporeal they're unaffected by gravity and get left behind in the void of space 1 year ago:
Are you getting enough oxygen? flex
- Comment on Why do many folks play follow the leader even into adulthood? 1 year ago:
For sure. Humans are super social and our big brains enable so much verbal, nonverbal, and written communication that we became more efficient as a group. All the greatest things out there, bridges and sky scrapers and roads were built by teams, not an individual, because of our strong communication skills.
- Comment on If the equator is the hottest part of the world, why aren't the deserts there? 1 year ago:
Never heard the equine reference before. Anyone know where that came from?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
You made a post about how great the design is based on screenshots? And didn’t think to use the site yourself?
Oops! All fascists! I’ll assume good faith here so I suggest you close the door, back away slowly, and hope no one saw you in there.
- Comment on Why, as a male, when emotionally do I only feel accepted by women but not by men? 1 year ago:
Find the right men. There are 4 billion men out there and many are able to communicate and be there for friends. It may take moving into some peripheral spaces where different experiences and points of view are appreciated.
- Comment on 20 Years Ago, Millennials Found Themselves ‘Lost in Translation’ 1 year ago:
But I think this adds to the layers. They are both confused and lonely and unsure of what’s next, one at the beginning of her career and one near the end. They recognize a bit of themselves in each other and also their need for love and acceptance. The little bit of physical stuff between them comes across as awkward because they then realize that even they mistook their feelings briefly for sexual attraction but it was actually more existential than that. In a way this reveals them both a little more innocent and unsure of themselves, which ultimately made it endearing.
While a big age difference can be suggestive of predatory behavior, Bill’s character never came across that way. This is definitely an edge that Sofia Coppola skirted and I’m not sure if a male director could do it as deftly.
- Comment on Lab-grown Meat is not a Climate Change Solution 1 year ago:
I was half remembering a quote from someone back in the 80s that pops up as a repost every so often.
- Comment on Space Ghost Coast to Coast - Episode 2 - Gillian - Interviews with the cast of Gilligan's Island 1 year ago:
Are you getting enough oxygen?
- Comment on Lab-grown Meat is not a Climate Change Solution 1 year ago:
I don’t think that internet is going to be much more than a casual toy that people will grow tired of. Too niche.
- Comment on Senate confirms Biden FCC nominee, finally giving Democrats a 3-2 majority 1 year ago:
Dang, how could I miss woke!? Everything’s woke except the sheeple.
- Comment on Senate confirms Biden FCC nominee, finally giving Democrats a 3-2 majority 1 year ago:
These radical leftist policies that hate money are Obamacare, abortions, jobkillers, Marxist, communist, Leninist, atheist, Jews, Muslims, French, gay and trans agendas, grooming, protesting, unions, paper cuts, workers rights, pronouns, bathrooms, diversity, work from home, and liberal college elites all rolled into one. And it’s coming out of your tv, taking your guns, and making you use an electric range in a coastal city.
It’s like they aren’t even trying anymore, just sprinkling emotional buzzwords around regardless of the topic.
- Comment on Senate confirms Biden FCC nominee, finally giving Democrats a 3-2 majority 1 year ago:
It’s ok, reading takes time and practice. Keep at it!
- Comment on SAG-AFTRA votes unanimously to expand its strike to include the games industry 1 year ago:
Workers rights absolutely. Pay your human workers even while using ai to make a great product. AI didn’t do anything to me, it’s how the companies decide to use it.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Yes, but in a much larger way. In Texas alone, changes to the law last year have resulted in 9,000 excess births compared to before. This is a future source of tax revenue and labor. Many states are losing young people to better jobs, opportunity, and quality of life and this helps slow that loss.
Cities, states, and countries get their money from taxes. Sales, income, or property tax paid by people and companies goes directly to pay for things like firefighters, park benches, and health and safety inspections.
Politicians get their money from companies who want to change laws in their favor. Different companies support different candidates depending on their needs.