- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 released in December 2020. Almost 4 years later, what is your opinion on it? 3 months ago:
Still haven’t played it.
- Comment on M4 Mac Mini Power Button Has New Bottom Location 4 months ago:
Yeah i dunno. Magic mouse? Poor ass design. This? You might have to tilt it up a centimeter or two to hit the power button.
I have a M1 Mac Mini… power button in the rear. I dont turn it off. It shares a screen woth an internal KVM withba Windows PC…that also never gets turned off.
My work laptop is more of a PITA since that does get shut down and I need to pull it out of the stand i have it resting in to open the lid most the way to turn it back on if I swap the USB C cable from the Mini. Not the case when docked at work since the dock has a power button on it.
- Comment on YouTube has found a new way to load ads | AdGuard Blog 5 months ago:
Most of the ads we see on our Roku Tv are political. I don’t know about Temu’s but I’d rather get non-political ads.
- Comment on If a corporation were subject to normal human health risks, we would have a clean environment and trillions invested in fighting climate change. 5 months ago:
I guess if they’re considered “rich”. I just figured out I’m technically middle class and I ignore most health issues. Granted i don’t smoke, drink alcoholic drinks rarely, or have any sort of entertainment budget or discretionary monies for extracurriculars.
If obly there were a way to pass off my CC debts like corporations lol.
- Comment on Does setting/reserving a static IP via router prevent its allocation to other devices in its network? 5 months ago:
Ah okay, i remember that setting in iOS. Will check the network setting on my Mac Mini to see if thats an option.
Love the network name lol.
Did I age myself there?
- Comment on Does setting/reserving a static IP via router prevent its allocation to other devices in its network? 5 months ago:
Someone who might be more familiar with MacOs and iOS please correct me if I’m wrong but i think if certain settings are turned on they will periodically randomize their MAC addresses for security/privacy.
I’m running pihole in a docker container and set the IP to be static on the router. After either a reboot or the update to Sequoia (or both?) The IP address chsnged due to a new MAC address and broke my pihole settings until i updated it.
- Comment on Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills 5 months ago:
Lol. I just went googling and it was Qbasic Gorrilas! Now that takes me back.
- Comment on Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills 5 months ago:
Anyone else play Montezuma’s Revenge or that DOS King Kong game throwing explosive bananas after inputting stuff for height, angle, force?
- Comment on Capacitive controls could be the cause of a spate of VW ID.4 crashes 7 months ago:
While im not a fan of the capacitive buttons on the steering wheel, I’ve gotten used to them and havent had any issues. That said, if there’s some sort of recall that swaps it out for a wheel with regular buttons, im down for that. I saw some of the newer VWs had physical buttons again, i wonder if it is just as easy to sawp like my MKV Rabbit from the bare bones to a R32 wheel?
Now the capacitive buttons below the screen could f right off lol. I barely use them. I tend to rest my hand on the top of the screen and use my thumb to navigate where i need to go. Thanks above for the travel assist mode.
- Comment on Ordered back to the office, top tech talent left instead, study finds 9 months ago:
Yeah our CIO started talking bringing cubes back. My manager, his manner and our director are pretty opposed to this. We do well remote and there are things we literally couldn’t do in the office. We’re in once a week-ish if it works out and if this forced our director would have to move back from multiple states over…. I don’t think they’ll make that move back if pressed and one co-worker expressed “fire me” sentiment if it comes.
- Comment on Rabbit was once an NFT company that it wants you to forget about 10 months ago:
And bere I thought it was referencing my car.
- Comment on Retiring in your 60s is becoming an impossible goal. Is 75 the new 65? 10 months ago:
Sounds like me! I think I might be ready to start contributing 1% to my 401k again though. I’m sure that’ll make a dent.
- Comment on Deafness Explored in Anime - A Sign of Affection (2024) and A Silent Voice (2016) 11 months ago:
I’ve got A Silent Voice on my watchlist, so I can’t comment on that, but A Sign of Affection was one of my feel good animes this season and looked forward to it every week.
- Comment on Republican senator renews push to make daylight savings permanent 11 months ago:
Please not a .5 difference lol. Add the hour or take it away, but not the .5 please.
- Comment on I'm a US citizen, people in other countries, what do you think when you read stories like these about the US health care system? 1 year ago:
Yeah my employer luckily pays most of the premiums. If I lost my job and “had” to get COBRA, then what I’d have to pay would jump drastically to keep my employer based coverage or I could look at whats on the marketplace/exchange which would likely cover bare minimums, if it was even worth it at all.
It’d be worth considering dropping insurance altogether at that point as I would not have that kind of cash to continue insurance plan I’ve had.
I would rather pay higher taxes out of my paycheck if it meant EVERYONE could get healthcare, regardless if they had a job or were “legal”. Everyone’s gonna need it someday, no exceptions.
I try to vote for the candidates that have as close of values as I do, but realize not everyone running will be a 100% match.
- Comment on I'm a US citizen, people in other countries, what do you think when you read stories like these about the US health care system? 1 year ago:
Right, and the way things are going with “states rights” it sounds like the GOP are already going for family planning and birth control with Alabama’s Supreme Court ruling that fertilized embryos are “people”.
- Comment on I'm a US citizen, people in other countries, what do you think when you read stories like these about the US health care system? 1 year ago:
I pay about $220 every two weeks for my HSA “High Deductible” Plan. Twisted my ankle pretty bad last November and after a visit to the urgent care, 3 visits to a podiatrist including 2 x-rays, and the.a boot and a support wrap that were purchased with the HSA, my funds in it are now depleted and put my $600 bill on a payment plan. My wife had some extra dental visits that resulted in a root canal that wiped most of it.
I have no idea how we’re gonna pay if we have something else come up.
I make 2x the median income in my area. But between the bills, $600(!) credit card payment, student loans from 10 years ago that just don’t want to go away, I feel I’d have to find some way to add another multiplier to my income. And that’s not including worrying about my 16yo car or my wife’s 10yo one. Was hoping my promotion last year would have gave me enough leeway to replace mine, but too much debt.
- Comment on Microsoft revives aggressive Windows 11 upgrade campaign with intrusive popups for Windows 10 users 1 year ago:
Got me there!
- Comment on Microsoft revives aggressive Windows 11 upgrade campaign with intrusive popups for Windows 10 users 1 year ago:
Man I’m programmed to just ctrl+r and type cmd lol
- Comment on Own a Roku TV or streaming device? You're about to see a lot more ads on your home screen 1 year ago:
Ah at the moment its connected to a 144hz portabble monitor via usbc.
- Comment on Own a Roku TV or streaming device? You're about to see a lot more ads on your home screen 1 year ago:
Just picked up the Onn box and did all that. Also installed RetroArch and so far the SNES era stuff all plays good with my bluetooth controller though there is a slight input lag or i just need to adjust lol.
- Comment on Ubisoft think gamers need to get comfortable with not owning games 1 year ago:
Brought to you by the letter “Arrrrrrr”
- Comment on A literal child taking orders in a fast food restaurant in the US 1 year ago:
When looking at homes in the more rural areas I noticed that the schools basically shoved all the kids from a good bit around different towns and areas into one. I’d guess to consolidate as much funds as possible in an effective manner, rather than having to pay for more infrastructure that was really needed.
While I would have liked the slower pace….all I could afford out that way were 100 year old farmhouses with very questionable bones. One you could literally walk the dip between the kitchen and living room. Another had electric, propane and fireplaces for the heating in different areas of the home. Had to tell my wife to stop looking at those.
- Comment on A literal child taking orders in a fast food restaurant in the US 1 year ago:
I.e. your locally owned mom-and-pop Chinese takeout. I’ve seen the kiddos answer the phones there a couple of times, tho most of the time when picking up food for the wife they’re just playing in a blocked off side area that used to be dining pre-pandemic.
- Comment on Fear Mongering About Range Anxiety Has To Stop — CT Governor Calls Out EV Opponents 1 year ago:
Right and for newer vehicles there is a couple of 2020 Bolts and a 2022 Bolt EUV for low $20k or under in my area. If I travel a little bit away from my area I have found 2017 Bolts for $15k.
As mentioned they’re not great for road tripping because of their slow L3 charge speeds, but perfect for me to use for my commute or local-ish running. It or a EUV will probably be my replacement for my ‘08 Rabbit whenever it goes, but I only put on about 3k miles a year on my car soooo it might be a while. I also need to see if i can put a family of 5 in one (reverse car seat, booster, and older kiddo in the back). I think they’ll do it.
- Comment on House Votes To Censure 66% Of Americans For Antisemitic Support Of Ceasefire 1 year ago:
Is this a whooosh? Or did i miss the inherent /s lol
- Comment on Consumers are paying more than ever for streaming TV each month and analysts say there’s no reason for the companies to stop raising prices 1 year ago:
Yeah I don’t have the budget to subscribe to multiple streaming services, let alone cable or even one service. Thank god there’s not a lot I’d want to watch…even if sailing high seas.
- Comment on How do poor people in the states give birth without money? 1 year ago:
Ohio awaits program completion and results to “improve” on it.