- Comment on It's that time of year again 1 year ago:
There is no love if you dont constructor it. Then you would need to initialize it or use existing instance to borrow. You can even extend from Respect or Humor as a starting point, there is no need to implement Love from scratch.
- Comment on How do you approach learning a new programming language or framework? 1 year ago:
Is it possible to build XML parser in it?
If answer is yes then i will build XML parser in it.
Solving a problem you know how to solve and solved more than once is a my goto approach in learning languge or frameworks. Translation of already solved problem to the new operational model or semantic exposes a lot internal stuff and marketing double talk.
This is a lot of work and time so can not recommend it for all cases and situations.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
in many cases for text docs I’d rather write them using markdown and maybe add some html styling then convert with pandoc
Yep. Exactly the case. Using the multiple instruments instead of one “specially created for this reason” programm become normal. And it become normal because the program become unpredictable in changes. All the functionality is click away, but you need to know what to click.
And as a chery on top Outlook by default uses ctrl+f to forward a message. Instead of starting search.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
I wholeheartedly agree with that. Every version of Excel is massively worse than previous one. Same with the other Office products. Incremental fixes and impovements covered with unneded features and Ribbon design.
The Ribbon interface intoduction is the most obnoxious design decision that was pushed to the keyboard and mouse users. It only helps “touch” or “pen” users and only marginally.
Then OneDrive aka “we holding your data ransom” Drive. This is the only one Drive that is purelly sheit.
- Comment on What is OOP, really? Why so many different definitions? 1 year ago:
Which OOP? Alan Kay meant this:
OOP to me means only messaging, local retention and protection and hiding of state-process, and extreme late-binding of all things. It can be done in Smalltalk and in LISP. There are possibly other systems in which this is possible, but I’m not aware of them.
But there is also various other OOP around that really is about completly different things.
- Comment on If you had to choose one programming language that you had to use for the rest of your life, what would it be? 1 year ago:
Clojure. Simple language for complex things. It also has java interop and Javascript interop and c# interop. So I will be fine.
- Comment on What is your favourite font for code ? 1 year ago:
Thank you for sharing link to the site! I have found 4 new terminal fonts to try.
- Comment on Monaspace - Microsoft presents a new font family for code 1 year ago:
And release zip contains a _MACOSX folder which is a clear indication of sloppiness and/or rushed release. … and ligatures don’t work out the box in JetBrains product IDEs.
And if only they slapped beta on this there will be not problem what so ever…
- Comment on Monaspace - Microsoft presents a new font family for code 1 year ago:
And sadly one more font I will never be able to use due to missing support of non-latin characters.
- Comment on i wanna have fun programming again 1 year ago:
Game mods and Advent Of Code did it for me.
I did a small RimWorld mod and a parser for NoManSky internal format.
Creating both of them was a blast. I had fun doing programming stuff again.
Advent Of Code allowed me to try different languages in a small bursts of the different problems. Somehow I really like this format.
- Comment on Unit testing isn't enough. You need static typing too. 1 year ago:
And also ther is a lot of cases where you really don’t need or want static typing. Static typing and type systems are great when they helping you but very bad when you are forced to fight them due to compiler problems or bad modeling.
In the end it is all an engineering problem: which amount of your budget you need to spend on proving programm correctness. Cost/benefit and all of that.
Static typing and unit tests don’t make your codebases great, safe and supportable. Thinking and understanding your usecases, decomplecting problems and some future planning wins.
- Comment on Inside the Workflow Metrics of Elite Dev Teams 1 year ago:
I am very very skeptic about this whole DORA org and approach and adoption. I have a greatest respect to the DevOps philosophy, but from DORA I only got a baseless/faceless metrics. Maybe it is also Google driving it that gives me additional rejection impulses. I am quite skeptic at what and how Google does and this colors my perception of all thing it produces.
- Comment on Tools for monitoring changes in a Git repo 1 year ago:
If you are using BitBucket Cloud you can create pr rules to include people into Review based on files change. And then you can create a user for a bot to monitor those PRs using standard BB notification emails. Of course if there is not much PRs bot is Overkill and human will be enough.
You can always “just” create a static script that pulls repo check diff for files and email people if something is found. This way you don’t link your solution to the git cloud offering.