- Comment on Why are people downvoting the MediaBiasFactChecker not? 6 months ago:
Probably, still remains that out of all the bots I’ve seen this is the only one with format issues. I believe a minimalist approach to be preferable for bots since their goal is spreading information over a large userbase with various client, from CLI to native web page.
- Comment on Why are people downvoting the MediaBiasFactChecker not? 6 months ago:
“Oh, this new post already has a comment, let’s check it out! … Dang it!”
After the third or fourth time it’s just spammy, and the bot formatting just doesn’t work on connect.
- Comment on Am I the only one who missed the Owncloud rewrite in Go? 8 months ago:
One of the first interaction I witnessed from the forgejo guys was this PR:
The interaction and stubbornness of earl-warren felt like it was just that, provoked drama.
- Comment on Am I the only one who missed the Owncloud rewrite in Go? 8 months ago:
I use owncloud infinite scale and overall its rock solid. The downside is the lack of plugins. Nextcloud has been nothing but trouble for me and every update was a mess so I decided to try OCIS and for my need I was extremely satisfied.
Now, I admit, I’m not one to get carried by the drama in the FOSS sphere (still use Gitea) but I do agree there is an history to the separation of owncloud and nextcloud that can make some people uncomfortable. Having a choice is good I believe.
- Comment on youth risky 10 months ago:
Steel toe > stiletto
- Comment on Ain't no one around to hate in the basement. Just me and my jug. 10 months ago:
Made in Alberta. Not surprised, just disappointed.
- Comment on Someone call the PETA folk 11 months ago:
Serial Experiment Lain was a surprise
- Comment on Forgejo forks its own path forward 1 year ago:
Forgejo contains all of Gitea, and that has the benefit of allowing Forgejo to be a drop-in replacement. With the decision to become a hard fork, this will no longer be guaranteed
I’m glad to see them move their own direction but I’m skeptical considering the amount of commits they take directly from Gitea. I could see this becoming more like a Fedora/Rhel type of fork but we’ll see.
I’m personally staying with Gitea for now as I have yet to find a reason to switch.
- Comment on A literal child taking orders in a fast food restaurant in the US 1 year ago:
Fuck yeah and I’m all in for it.
Automate the repetitve jobs, invest in higher education, and provide a minimum living quality for everyone.
- Comment on Why docker 1 year ago:
I’ll say that as someone who stopped using docker and went back to deploying from source in lxc containers: dockers is a great tool for the majority of people and that is exactly what it aims to be, easily reusable in as many different setups as possible.
On the flip side, yes it may happen that you would not benefit from docker for a reason or another. I don’t, in my case docker only adds another layer over my already containerized setup and many of the services I deploy are already built from source in a CI/CD workflow and deployed through ansible.
I do have other issues with docker but those are usually less with the tool and more with how some project use docker as a mean to replace proper deployment documentations.
- Comment on The oldest-known version of MS-DOS’s predecessor has been discovered and uploaded | Ars Technica 1 year ago:
Dirty operating system developed at SCP. Sounds almost fictional
- Comment on Works on my machine 1 year ago:
If I’m updating the source code already I might as well build my service from it, I really don’t see how building a docker container afterward makes it easier considering the update can also break compatibility with the docker environment.
Also adapting can be a pita when the package is built around a really specific environment. Like if I see that the dockerfile installs a MySQL database can I instead connect it to my PostgreSQL database or is it completely not compatible? That’s not really something the dockerfile would tell me.
- Comment on Works on my machine 1 year ago:
I have a love/hate relationship with docker. On one side it’s convenient to have a single line start for your services. On the other side as a self-hoster it made some developers rely only on docker meaning that deploying the stack from source is just an undocumented mess.
Also following the log4j vulnerability I tend to prioritize building from source as some docker package were updated far later than the source code was.
- Comment on 3d modeling for printing 1 year ago:
In the case of a hollow cylinder this is something a slicer can handle from a full cylinder model. Remove the infill (inside of the cylinder) and top fill. As for software it depends what you want to create, blender is great for artistic work. For mechanical assemblies I’d throw in onshape with the other suggestions.
- Comment on Jesse is smarter than what we give him credit for. 1 year ago:
Current workforce is schedule around a 7day centric week. It’s far easier to reorganize where the weeks fall in the year than changing the structure of a week. Suddenly the workforce would have segment of work overlapping between weeks, it’s an organizational nightmare.
The international fixed calendar did propose a solution force the 365 days and leap year but it’s basically out-of-the-week holidays.
- Comment on Anyone knows a good lightweight self-hosted alternative to GitHub? 1 year ago:
The majority of maintainers stayed with Gitea. Forgejo is not the tip, they still pull the majority of their commit from gitea directly.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I always considered myself a dedicated gamer, like gaming was my sole hobby. Lately the last game I really could get fully into was stardew valley because I could fit in a single “day” or two in my schedule and finish on a hype every time.
Last RPG I played I had to make note of what was happening because by the time I picked up the game again I forgot what was happening.
- Comment on Liquid Stool Post 1 year ago:
The other side of the ocean: “Avoir el flu”
- Comment on [HN] WordPress blogs can now be followed on Mastodon and other federated platforms 1 year ago:
For all this talk about inter-platform federation and it being a major selling point, I find the fact that I still have to create accounts on every platform such a major letdown. Hopefully it’ll get ironed out in the future.
- Comment on Microsoft Edge could use a win 1 year ago:
Oh now you’ve gone and jinxed it.
- Comment on Steal What Is Stolen 1 year ago:
Especially considering all the fuss in programming about copyright laws.
- Comment on Meta sparks privacy fears after unveiling $299 Smart Glasses with hidden cameras: ‘You can now film everyone without them knowing’ 1 year ago:
They say the hands never lie about the age, clearly they still can’t lie about the ai either.
- Comment on Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget | Official Teaser | Netflix 1 year ago:
I was expecting something far worse with the “whole other level” and “racist super saiyan” but that article was really some run of the mill racism that is sadly still really widespread.
I don’t excuse his attitude btw, it is despicable. It just would go unnoticed if he wasn’t a public figure.
- Comment on ‘Modern cars are a privacy nightmare,’ the worst Mozilla’s seen 1 year ago:
I chose buying and maintaining older vehicle because at this point I’m convinced a big part of the issue is not what type of vehicle people drive but the fact that so many people can’t keep one longer than 4 years.
Friend of mine has bought 5 EV since 2015, that’s not less pollution.
- Comment on [HN] Microsoft is killing WordPad in Windows 1 year ago:
Those mf better not remove notepad!
- Comment on X/Twitter has updated its Terms of Service to let it use Posts for AI training 1 year ago:
I’m not anti-AI but the movement is highly against mega corp scrapping personal data as well, not just open scrapping.
As a simple example Co-Pilot has been under heavy fire from the anti-ai community for a while now due to the usage of open licensed code without attribution.
- Comment on First time ever installing a water heater, or doing any plumbing... 1 year ago:
All tanks are equipped with a safety release for the pressure and the only time when that delta in pressure can be problematic is when you go from completely cold to hot due to the higher amount of water that can fit in the tank at lower temp.
Otherwise I’ve never seen a house in Canada with an extension tank attached to the water heater and the water come in ice cold in the winter.
- Comment on Reddit is bringing back r/Place at perhaps the worst possible time 1 year ago:
The disappearance of the great 2B butt was the downfall of r/place. RIP