- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Not sure if you are in the US or not but just so you are aware, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will not issue a copyright to AI generated content. I don’t know what the laws are outside the US, but other jurisdictions may be similar. The upshot of this is that while you may try to sell AI generated content, you will not be able to enforce any sort of copyright on it. Many (those whose countries don’t recognize copyrights on AI generated content) will be able to take what you post/sell and sell it or use it as their own without having to pay you anything.
- Comment on We may clown on him a lot but it's genuinely quite dystopian how much power Elon Musk has. 9 months ago:
If they made a documentary about the life of little Bobby’s brain worm, I might watch that. Provided, of course, that it’s also narrated by Woody Harrelson.
- Submitted 10 months ago to | 34 comments
- Comment on First game you played 1 year ago:
Pong on the Atari 2600.
- Comment on As far as we know, there are 0 Taco Bells on Mars. 1 year ago:
There are also no toilets yet on Mars either, so it’s probably just as well.
- Comment on Here's what a random person on the internet thought of The Outer Worlds 1 year ago:
The Outer Worlds has always struck me as something of an underrated game. I certainly liked it enough to play through it three times; once just the base game and two more times with the DLCs. I do agree that one of the highlights of the game are the companions. They were all unique and it was fun to pair up different companions and listen to their banter. Well, except for the robot who had fairly a limited set of lines.
I will say the DLCs added a lot to the game. I recall being mildly disappointed in how brief the base game was but after adding the DLCs it felt a lot more fleshed out. Not quite like a Fallout game, but enough to satiate.
- Comment on Why do most religious conservatives support capitalist ideology? 1 year ago:
Besides some of the other good points brought up here, I’d like to say that it’s because communist countries typically were/are anti-religion, so it makes sense that religious leaders in capitalist countries would oppose any form of government that seeks to limit organized religion. So, they support capitalism because it’s the opposite of communism.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 10-08-2023 1 year ago:
Just finished Dishonored 2. Yeah, I know I’m late to that party. It was on sale so I thought I’d give it a try. It was OK. Seemed a bit derivative, perhaps a bit too similar to the Bioshock games. It was also tougher than I was expecting; particularly once I started trying to be stealthier and to get the no-kills checkmark at the end of each level. Needed lots of save-scumming and still didn’t manage to no-kill all the levels in which I made an attempt at that. Ending was a bit meh, despite having low chaos at the end. Got my money’s worth though, so I can’t complain too much.