I play EVE Echoes and uh…exist.
- Comment on Are thongs less prone to whale tailing than strings? 5 months ago:
Honestly, they’ve become my uniform. Comfort - ✔️ Full range of motion - ✔️ Full coverage - ✔️
- Comment on Are thongs less prone to whale tailing than strings? 5 months ago:
High waist compression leggings are my go-to. Even when I’m cycling you can’t see the top of whatever underwear I chose to wear that day.
- Comment on Wells Fargo employee found dead in cubicle 4 days after she clocked in: ‘She was just lying on her desk’ 6 months ago:
I suspect this is similar to how someone is going to find my carcass.
- Comment on Ideas 10 months ago:
That looks a lot like spekkoek.
- Comment on I think the original name was "dysaesthesia aethiopica." 10 months ago:
I work in training and development and almost had a stroke today when someone showed me some new material for new hires that essentially said, ‘to get promoted you should volunteer to do more work’. Uh, no. We’re not asking people to work for free, take that out. Forget it ever existed. Fucks sake.
- Comment on Is it true that addicts never stop being addicts, they just replace their addiction? 10 months ago:
Yay harm reduction!
- Comment on I feel so old. 11 months ago:
Exactly. I can triage everything.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
This is the part where we say thoughts and prayers right?
- Comment on U.S., Missouri Republican senators vote against allowing abortions in rape, incest cases, arguing that "giving birth in the cases of rape and incest could help the mother recover" 1 year ago:
- Comment on U.S., Missouri Republican senators vote against allowing abortions in rape, incest cases, arguing that "giving birth in the cases of rape and incest could help the mother recover" 1 year ago:
Sounds like this was engineered by a bunch of dickheads without vaginas.
- Comment on fat time 1 year ago:
Joke’s on them it’s always fat time in my house.
- Comment on 200-foot AM radio tower disappears, halting Alabama station broadcast | "There's wires everywhere, and it's gone." 1 year ago:
I saw this story yesterday and I just cannot fathom HOW. It’s kind of amazing.
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 38 comments
- Comment on My pick is Rubberband Man by the Spinners. 1 year ago:
Beastie Boys - Sabotage
- Comment on Hmmm... 1 year ago:
Always has been.
- Comment on My children will refer to me as father. 1 year ago:
My kids already call me bruh.
- Comment on 💀💀 2006 was 18 years ago 1 year ago:
Don’t worry. When you hit your 40s you use all the knee and back pain as a catalyst for your eternal rage. You also develop a shortage of fucks for export. It’s wonderful.
- Comment on It's true. 1 year ago:
This is a good point. We never get that internal monologue from Holden like in the books. In the first season, at least, I feel Ike they stripped out that key component from Holden’s personality where he would talk before he would fight.
- Comment on It's true. 1 year ago:
Last man standing
- Comment on It's true. 1 year ago:
Truth. I thought the show turned Naomi and Holden into twats but they did a pretty good job with Chrisjen. I’m still mad about the Arjun bamboozle. Arjun 1 is best Arjun.
- Comment on I feel this 1 year ago:
Holy crap this is great. I just landed on Brian’s drive-in theater.
- Comment on How do poor people in the states give birth without money? 1 year ago:
Yep. I make ok money and have insurance. Things being what they are, rent has skyrocketed over the past couple years. Food seems to be coming down in price but for a while there it was pretty alarming. I haven’t had a significant raise in about 3 years to keep up with cost of living increases. Choices must be made and if life and limb aren’t in immediate danger, I choose to not have a bill of several thousand dollars for something like a few stitches and/or fight with my insurance company over coverage.
- Comment on How do poor people in the states give birth without money? 1 year ago:
Again just a personal opinion but I’m loving the change I’ve been seeing lately. More people seem to be standing up for their fellow man and calling for things like universal healthcare. I’ve never seen this much unionization and union positive thinking in my life. I have hope that this attitude of radical individualism is going away and that people are going to pull together for the benefit of all people, not some.
- Comment on How do poor people in the states give birth without money? 1 year ago:
Purely anecdotal, since I can only draw from my own personal pool, but I don’t have a single friend or colleague who feels even remotely secure in their life. We’re all one emergency away from bankruptcy.
- Comment on How do poor people in the states give birth without money? 1 year ago:
Have I personally avoided going to the hospital? Absofuckinglutely. Unless I’m in immediate danger of dying I’ll figure it out myself. I’ve superglued more than one nasty cut that probably needed stitches, entirely possible I’ve ignored more than one concussion. Is it smart? Unequivocally and resoundingly not. Do I do it anyway so I can pay my rent? Yep.
- Comment on Russia renamed its ambitious satellite program after Putin misspoke its name 1 year ago:
Legitimately my first thought when I read the headline.
- Comment on Leased Solar Systems Are Failing Across America 1 year ago:
Honestly I was wondering if it would be a better deal than my current apartment lease.
- Comment on Finally found a lions mane! 1 year ago:
Oh these make the best fake chicken nuggets in the air fryer.
- Comment on I made a black lion cowl! 1 year ago:
This is fantastic and I would wear it everywhere.
- Comment on Light sources for winter 1 year ago:
Interesting. Is that why I see hydroponic setups using those magenta lights for lettuce?