- Comment on 'Wistoria' Wand and Sword Anime Renewed for Season 2 5 months ago:
He’s working up to a split, leave the guy alone.
- Comment on If we ever move past Trump I don't think I'll ever be able to put up with any political bullshit again. 6 months ago:
🎵 Bingo, Bangle, Bungle, I’m so happy in the jungle 🎵
- Comment on Cats are a social media invasive species. 6 months ago:
If anything is an invasive species on social media, it’s bots
- Comment on How the fuck do you meet new people? 6 months ago:
Cleveland is actually located in a pocket dimension. Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, and Georgia (US) have portals into the Cleveland dimension.
Fun fact: Cleveland is named so because a wizard cleaved a rift in space-time and built a city inside the cleave.
- Comment on 業物語PV|〈物語〉シリーズ オフ&モンスターシーズン 6 months ago:
Koyomi is short episodes if that helps
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 6 months ago:
North American, more specifically US slavery is very recent relative to the rest of slavery and was deeply ingrained into the economy of half the country. War broke out to abolish it and the effects of it are still felt today.
Pretty much all races and people have been enslaved in history.
Don’t deflect from the racism, discrimination, and prejudice that black Americans still experience to this day because of slavery.
- Comment on Isekai Shikkaku • No Longer Allowed in Another World - Episode 7 discussion 6 months ago:
Was a bit concerned that every villain was going get “no longer allowed in another world”'d and that it’d get old. I’m glad this was not the case and I’m pleased that story acknowledges that some villains are irredeemable.
- Comment on "Tono to Inu" New Key Visual 6 months ago:
I love me some corgis, it just seemed like a weird choice for a warring States era Japanese setting
- Comment on The human body is a watercooled biological machinery 6 months ago:
Giggles in heatstroke if you stay too long in a sauna
- Comment on When Harris had to pick a VP, all media kinda agreed it should be a white male, to balance the fact that she is black and a woman. So Waltz is the DEI hire. 6 months ago:
Damn it now you got me thinking about naked and soapy politicians, now where’s the mental eye bleach.
- Comment on "Tono to Inu" New Key Visual 6 months ago:
Were there corgis in that era of Japan?
- Comment on Snowflake is such a weird insult as it seems to imply it's best to just be like everyone else 6 months ago:
I’d argue that unique skills, experiences, and relationships are what make people unique.
- Comment on With the prison sentences for activists who threw soup on "sunflowers", our society has affirmed that an illustration of nature is something we value. 7 months ago:
Sure I guess that there are likely some protesters that blindly protest without thinking about the consequences of their actions, but break laws get arrested, you don’t get a free pass just because you’re protesting.
- Comment on With the prison sentences for activists who threw soup on "sunflowers", our society has affirmed that an illustration of nature is something we value. 7 months ago:
Protesters don’t necessarily get arrested for protesting, usually its for creating a disturbance, like blocking roads and bridges, and doing weird shit like throwing tomato soup on paintings and gluing yourself to a museum wall. Protesting in this way is meant to be provocative, they know they’ll get arrested, but it gets on the news and gets people talking.
Personally I’m not sure why they targeted painting in an art museum specifically, they were protesting the extraction of oil. Maybe because they were oil paintings?
- Comment on With the prison sentences for activists who threw soup on "sunflowers", our society has affirmed that an illustration of nature is something we value. 7 months ago:
I mean you can’t really go throwing soup around and expect everyone to be ok with it. Anyway protesters get arrested all the time, it’s kinda the point.
- Comment on Giji Harem • Pseudo Harem - Episode 3 discussion 7 months ago:
I’m kinda over this. Don’t know how much longer this one-sided relationship is going to go on. Having to watch a girl bending over backwards for a guy who is totally clueless is getting hard to watch.
- Comment on Why does use the "ML" country code for Mali? 7 months ago:
I think you’re thinking of Lennon-McCartney
- Comment on I wonder what the marketing pitch was for Uncrustables 7 months ago:
They were probably made with elementary school students in mind or rather, their parents or guardians.
Its early in the morning, and you have x number of kids you need to make sure they brush their teeth, get dressed, all while you need to get yourself ready to go to work. Chuck one of these in a lunchbox plus some other bits and they’ll be thawed by lunch time.
- Comment on “Übel Blatt” New Key Visual, PV 8 months ago:
This guy really be rockin’ the thigh highs and garter belt while trying to look edgy af.
Bonus points for the knives tied to his braids.
- Comment on What are diabetic test strips made of? 8 months ago:
Looking at the bottle my test strips are in, they contain: flavin adenine dinucleotide dependent dehydrogenase (from Aspergillus sp.); potassium ferricyanide; and other ingredients.
- Comment on What are diabetic test strips made of? 8 months ago:
I’m pretty sure the test strips strips probably do most of the testing, and the meter just reads the result.
- Comment on How long would it take to create a Pyramid today? 8 months ago:
I think it’s mostly fishing and outdoor supplies. Maybe there’s some musical instruments there. Never been there myself.
- Comment on How long would it take to create a Pyramid today? 8 months ago:
The Great American Pyramid was built in two years 1989-1991
- Comment on Dragon Age: The Veilguard strips your RPG party down to two companions, but they'll be "deeper" with a lot more banter 8 months ago:
I remember hearing in inquisition, Dorian and Iron Bull will enter a relationship with eachother if you go through all their banter together (provided you aren’t romancing one of them)
- Comment on 100% 9 months ago:
The one with the pink hair just below Yukari is Aura from Frieren (some how still attached to the rest of her body
The dark-haired girl on the right toward the top is the main girl from Gushing Over Magical Girls, idk her name
- Comment on "Virgin" and "Fucker" are both used as insults. Damned if you "do it," damned if you don't "do it." 9 months ago:
“Fucker” is the same as “motherfucker,” it just has an implied “mother”
- Comment on QWERTY Keyboards on a touch screen are still the stupid! 9 months ago:
For most people its not worth switching
- Comment on 9 months ago:
I think therefore I nut
- Comment on Using Ubuntu may give off a hipster vibes to the average PC user, but within the Linux community its has the opposite effect. 9 months ago:
It kinda makes sense, most comsumer PCs come with either windows or macOS.
- Comment on Misfit Of Demon King Academy's Ugly CGI Animation Draws Criticism 10 months ago:
It’s true. Look up Bad Dragon CG on your work computer.