- Comment on Lithium-free sodium batteries exit the lab and enter US production 10 months ago:
Are you trying to spell literal? Not trying to be a dick, just unsure if you have a different word in mind.
- Comment on How do you know if you can win in texas hold'em? 1 year ago:
At a basic level, all of your cards CAN effect the outcome for you alone. For example, if you have a king and a 5, and there’s a five in the river then you have a pair. This is ranked last in the hands you can have that still can win. If nobody else has anything, you win.if someone else’s hand outrank yours, they win. If you tie, then I believe (don’t quote me) that it comes down to who has the higher non-pair card. You’ll want to have a reference for the hand rankings if you’re playing casually, or memorize them if you’re playing seriously. Does that help?
- Comment on It do be like that 1 year ago:
Have you considered the role that drilling has in your results?
- Comment on The only thing doing tech tests has taught me is that I'm too stupid to do the job I've been doing professionally for the better part of 2 decades. 1 year ago:
You guys are getting interviews?
- Comment on Microsoft to kill off third-party printer drivers in Windows 1 year ago:
Sounds like someone at Microsoft finally got fed up with the “fix my printer” jokes