- Comment on Linus Tech Tips uploaded a video showing how to block ads on Youtube. Which was removed by Youtube for community guidelines violations. 5 months ago:
Reddit is curiously silent on this matter. Their SJWs are usually all over shit like this.
Wouldn’t surprise me if their new deal with Google has some influence on which posts go down the drain, and which ones go to the front page.
- Comment on [Ahoy] Nobody Knows How Many Amigas Commodore Sold 6 months ago:
Unless it’s the same one.
- Comment on Nissan develops paint that keeps cars cool in summer heat 6 months ago:
And 1m is only 12 crayons.
- Comment on Telegram repeatedly refused to join child protection schemes 6 months ago:
They’ve been delaying a vote on it because they haven’t had enough support to get it through.
Looks like they’ll prepare another round in October, which would be voted on in December. They’ll want this to pass under the radar, preferably behind closed doors.
Seems enough countries have changed their stance that it could pass this time, unless we keep putting pressure on our representatives.
- Comment on Tesla’s Optimus faces stiff humanoid competition at Beijing robot conference 6 months ago:
Why would they name their robot after the second best autobot?
Everyone knows Ultra Magnus is the best one.
- Comment on Arrest of Pavel Durov, Telegram CEO, charges of terrorism, fraud, child porn 6 months ago:
Telegram chats are encrypted.
Only “secret chats” are fully e2ee, though.
- Comment on Founder and CEO of Telegram messaging service arrested in France 6 months ago:
I think you got the point. Criminals use the same services as the rest of us. CSAM is being used as pretext to outlaw or bypass end-to-end encryption.
It’s a noble cause, but it puts all of us in a vulnerable position. As post-communist countries know from past experience, once these measures are in place the next government will use it for surveillance of all kind when it’s their turn.
Yes, I know. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. I’m not doing anything illegal at the toilet, but I still prefer to keep the door closed - even if I’m home alone.
Chat control 1.0 has been voluntarily inplemented by big platforms, but it has not been fruitful. Lots of false positives and not enough resources to look at the true positives. The delegates preparing this have demonstrated poor technical understanding.
Whistleblowers won’t have confidence in anonymity. A journalist asked the author (Ylva Johansson) of the proposal if he, as a journalist, would still be able to receive tips from whistleblowers with secrecy. She stumbled ln her answer and said that CSAM should be illegal.
Police and officials are of course exempt from chat control 2.0. Secrecy for me, but not for thee. . .
- Comment on Founder and CEO of Telegram messaging service arrested in France 6 months ago:
Except the getaway driver is just a cabbie who will drive anyone who gets in. He didn’t know he was part of a heist.
Would you hold the CEO of lyft responsible if one of their self-driving cars were used in a heist?
- Comment on Founder and CEO of Telegram messaging service arrested in France 6 months ago:
Looks like France is enforcing char control 2.0 a bit prematurely.
The EU council is meeting to discuss it again on October 10. A new vote is likely in mid-December. Many parties and countries have turned their coat to support the proposal.
- Comment on Founder and CEO of Telegram messaging service arrested in France 6 months ago:
You forgot the
- Comment on What's the oldest game anyone here has played in 2024? 6 months ago:
This week it’s been Megaman II (1988).
I feel like games before that era had a lot of coin-op focus. Not much content, but hard enough that you’ll be pouring more credits into the machine. That said, I’ve been itching to play Alley Cat (1983), but I don’t have a good setup for MS-DOS games at the moment. I’ll have to see if my Miyoo mini is up for the task.
- Comment on All Windows users should immediately update their computers. An exploit rated 9.8/10 (CVE-2024-38063) compromises all devices running Windows with an IPv6 address. 6 months ago:
My ISP enabled native IPv6 for me a few months back. It’s pretty great. I don’t have any windows machines, but I doubt my wife has disabled it on hers.
Anyway, our router is set up to drop incoming IPv6 traffic by default, sanely enough.
- Comment on [Preston Alden] 49x49 Rubik's Cube 6 months ago:
MF8 sounds familiar, but I might have had some other puzzles of that brand.
- Comment on [Preston Alden] 49x49 Rubik's Cube 6 months ago:
What brand of gigaminx did you have?
I can’t recall. It’s been well over ten years. I think I solved it two or three times. It was just tedious. Whatever cheap brand they had on dealextreme at the time.
- Comment on [Preston Alden] 49x49 Rubik's Cube 6 months ago:
Even-dimensioned cubes (4x4x4, 6x6x6, …) are harder because they introduce some parity errors. Odd-dimensioned keep their fever center piece in the right spot.
Otherwise the size just makes it more tedious. I keep up with a 4x4x4. I had a gigaminx dodecahedron that I solved a few times, but it just made my hands tired from the weight and kept popping out pieces because of their tinyness.
- Comment on Signal messenger blocked in Russia, says Roskomnadzor 6 months ago:
No. It kind of falls on Dijkstra’s old statement. “Testing can only prove the presence, not absence of bugs.”
You can prove logical correctness of code, but an abstract thing such as “is there an unknown weakness” is a bit harder to prove.
- Comment on Signal messenger blocked in Russia, says Roskomnadzor 6 months ago:
On that level it usually falls on computer scientists. Formal methods can prove that any implementation is correct, but proving the absence of unintended attacks is a lot harder.
Needham-Schroeder comes to mind as an example from back when I was studying the things.
- Comment on Meshtastic DIY - How To Build Your Own Meshtastic Node ESP32 & Lora Radio 6 months ago:
Isn’t that the definition of off-grid?
The routing is simple. Every node repeats everything it hears. A message goes out with a counter - defaults at 3, maximum 7. Every time it’s repeated the counter is decremented. At 0 it won’t be repeated any more.
You can DM nodes you’ve seen. You can create your own encrypted channels with a pre-shared key. You can link meshes over the internet through MQTT if you have an internet connected node on each mesh.
- Comment on Amazon Customer Service has become awful 9 months ago:
Consumer rights in the EU are pretty strong. They include two-week free returns, no questions asked, on things purchased online/remote.
These rights do not extend to businesses, though. Sounds like Amazon is not interested in being helpful unless legislation is twisting their arm.
- Comment on What's a good graphics card for jellyfin? 9 months ago:
My RX580 does the job just fine. Does 1080p at 3x realtime for HEVC, and 10x for h.264.
They’re dirt cheap second hand.
- Comment on Which of these VPS providers would you recommend? 10 months ago:
I moved from kts24 to a hetzner arm node earlier this week. So far I’m very impressed.
- Comment on How to drop files from Android to home server? 11 months ago:
I use syncthing. Share from any app, land on that directory on your server.
- Comment on Sudo is coming to Windows 11 1 year ago:
Do you remember when Microsoft tried to patent sudo?
Pepperidge farm remembers.
- Comment on Prusa or Bambu? 1 year ago:
I’ve had my mk1 kit for nine years. I expect I’ll get another nine out of it before it goes to college.
- Comment on 8GB RAM in M3 MacBook Pro Proves the Bottleneck in Real-World Tests 1 year ago:
My 350€ three-year old phone has an SoC with 12GB of RAM.
- Comment on Microsoft now pops up a poll asking why you'd want to use another browser when you download Chrome 1 year ago:
I think it’s a bit more invasive of a browser to inject shit depending on the sites I visit.
- Comment on Can we create a new Internet ? 1 year ago:
In my part of the BBS-world telnet is the only option. I’m a C64 guy, and a TCP stack is memory hungry enough for 64k of RAM.
But yes, encrypt when available.
- Comment on Can we create a new Internet ? 1 year ago:
BBSes are making a comeback. This time over telnet. They’re just as great as they used to be.
- Comment on Jeff Geerling: "Raspberry Pi 5: Everything you need to know" 1 year ago:
You’ll get at least one frame of added latency in the very best case when using original hardware on an LCD. Combine that with a TV that does its own processing and emulation and you’ll have some noticeable input lag. And yes, I know most TVs have a game mode.
- Comment on What do you think of framework and their methods? 1 year ago:
I recall the fairphone 2 being touted as an open platform with support for ubuntu touch, phosh and more. There’s not a word of that with the current lineup.