- Comment on Arm announces an open-source graphics upscaler for mobile phones 7 months ago:
Around 20-25% power consumption reduction against native resolution, that’s neat.
- Comment on World first UK prototype could pave the way for constant energy all the time - from space | Science & Tech News 11 months ago:
To complete that good answer, basically satellites in GEO will experience eclipses 2x21 days per year (around March and September). The eclipse duration during these period will vary from 0 to 70minutes and then down to 0 again, with one eclipse per day, around midnight.
So your solar plant in space will work 100% of the time 320+ days a year, and will have a small down time that can be up to an hour in the middle of the night otherwise. Not perfect but actually very manageable with a little bit of storage on the ground.
Overall, the main concern with these systems is the total cost, including launch cost. It is hard to tell if it will be competitive with solar + battery on the ground.
- Comment on Do bike tires increase pressure in summerm 11 months ago:
To do the math, an assuming constant volume, a 30C increase corresponds to around 10% increase in pressure. That’s well within the margins of the tyre even if you go to the max rated.
If you then consider deformation and most importantly leakage over several weeks, this is a non-issue.
- Comment on Recommendations for lightweight wiki servers? 11 months ago:
I have been using Bookstack, I like it though it is missing a few features I would love:
- you cannot insert a video in it
- there is no possibility to comment on a particular text
- the permissions management is only done with roles. That’s fine generally but I wanted to be able to share a specific page with a specific user, and for that I had to basically create a dedicated role for this use.
- Comment on Energy bills in Great Britain to rise by 5% from January as cap hits £1,928 1 year ago:
I don’t mind if they use the average household number in the title or header, that’s understandable. But such an article should have the actual values somewhere.
- Comment on Home heating from datacentres - good use of waste energy or a waste of money? | TechRadar 1 year ago:
As heating network, they are and will be regulated like other energy suppliers:…/energy-security-bill-factsheet-heat-netw…
- Comment on Four men charged over theft of £4.8m gold toilet from Blenheim Palace 1 year ago:
That will be a nice explanation when they arrive in prison.
- What are you here for?
- I stole a shitter and got caught…
- Comment on Firms are exploring sodium batteries as an alternative to lithium 1 year ago:
That’s interesting, it looks like I may have a bias on that due to my scientific background.
- Comment on Firms are exploring sodium batteries as an alternative to lithium 1 year ago:
I always said salt, of sodium chloride for NaCl. Who is using sodium for table salt? The only time I heard that associated was when saying that table salt is a source of sodium, which is true.
- Comment on Firms are exploring sodium batteries as an alternative to lithium 1 year ago:
Most likely because the news is in English. And why would Natrium be better on an international forum?
It is Sodium in most Latin languages (despite Natrium being Latin), in Hindi and in Arabic. And Chinese has a different root. Among the 10 most spoken languages (according to Wikipedia), only Russian is using Natrium.
- Comment on World EV Sales Now Equal 18% Of World Auto Sales 1 year ago:
The cheapest ICE Dacia is 12000€. I suspect you are comparing a new car price vs a used car price, which is quite unfair.
You can get a used Dacia or a used Zoe for a bit under 10000€, which has probably less km than your car (see this one…, or the numerous Zoe). Now granted these are not great cars: but it is hard to compare a 5-10 year-old ICE with an electric, simply because the electric used market is still small as these cars are new.
Now you raise a valid point on the chargers. But this is coming and that’s why no one (almost no one, I’m sure there are lunatics somewhere) wants to ban ICE right away. You ban new ones in 7 years, and this means that in 17 years a good majority of the cars will be electric. Chargers are quite quick to install, especially low power ones. There are many companies focusing on street light charging and as the number of electric cars grow, public chargers will become more available with a denser network. It’s really a chicken and egg problem - they won’t install massive amounts of chargers for them to stay unused.
- Comment on World EV Sales Now Equal 18% Of World Auto Sales 1 year ago:
Je suis curieux, tu parles de quelles voitures là ?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
It’s not really major news because the report is inaccurate and they are not dying at any abnormal rate at the moment. The only news is that one website is having issues updating their data and can temporarily display misleading information.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Be careful about news on this. The data coming from can be unreliable for recent data.
If you look at he work from Marco Langbroek…/1705562829225410697 or Jonathan McDowell, respected figures in space object tracking, these reports are inacurate.
- Comment on ‘The quotes were £5,000 or more’: electric vehicle owners face soaring insurance costs 1 year ago:
I would be tempted to say that with EV cars still being biased for the higher quality cars, and with Tesla still having a majority of the market, this should push the average cost of repair. Not sure when Tesla will fix their repair chain issues.
- Comment on would it be simpler for people if we said "proxy" instead of "instance"? 1 year ago:
I agree with you on proxy.
For hub I am not sure, that sounds a bit more mainstream to me, with the caveat that English is not my mother tongue. That gives a nice image that an instance is basically an access hub to a whole universe of data.
- Comment on would it be simpler for people if we said "proxy" instead of "instance"? 1 year ago:
Instance are far from being simple proxies. While instances can act as proxies for other instances, the aim is to have each instances to have their own communities and be somewhat self sufficient. If you remove the federation, Lemmy (and other fediverse software) still work, it’s just that it is more difficult in that case to reach a critical mass of users.
- Comment on Performance, memory and CPU usage tests of Tailscale, Netbird, Zerotier 1 year ago:
Sorry, my autocorrect changed its into it’s.
- Comment on Performance, memory and CPU usage tests of Tailscale, Netbird, Zerotier 1 year ago:
Tailscale surprisingly was the fastest, even faster than plain Wireguard, despite being userspace. But it also consumed more memory (245 MB after the iperf3 test!) and CPU.
Do we know if this is a variation due to the test protocol or Tailscale is using wireguard with specific settings to improve, slightly, it’s speed?
- Comment on Why don't we pump seawater into deserts to revive them? 1 year ago:
Even as a slave, the cost of a human work is magnitudes above the cost of using a pump with petrol. A slave may be able to output ~1kWh per day, that’s mostly a few 10s of cents anywhere. Can you feed anyone on that?
- Comment on SpaceX projected 20 million Starlink users by 2022—it ended up with 1 million 1 year ago:
I actually would not be surprised if SpaceX starts using Starling for one of their thrusters in the future. I’ll keep the typo.
- Comment on SpaceX projected 20 million Starlink users by 2022—it ended up with 1 million 1 year ago:
If you have fiber, it’s unlikely you will benefit from something like Starling. Transfer data wirelessly through a constellation of satellites will have running costs much higher than just having a fibre. That is unless you have to dog a trench or run a fibre on mast for km for just one customer, which is where Starling starts making more sense.
Starling is for rural customers, mobile customers, and possibly an option to counter monopoly abuse by some Telco companies. But if you are in a city with fibre, then do use the fibre, that’s your better option.
- Comment on Oxford study proves heat pumps triumph over fossil fuels in the cold 1 year ago:
It’s not a contradiction if you put my whole sentence. When it is really cold, a heat pump will be more expensive than a gas boiler. But over a full winter (hence “overall”), the period where it is more efficient make up for it, especially since that when it is bad, it is not that bad.
But you are right to mention the high cost of heat pumps. I would not advise anyone to get a heat pump with a goal of saving money, the return on investment is slow and rather small.
- Comment on Oxford study proves heat pumps triumph over fossil fuels in the cold 1 year ago:
The Oxford study is really good. But I can’t say the same about this article.
A COP of ~2 is not great for a heat pump, calling this a triumph is really weird. But from a journalist saying that a COP above 1 means the heat pump “creates energy”, I am not sure I should have expected more.
But what’s great is that this COP of 2, while bad, is not catastrophic. That’s still in territory where gas boiler are more cost efficient that a heat pump, but unless you are living in a place that is consistently under -10C for several months, then a heat pump has lower running costs than a gas boiler. And you are starting to hit pretty northern territories with this.
What’s important is also to be able to store heat during the day so that the heat pump runs at its most efficient time. But that can unfortunately coincide with the higher consumption time, so the timing needs to be adjusted properly to avoid using it during consumption peaks.
- Comment on Zinc batteries that offer an alternative to lithium just got a big boost 1 year ago:
It depends on what you value. For performance and power density, nothing really beats lithium at the moment.
However, for grid-scale battery these parameters are not necessarily very important. What matters most is cost over the lifetime, and that’s wher zinc batteries could be useful. They have the potential to be much cheaper than the cheapest lithium batteries.
- Comment on Will I ever need math? A mathematician explains how math is everywhere – from soap bubbles to Pixar movies 1 year ago:
It goes much more into details than that. Math comes very fast into play (and yes, simple sums is math and many people struggle even for that unfortunately) and if you want to avoid it, you have to trust other people to do it for you. And that comes with a small or very high price, depending on how well you are able to judge them.
For example, if you want to build a fence around your house, paint your walls a new color or with a design, or sew yourself a new outfit or quilt, all of those activities require knowledge about measurement and scaling. More complicated construction projects, such as building a treehouse, require lots of mathematical problem-solving skills.
Once you’ve laid out the plans for one of these projects, you need to buy all the materials. Percentages – which are special kinds of fractions – are especially important to understand when managing money. Understanding percentages can help you budget your money and increase your net worth.
Beyond budgeting, you might find yourself using percentages when cooking a double batch of brownies, determining how much medicine to take when you’re sick or understanding the weather forecast.
- Comment on Vaultwarden Users: Folder Unassignment Bug? 1 year ago:
One thing to keep in mind is that the websocket sync is not straightforward to set up with vaultwarden and the proxy. If you don’t have it working, then your client does not necessarily sync on every change.
Maybe this is related to this, with sync not being performed by the client you were using for modification?
- Comment on Why would someone choose ubuntu server over a headless debian installation? 1 year ago:
If you are in an enterprise environment, it is easier to sell Ubuntu - at least there is a company that can provide support for it behind. Companies want to make sure someone is on the hook to fix an issue that would be blocking to them, and this is much harder with something like Debian.
That’s why Red Hat is used that much in companies, and what Canonical main revenues are coming from.
But as a selfhoster, I use Debian by default for my servers. Only if there is a very specific need for Ubuntu would I switch, and I am frankly tired of the Snap shenanigans on my desktop (thinking of migrating to PopOS or KDE Neon).
- Comment on Question about Lenny? If instance leaves 1 year ago:
We lose the communities from that instance, yes. And that’s why people want to make sure you don’t have one dominant instance on the threadiverse. But frankly that issue will be there unless you have a fully decentralised system.
That being said, other instances will have a cache of the activities happening on this other instance. You can then fairly easily recreate it from this cache, and if you have a lot of storage, can also have a limitless cache.
- Comment on [Question] does anybody know CalDAV+CardDAV server with multiuser LDAP support? 1 year ago:
Yes, same for me. On android DAVx5 is perfect, and on MacOS, iOS there is native support. For Linux and Windows, your mileage may vary (fairly easy on Linux but very different variations and some require additional software).