- Comment on Cloudflare blocking Pale Moon and other browsers with smaller user bases 5 days ago:
I feel like I remember reading that the pale moon JavaScript engine was broken and causing the capcha to break repeatedly?
Let me see if I can find sources
- Comment on xkcd #2991: Beamsplitters 5 months ago:
Did you read the explainxkcd link?
- Comment on How much current can I safely pull from an ESP8266? 6 months ago:
It helps ensure that levels between 2.5v and 5.5v can be fed to the controller without breaking anything. For some cheaper power supplies you might get a voltage drop when starting to pull load, this will clean that up and prevent the voltage from dropping too low for the microcontroller.
If I’m reading the correct datasheet I can see it is current limiting so it should shutdown when overdrawn.
- Comment on How much current can I safely pull from an ESP8266? 6 months ago:
If I’m reading the part number right that regulator is rated for a current limit of 400mA At 5v that’s 2 watts.
- Comment on .rar me 10 months ago:
xz for me. I like to keep my backdoor wide open.
- Comment on i wouldve never expected him to make such a rookie mistake 10 months ago:
Christ, now I have to buy a new jersey
- Comment on orinthologists search history 10 months ago:
Woo woo ya cunt
- Comment on AI Industry Struggles to Curb Misuse as Users Exploit Generative AI for Chaos 1 year ago:
Oh God I didn’t even see that lol
- Comment on Golang be like 1 year ago:
Because that’s sane and readable?