- Comment on 24 hours remaining to make a submission to the senate inquiry considering social media age restrictions 2 months ago:
I’m really looking forward to the next election…
Labor: “Let the record show how much we have done for Australia! We have built 30,000 houses for the over one million people we have granted visas to. We have committed to making it ever so slightly more difficult for teenager’s to access social media! We have… Checks notes… We have changed some labelling requirements??? We… um… We… We made up with China and India!!! Also… We adopted the LNP tax cuts for the rich! Thank you for your support! We look forward to developing a future for all Australians for the next four years!”
Liberal: “We will eat the poor and they will like it”.
Greens: “Oh! Look at all the fluffy bunnies! Uncontrolled migration doesn’t affect housing and if you disagree you’re racist! Nuclear power is evil coz reasons, Um, Chernobyl! White people and men are the spawn of Satan! Vote for us because we care!”
Remember people, your vote is ‘important’.
- Comment on The Australian passport is now more powerful. Here's where you can travel visa-free 6 months ago:
Honestly, this is pretty impressive IMO. Particularly since visa-free travel is not reciprocal. The below is just plain wrong; Australia is even less open than it appears:
Ranked 83rd out of 99, Australia is one of the least open nations. Citizens of just 34 countries can visit Australia without prior visa authorisation
Barring some niche cases (e.g. royal family, military/crew, transiting, Torres Strait Islanders), only one country’s citizens can travel to Australia without prior visa authorisation; New Zealand (and even they can be refused clearance at the border). Every other foreign country needs to apply for and be granted a visa before they are permitted to board the plane. Australia has somehow managed to convince 33 countries that their ETAs and eVisitor visas are not really visas. They just happen to be permission that a person needs to obtain before they are allowed to enter a country… If only we had a word for that.
I’m honestly surprised how well the Australian passport performs considering Australia effectively has a universal visa requirement. That being said, it’s also one of the most expensive passports in the world.
- Comment on Slightly less than two drinks = positive effect on programming ability. Who's joining? 8 months ago:
Also works for customer service. Have a ridiculously minor issue that really doesn’t matter but still irks a small part of you and you’re too much of a wimp to speak up about? Check your sent folder in the morning after a night of drinking.
- Comment on The federal government has given an online age verification pilot the green light. Here's what we know about it 9 months ago:
Great. More taxpayer money going towards complete and utter stupidity. Anyone with even the most basic knowledge of the Internet knows how dumb and technologically unfeasible this is, yet this nonsense still continues to gain traction.
- Comment on The miracle of childbirth 9 months ago:
Well… If you insist.
“Gestation lasts 21 days, and devils give birth to 20–30 young standing up … As there are only four nipples in the pouch, competition is fierce, and few newborns survive.”
One guess as to what happens to the spares.
- Comment on The Oxford English Dictionary’s latest update adds 23 Japanese words - "Isekai" is now officially part of the OED. 10 months ago:
Coming up next for the Oxford dictionary: Truck-kun.
- Comment on NSW planning changes to boost housing take effect next month but communities are divided 11 months ago:
You argue my statement to be untrue then provide your unrealistic utopian vision of
cramminghigh density urban living as if it has any reflection in our current reality. Developers are not building your utopia, they are doing everything they can to maximise their profit. I’ve lived in enough expensive high density shitty apartments with no air conditioning and no maintenance to take everything an ‘anti-NIMBY’ has to say with a shaker of salt.Increasing density is not necessary to resolve the housing crisis. Halting and properly managing population increase is the solution. Governments not sabotaging public transport is the solution. Social housing as opposed to housing-for-profit is the solution.
- Comment on NSW planning changes to boost housing take effect next month but communities are divided 11 months ago:
Whenever I hear the word ‘NIMBY’ thrown around I just think about how these people expect current and future generations to be worse off than their parents.
You want a garden? No, fuck you NIMBY. You want a pool? No, fuck you NIMBY. Solar panels? No, fuck you NIMBY. Now, get in your box and stay there. No complaints.
Housing supply is an issue and it’s purely because of poor infrastructure, shitty government, and out-of-control migration.
- Comment on The UK tries, once again, to age-gate pornography 1 year ago:
I swear dumbarses like this live in a bubble. Who in their right mind would give their identity documents or bank cards to a porn site? If the UK government enacts this silly legislation it just means UK residents will use non-UK sites.
Some people really need a reality check.
- Comment on Catholic Education Tasmania head takes issue with mandatory consent education 1 year ago:
I would rather consent be taught to children and teenagers in schools than for this to be included in university curriculums as is the current trend.
I am an adult who decided to improve upon some of my qualifications recently. In order to get my results I am forced to complete and pay for a ‘how not to rape people’ class. All the fucks given to anyone who thinks it’s appropriate to tell a grown adult who has committed no crime how to go about not raping someone.
- Comment on The dirty little secret that keeps Australian housing wildly unaffordable 1 year ago:
1.2 million houses over 5 years while planning to grant 1 million permanent visas in that same time period? While also making it easier to get work visas and massively extending the length of post-study ‘reward’ visas?
The unrealistic ‘aspirational’ goal isn’t even enough to cover the damage they’re causing with their irresponsible migration policies.
- Comment on Labor to reconsider mandatory data retention laws for companies in light of major hacks 1 year ago:
Interesting tidbit from Labor (Jacinta Collins): “…We accept that and we take responsibility for that…”
Glad to see they’re admitting they’re the ones responsible for this mess. Now, how are you going to compensate me for my stolen data?
- Comment on Hard Solo to be renamed Hard Rated after regulator finds alcoholic drink had ‘evident appeal to minors’ 1 year ago:
Eh, I reckon the argument that it’s enticing to children is a stretch, but I honestly don’t care that much. I did a quick read through of the website before my previous post and noticed it was industry-funded, but also noticed that they have a government representative in their body, hence, ‘quasi-governmental’. I don’t really know enough about it to know if it’s effective as a regulator despite the obvious bias.
- Comment on Hard Solo to be renamed Hard Rated after regulator finds alcoholic drink had ‘evident appeal to minors’ 1 year ago:
ABAC? A quasi-governmental regulator dedicated to the labelling of alcoholic beverages… I kind of reckon this could have been rolled into a larger body.
Actually, I wonder if there are any openings… Sounds like a pretty cushy job.
- Comment on TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion 1 year ago:
Sorry, didn’t read past ‘ethno-state’. Pretty clear where you were going from there. Nice talking with you.
- Comment on TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion 1 year ago:
As someone who stands mostly in the middle, I rarely comment on this issue because every second poster calls anyone that has even the mildest sympathy for Israel’s situation a Nazi.
You people are tiresome and it’s honestly not worth ‘debating’ with you.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Don’t forget to check out rom hacks as well. There are so many creative people who have extended or redeveloped games into their own image. Some good ones that come to mind are Chrono Trigger: Prophet’s Guile and Super Mario 64: Last Impact.
- Comment on Aussie households are spending less on streaming services, annual report reveals 1 year ago:
We’ve gone full circle. When streaming became mainstream I was on board. At one point I had 4 simultaneous streaming subscriptions; I now have 0.
These people found the breaking point and leapt right past it. I pay a fair price for video games, ebooks, music, and software. There is nowhere that offers a fair price for films and TV shows.
- Comment on Referendum Results, Congratulations, Comiserations 1 year ago:
Hence, why I used ‘most’. Democracy, amiright?
- Comment on What did you pay for your democracy sausage? 1 year ago:
The referendum was on whether to create and enshrine an advisory body with the power to make indigenous-focused representations to parliament.
I suspect the referendum would have succeeded if it were purely to recognise Australia’s aboriginal people as being the first peoples of Australia.
- Comment on Referendum Results, Congratulations, Comiserations 1 year ago:
Glad this is over with. I fully expect the next week or two to be filled with articles bemoaning how ‘No’ only succeeded because people are racist/stupid.
Hopefully after this final whinge our politicians and media can start narrowing focus on things most people actually find important.
- Comment on Lemmy is one of the most annoying social media sites if you're not an american 1 year ago:
I won’t lie, it was one of the most difficult things I ever had to do. But I survived. I also survived the next 20-30 times it happened; it doesn’t seem to get any easier though.
It shames me to admit this but sometimes I have nightmares of being stuck in a never-ending loop about Boebert and Beetlejuice. The other day, I caught myself looking in the mirror, I felt like I was somehow possessed and then the words came out of my mouth involuntarily, ‘Boebert, Boebert, Boebert’. I can’t accurately describe the relief I felt when nothing happened. Since then, it feels like it’s finally over! Finally I can breathe easy and rest in—
- Comment on Lemmy is one of the most annoying social media sites if you're not an american 1 year ago:
Did you know some random American gun person went to a Beetlejuice play? Apparently, this is of vital importance and everyone MUST know absolutely every single move that she made that night.
- Comment on Mark Dreyfus, whistleblowers and the non-existent circumstances - Michael West 1 year ago:
From the wording in the legislation, I don’t see how this ‘power’ is any more special than Dutton’s was when he granted his mate’s au pair a tourist visa despite her intentions to work unlawfully.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 3 comments
- Comment on Lack of understanding about the Voice 'alarming' as referendum approaches, filmmaker says 1 year ago:
I have commented on this post explaining my issue with how the ‘Yes’ camp are using their own creative interpretation of what words mean to argue that the ‘No’ camp are spreading ‘misinformation’. I’m not interested in having further dialogue on what ‘special’ means, nor ‘race’, nor ‘power’, nor ‘represent’. If you are interested in my thoughts on the matter you may read my other comments here.
I don’t mind taxpayer funds supporting people in need. I do mind taxpayer funds being wasted on a lengthy campaigns and pointless referendums. I am angered that there are so many people struggling to stay in shelter and feed themselves and this is what the government has deemed the priority.
I can’t see myself voting ‘Yes’. I do not agree with inserting (more) race based language into the Constitution and I think it inappropriate to have a body dedicated to supporting a specific race. I will likely vote ‘No’ rather than leave the ballot blank. It looks like the proposal will fail, and it’s my hope that the numbers will be devastating enough that this pointless and divisive issue doesn’t come up again for at least a couple of decades, and our useless representatives can focus their attention on matters of importance.
Who am I kidding… It’s going to be that dumb republic crap next, isn’t it?
- Comment on Lack of understanding about the Voice 'alarming' as referendum approaches, filmmaker says 1 year ago:
I appreciate now, given the context of user report(s), the reason you specified you weren’t deleting that person’s post.
Regarding your insistence that the user was spreading misinformation however, I believe that you are splitting hairs. That user did not specify the members would be indigenous, they said it would be racist to include specific powers to a specific race in the Constitution. I already explained my viewpoint that representation is power, a view I am sure most people who support the Voice would agree with given a different context such as the one I earlier described.
if the reason for the ‘misinformation’ accusation is using the labels ‘race’ and ‘racism’ to describe indigenous people and singling them out respectively, then by that logic it is also ‘misinformation’ in other contexts too. If a shop refuses to serve someone because they are aboriginal, they’re not being ‘racist’ because aboriginals are a ‘cultural group’ not a race?
Note how the following amendments do not change the validity of the argument one bit:
I love how giving specific
powersabilities to make representations to government for a specificracecultural group within the constitution is anything butracismcultural groupism. Sounds almost like the textbook definition ofracismcultural groupism to me but what do i know.The word ‘disingenuous’ is used too often in debate I think, but I’ll be honest, that is what it looks like people are being here; intentionally misunderstanding the ‘No’ arguments and shutting them down with accusations of lies and misinformation, all so that they don’t have to acknowledge that their points are valid.
- Comment on Lack of understanding about the Voice 'alarming' as referendum approaches, filmmaker says 1 year ago:
How the hell do I block someone in Lemmy?
- Comment on Lack of understanding about the Voice 'alarming' as referendum approaches, filmmaker says 1 year ago:
I honestly don’t know what the point is? Every single time someone makes an argument for the ‘No’ side, people accuse the person of ‘spreading misinformation’ and claim they are ‘factually incorrect’.
You mentioned your observations from reading other arguments. I had a brief look at your recent post history for an example of what you meant, and there was one that stood out to me.
Someone made a comment that the Voice would grant powers to a specific race in the Constitution and you loftily replied that you would not be deleting their post but their argument was both ‘wrong’ and ‘misinformation’.
it is not wrong and it is not misinformation, I believe it takes a wild interpretation of the wording to conclude special parliamentary representation is not power.
As an example, people (rightfully) get angered by the major parties throwing ‘conferences’ where corporations can pay for access to MPs. I doubt many people here would argue these corporations are not being benefited by attending these ‘conferences’.
Also, as an aside, while you did not remove that person’s post, even mentioning that was an option was not appropriate IMO. How can people have a civilised discussion if they must fear having their posts removed, or being banned from contributing, when a mod or admin disagree with them?
- Comment on Lack of understanding about the Voice 'alarming' as referendum approaches, filmmaker says 1 year ago:
My argument is that the people here rely on ad hominem attacks to ‘support’ their own arguments. Thanks for proving my point you rude twat.