- Comment on South Korea administrative robot defunct after apparent suicide 7 months ago:
“administrative robot” is kind of a disrespectful way to refer to Kevin the door guard
- Comment on Is there a list of all the stuff implemented by far right governments in the "West" ? 1 year ago:
You could try orgs such as Human Rights Watch or Amnesty International, with the caveat that they have been accused of favouring one side, or another in particular instances. To echo what you may consider a violation may not carry the same weight from someone else’s perspective.
Here’s a HRW report from 2021. You could also look at what other non-western countries publish (ex: China), keeping in mind everyone has their own agenda and/or perspective
- Comment on Astounded that this isn't a real line 1 year ago:
I got you fam
Basically the link shortcut with an exclamation point prefix
- Comment on Access Remmina Remotely 1 year ago:
You could try ZeroTier. I’ve not used it personally, but it’s free if you host your own instance. Your traffic gets routed through that VM, and everything behaves like it’s on the same LAN