- Comment on Why don't we have one timezone covering the whole earth? 1 year ago:
It wouldn’t make it easier to arrange meetings because you’d have no clue if you were arranging the meeting for when people would be at work, have finished for the day, or fast asleep at night.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
GCU The Gravitas Meme is so Last Year: I’m gonna sort out that extension event, then we should probably send a couple of Special Circumstances operatives to guide them in the right direction. In the past picosecond I’ve absorbed and analysed their global information net so know exactly what actions we need to take to give them the correct nudge.
- Comment on Apple won’t be forced to open up iMessage by EU 1 year ago:
But you wouldn’t text another iPhone. You’d WhatsApp the person.
- Comment on [Speculation] Will Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 explain the Romulan Supernova? – Trek Central 1 year ago:
Prodigy is in about the right time period too.
- Comment on Michael Gove says no-fault evictions will be banned this year 1 year ago:
Then reinstated quietly after the election (if Tories win)
- Comment on Councils call for pavement parking to be banned across England 1 year ago:
No it doesn’t seem to be in there. According to the highway code
Many of the rules in the Code are legal requirements, and if you disobey these rules you are committing a criminal offence. You may be fined, given penalty points on your licence or be disqualified from driving. In the most serious cases you may be sent to prison. Such rules are identified by the use of the words ‘MUST/MUST NOT’. In addition, the rule includes an abbreviated reference to the legislation which creates the offence. See an explanation of the abbreviations.
Although failure to comply with the other rules of the Code will not, in itself, cause a person to be prosecuted, The Highway Code may be used in evidence in any court proceedings under the Traffic Acts (see The road user and the law) to establish liability. This includes rules which use advisory wording such as ‘should/should not’ or ‘do/do not’.
No where does it say if an area is named specially as a must not, and another area is named as a should not in the same rule then the should not must be treated as a must not.
Or is there some case law maybe that you’re referring to?
- Comment on Councils call for pavement parking to be banned across England 1 year ago:
Do you have something to back that up? It seems very odd that London would be named specially as must not then a second clause for the remainder of the country that sounds different. Surely it should either be “you must not park on the pavement” or if there’s some archaic reason that London needs specific wording “you must not park on the pavement in London, and you must not park on the pavement outside of London”
- Comment on What, Exactly, Is Xbox Thinking? 1 year ago:
Fair. It’s hard to know sometimes if someone has English as a first or second language. People can be really technically good, but then not understand more subtle cultural things.
Never know maybe both of our comments will help some people.
- Comment on What, Exactly, Is Xbox Thinking? 1 year ago:
It’s common in English to refer to a collective like a company or government as though it were an individual. I think it’s just a simple short hand really.
Eg “The whitehouse said today…” We know that the whitehouse (a building) doesn’t have the power of speech and that really means “a whitehouse spokesperson working in an official capacity on behalf of the government said today”.
Really the headline should be something along the lines of “what, exactly, are Xbox business strategists thinking?” But because of the common knowledge of how this shorthand works they can just use the headline they did.
There’s probably a fancy linguistic name for it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Comment on Bluesky, a trendy rival to X, finally opens to the public 1 year ago:
X Window System (X11, or simply X) is a windowing system for bitmap displays, common on Unix-like operating systems.
- Comment on Record waiting times for cancer treatment in the UK while King Charles begins treatment within days of diagnosis 1 year ago:
The Tories haven’t recovered in the polls since partygate and Truss, something has finally stuck.
- Comment on Record waiting times for cancer treatment in the UK while King Charles begins treatment within days of diagnosis 1 year ago:
If we banned private healthcare the rich would have an incentive to make socialised healthcare better.
- Comment on UK’s poorest have borne brunt of cost of living crisis, says thinktank 1 year ago:
Water is wet, says think tank.
- Comment on Swearing is hard 1 year ago:
Cunt off you fuck.
- Comment on UK state pension age will soon need to rise to 71, say experts 1 year ago:
Yeah which is why the NHS was better under labour, because it was constantly more than 4% above inflation.
A big part of the killer though is the second part. Yeah the overall budget was (barely) above inflation, but the wage cap was often below inflation. During the time Labour were in power the amount of nurses went up by around 80,000. Since the Tories took power over 200,000 have quit. We can only imagine how many fewer would have left if it weren’t for the 1% pay cap and Brexit.
- Comment on UK state pension age will soon need to rise to 71, say experts 1 year ago:
The public discourse around the NHS would lead you to think that NHS spending had been squeezed over the last 14 years - but it hasn’t.
NHS budget has actually consistently grown faster than inflation under a decade and a half of Tory health secretaries.
It has been squeezed though.
Under labour the NHS consistently received funding around 4% above inflation, under the Tories it was barely clearing 1% most years Fig 1
There’s also the other side of it, the NHS was not exempt from the 1% pay cap.
Should always go up above inflation to retain and attract staff as well as morally to improve people’s standards of living (and economically to grow tax receipts and grow the economy)
The two things together it becomes clear how the crisis started. Now add to that Brexit and a large reduction of the labour pool, other countries attracting staff with generous packages.
- Comment on UK state pension age will soon need to rise to 71, say experts 1 year ago:
Or the access to a GP. Under the last labour government you could get a GP appointment in 48 hours. So if you had something you were concerned about you could get it checked out. Now it’s so hard to see anyone you just give up then if it is something it’ll get to the point where you’re actually ill.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
That works. So it’s abortion not murder.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
And yet I’m DS9 Bashir says that murdering a clone of yourself is still murder. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But maybe that was Bayorian law.
- Comment on Delivery attempt at 2am - charged to redeliver! 1 year ago:
Op if this was text please forward it to 7726 to report the scam.
Please freeze your card, many banks you can do this directly through your banking app.
Please notify your bank so they can help more.
Remember, if something looks off it probably is. As you said why would everi be out delivering in the middle of the night? £1.04 + VAT is £1.25 also why would they be displaying an ex-vat price? Also it’s everi their preference would be to put it in a safe place (such the wheelie bin you put out for emptying) than redeliver.
- Comment on Delivery attempt at 2am - charged to redeliver! 1 year ago:
They don’t this is phishing.
- Comment on Meta faces another EU privacy challenge over 'pay for privacy' consent choice 1 year ago:
As always?
The EU made apple use USB c on iPhones.
The EU made Microsoft make edge uninstallable.
- Comment on Goodbye MatPat, thanks for everything 1 year ago:
As a non American millennial I have no fucking clue what the second one is.
- Comment on Just fuck my shit up 1 year ago:
And deep pile carpet.
- Comment on 'I told police who my burglar was - but they did nothing' 1 year ago:
According to Crest, there are now just 3.88 officers for every 1,000 people - down from 4.42 in 2010.
And I’ll be those officers are under equipt compared to how they would have been in the past. It’s no wonder they’re just there to give it reference numbers so you can go to your insurance now.
I can’t believe people feel for the Tory austerity lies, then have continued to fall for their shit for a further decade.
- Comment on Just fuck my shit up 1 year ago:
Needs more avocado fixtures.
- Comment on What part of this are you not understanding, Beverly? 1 year ago:
Fixed point in time
- Comment on Salamander 1 year ago:
Is that Paris or Janeway?
- Comment on How to make two groups of fanboys twitch simultaneously. 1 year ago:
So say we all.
- Comment on Tesla is banned from driving schools because of new turn signals 1 year ago:
That doesn’t sound like it’ll be legal in a lot of countries.