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- Comment on The 6502 CPU Powered a Whole Generation! | The 8bit Guy 11 months ago:
Me too, on the VIC-20.
- Comment on [META] What are the demographics of this community? 1 year ago:
To answer the question a bit more directly, I would guess that demographics here skew a bit older than elsewhere. That is just a guess, based on the fact that sdf.org dates back to 1987.
- Comment on What are your defining memories of computing in the old days? 1 year ago:
Two big ones. I bought the VIC-20 shortly after introduction when I was 21.
Big memory 1: writing machine language programs without the aid of an assembler. I couldn’t afford the assembler cartridge, but I wanted to break out of the BASIC sandbox.
Big memory 2: finding a military surplus acoustic coupler modem and using the schematics to make my own connector, then writing a terminal program so I could dial in to these crazy things called BBSs.