- Comment on Your stupid decal finally makes sense! 5 months ago:
It’s not just Myrtle Beach. Those are in beach shops all over the gulf coast too.
- Comment on YSK: Using dairy milk after being tear gassed or pepper sprayed doesn't provide more relief and has slightly increased infection risk. Use water or saline instead 8 months ago:
I don’t know about getting tasted, but getting tear gassed in the gas chamber is a standard part of basic training.
When I was in we had to requalify every year. You can actually build up a tolerance so its not that bad.
- Comment on PlayStation To Delete A Ton Of TV Shows Users Already Paid For 1 year ago:
This is the Playstation TOS.
This is the definition of buy.
Expecting a normal person to read this entire document and realize that they changed the definition of buy about 3/4s of the way down from the dictionary definition is completely unreasonable. Read the entire TOS and list all the gotchas, without knowing which ones they are going to pull, then tell me what makes sense.
- Comment on PlayStation To Delete A Ton Of TV Shows Users Already Paid For 1 year ago:
It’s not realistic to expect the average user to read and/or understand the TOS when making a purchase like this. The button that you click says buy, not rent until we decide your rental period is over. Shouldn’t matter if it’s stated in the TOS somewhere.
As far as not spending money on bad platforms, thats what this community is about. All the platforms are proving that they are bad.
- Comment on PlayStation To Delete A Ton Of TV Shows Users Already Paid For 1 year ago:
I blame Discovery too, but you’re right that Sony is to blame. They have an army of lawyers to go over the terms of the agreements. The buyers don’t. When I push the button that says buy, that should mean I own it. Not that I’m renting it for some unspecified period of time.
- Comment on What do overnight shift workers do when the clocks change? 1 year ago:
I used to work overnights and that is exactly what happened. In fall you work an extra hour and get an hour of overtime. In spring your shift would be an hour shorter. The company I worked for still paid us that hour so we got paid for an hour we didn’t actually work which was nice.
- Comment on Google's Web DRM is Worse than I Thought... 1 year ago:
Then I don’t want that website.