- Comment on Avowed made me scream to my doctor: “I am a wizard!” 1 day ago:
Not OP, but I also just finished the game. I had a lot of fun, IMO it’s a solid 8/10. It’s not the greatest RPG but it’s got decent writing, fun choices and mostly interesting characters. The exploration is fun, but with the way gearing and loot works it gets stale (luckily for me, that only happened near the end of the game).
Hope the game does well cause it’s probably the most "finished’ an obsidian game has ever been.
- Comment on Why do gamers encourage this kind of behavior? 3 months ago:
Yeah this is the sad reality of weeb culture. These are the guys who try to brigade something because a character’s boobs aren’t big enough (see: Tifa in FF7 remake) and are completely, utterly serious. And they don’t understand why none of us can muster even a modicum of respect for their opinions.
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 3 months ago:
That’s the $20 bucks a year price, right? If so, maybe I’ll give it a look when I’m a bit more solvent.
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 3 months ago:
I want to do this so bad because I see cup of the day stuff and think “man that sounds fun” and then I remember it is a subscription (as far as I understand) and I lose interest.
- Comment on Patient gamers, which games have you discovered/played this week? 3 months ago:
Not that old, but I’ve been playing some Far Cry 5 recently since it went on decent sale for 14 bucks on steam and I was bored.
I remember being amazed at how good far cry 3 had been all those years ago, and I know that pretty much every far cry since has been a similar game with a different skin and some updated mechanics.
The whole “home grown USA cult” does hit a bit more interesting these days, but I honestly keep finding myself shaking my head because it feels like reality is somehow more ridiculous than this far cry game in that essence.
Game is fine, I am enjoying doing the same shooting over and over as a little mental break . I feel like this game is a real missed opportunity not having a set, voiced protagonist. Choosing your blank, voiceless murder machine makes every cutscene awkward because everyone is just talking at you instead of having actual dialogue or growth.
- Comment on I want to feel like a bad-ass wizard 3 months ago:
A lot of this games charm comes from the jank. But the magic system is absolute fun.
- Comment on Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-reckoning, do you remember the original one? 3 months ago:
This game has tons of issues but I freaking love it. Played it again recently and finished the whole thing. It’s great. Don’t feel obligated to do EVERY quest, just faction questlines and the main quest. It’s a lot of fun.
However then new DLC they added with remastered is fucking terrible. It fucks up so much lore, is incredibly lazy, and just looks like it was made on a true shoestring budget. Not worth playing at all.
- Comment on Here are the patents Nintendo and the Pokémon Company are suing Palworld about, according to Pocketpair 3 months ago:
I don’t know about the legality of if either, but it seems so broken for them to have submitted these patent applications AFTER the game released, getting them accepted a few months later. That’s fucking stupid, right?
- Comment on Is Elder Scrolls 6 doomed to fail? I can't see how it will work 5 months ago:
Starfield was garbage IMO. I didn’t even pay for it and wanted my money back in less than 3 hours.
But I AM still hopeful for Elder Scrolls 6. The weakness of Starfield is exploration is barely a thing; incredibly boring procedural generation is the cause. There is little to no value getting excited exploring the world and the incredible world of Skyrim is what makes it good.
I seriously doubt Bethesda is dumb enough to try procedural generation with the next elder scrolls game, and if they are then it will be dead in the water just by association. But a game similar to Skyrim will likely still find a stronger audience, even if just for the return to form.
- Comment on Wii U emulator Cemu 2.1 out now with AppImage and Flatpak support for Linux 5 months ago:
Oh man, I hadn’t heard of emudeck and was just about to start running emulation on my new deck. Any other amazing tips like this? I have run emulators for years but only on windows on my desktop.
- Comment on What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? 6 months ago:
Oh man, just made my own comment on black and white, and I assumed I was the only one. Black & White 2 is still the best God game out there for me and it was so much fun.
- Comment on What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? 6 months ago:
A bit of an obscurer one, but I would love another Black & White, based on Black & White 2. It’s a god game where you control a giant bipedal creature, control a city (or several) and battle against other gods through architecture and combat. You can train your creature to do things you prefer and expand your influence however you like.
It had a good/evil morality system, is completely winnable by being a pacifist, and has a really cute style of humor.
No other God game has quite scratched that itch and it’s still fun to this day almost 20 years later.
- Comment on Are there any video games in the Warhammer universe that are actually good? 6 months ago:
It definitely got better, but can still be buggy. You can also pretty much guarantee there will be some bigass bugs when the new DLC comes out, it’s the Owlcat way.
I’d say the actual quality doesn’t take a nosedive anymore, the game is pretty consistently fun from start to finish. The beginning definitely has more going on though.
- Comment on Are there any video games in the Warhammer universe that are actually good? 6 months ago:
Vermintide is a lot of fun. The total war Warhammer games are pretty good.
My personal favorite (as an RPG fan) is Rogue Trader (40k) by Owlcat Games. Game is superbly written and the combat and world is pretty fun too. If you hate CRPGs, stay away though. This game really showed me the secret sauce Warhammer 40k has going for it.
I’m excited as hell for space marine 2. We’ll see how that goes.
- Comment on Inside the tiny chip that powers Montreal subway tickets 8 months ago:
Thank you for the link! Always had only a vague understand of NFC communication.
- Comment on Are there any games like Diablo but not Diablo because Diablo? 1 year ago:
Yeah I’m hoping so as well, haven’t played since that patch. I got really burnt out spamming the story over and over too.
- Comment on Are there any games like Diablo but not Diablo because Diablo? 1 year ago:
Yo, I got a PSP as a kid and this game came with it. Very dark, an absolute trip of a game.
- Comment on Are there any games like Diablo but not Diablo because Diablo? 1 year ago:
Didn’t they just change the game with the last patch (still being updated, my God the devs are GOATed) so they you can play to 100 in any difficulty? I still imagine you get pasted in elite and ultimate if that’s your issue though.
- Comment on Are there any games like Diablo but not Diablo because Diablo? 1 year ago:
Definitely I would check out Grim Dawn and Last Epoch.
Grim Dawn is an insanely sprawling game with tons of class combinations and builds, made by the people who made titan quest. The graphics are dated as hell but it never stopped me from loving it. I also find the lore very fun.
Then there is Last Epoch, which is coming out on the 21st. I’ve been playing it for 3 years, even done some testing for them. Personally some of the more casual friendly things that you can’t find (like the crafting actually being amazing, seasons giving content to non-season characters, etc) just are unmatched and give the game a very good flow. It will be out in 1.0 in ~ a week and I definitely think it’s worth a glance because I find it is a great middle ground between diablo’s dumbed-downness and Path of Exile’s sweatiness.
- Comment on What's your favorite game you played this year? (Doesn't have to be released this year ) 1 year ago:
Absolutely Hi-Fi Rush. I loved many games this year, but Hi-Fi Rush was so fun, so wholesome, so loveable that the music it used carried me through some insanely hard times. It is very obviously a passion project made by incredible creators, and I legitimately cannot find a single issue with it (which I can’t say of any other game this year).
I still feel swells of emotion listening to the music from that game. Absolutely incredible.
- Comment on What game did you find in a bargain bin that turned out to be awesome? For me it was Z by Bitmap Brothers which I got at Zellers for $0.47 1 year ago:
The original Mount & Blade at an office max, I think? 5 dollar bargain bin game. I remember being blown away by the army combat in that game. The first one was so barebones but I still love that janky mess.
- Comment on Is "Burn Notice" worth watching? 1 year ago:
Honestly still one of my favorite shows, maybe my favorite ever. It can be campy and unrealistic sometimes, it stays within the realm of “I guess that’s possible” that you will still be curious about how they will beat the monster of the week. It’s a lot of fun.
- Comment on Is it just me or is Starfield kinda meh? 1 year ago:
No sir, you are not alone. The horrendously weak opening combined with bullet sponge gunplay, so many loading screens, a horrendous UI, boring worlds with little to nothing to do on them…I managed to make myself play for 12 hours before I gave up for good. It simply didn’t catch me at all, despite multiple attempts. Maybe in 2 years with mods, but for now it’s just time to move on for me.
- Comment on The circle of loot 1 year ago:
Bethesda: feedback accepted. Base carry weight is now 50 to be more realistic.
- Comment on Some of Starfield’s planets are meant to be empty by design - but that’s not boring, Bethesda insists 1 year ago:
It’s true, some of them ARE empty by design…but the problem is, a world with life on it in Starfield is barely more interesting than the barren rock. It is still almost ALL randomly generated, there just happens to be more wildlife to scan while you run across the boring landscape, and maybe an animal will try to kill you.
Oh, and the pointless radiant quest you get will be from a solar farm on the nice planet, instead of a mining platform on the barren one. There is very little difference.
- Comment on am I the only person on earth that loves disco Elysium 1 year ago:
It’s my favorite game ever made. The writing is beyond good, and it actually has some fantastic messages while also addressing the political realities of life.
No other game has affected how I think and act more than disco Elysium.