- Comment on Common printing questions 8 months ago:
Let the bed cool down all the way, ya little gremlin! If you absolutely can’t wait, put the bed on a tile floor and your print should pop off on it’s own pretty quick.
- Comment on No going back 8 months ago:
Plastic deformation point, elastic deformation point, yield point, ultimate strength, and failure point
- Comment on No going back 8 months ago:
Everything past the dotted line is the point where the material won’t go back to its original shape.
Example: You can push on the hood of your car all you want, it’ll flex, and go back to its original shape (elastic deformation); but stand on it, and it’ll dent (plastic deformation). - Comment on Maybe those 20 seconds were because of the lack of getting raises? 9 months ago:
They’re snorting the gas off of cans of whipped cream.
- Comment on What's your go-to "Bang for your Buck" filament brand? 9 months ago:
I’ve been using Creality’s hyper PLA. It’s pretty good quality and my printer/slicer combo has presets that are 95% what I want (I tweak the print and bed temps as needed). I’m using an Ender 3 V3 KE for reference.
- Comment on Chonky nozzel + decent amount of material = opportunity for lots of spaghetti 9 months ago:
I’m definitely going to try the retraction speed (instead of distance) and no z-hop in the morning.
- Comment on Chonky nozzel + decent amount of material = opportunity for lots of spaghetti 9 months ago:
Still try the higher temp, but bump up your retraction to counteract that. I went with the same move for printing silk to get cleaner layers, and it’s worked out really well.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
It’s really unfortunate. Native Instruments seems to almost refuse to support Linux.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
My current full-stop is lack of support for a lot of peripherals, particularly music equipment.
- Comment on The Piss Rule 1 year ago:
Please drink verification can.
- Comment on Amazon's drone delivery program is the joke it always sounded like. 1 year ago:
Turns out the FAA is that corner
- Comment on Amazon's drone delivery program is the joke it always sounded like. 1 year ago:
They’re using a very dated design because the FAA moves extremely slowly. The size, weight, and wide-scale intended use of them puts the drones in an aircraft category that comes with a lot of paperwork and stipulations.
- Comment on What Makes Heavy Metal ‘Heavy’? 1 year ago:
Overdrive filters and leaving the EQ knobs alone so everything gets muddy.
That’s pretty much it. - Comment on How do poor people in the states give birth without money? 1 year ago:
Most of those higher prices come from insurance companies only paying a percentage of what they are billed, and the cost of the staff involved with dealing with those companies.
- Comment on Some challenges buggy? 1 year ago:
The challenge only requires a successful attack, not a kill. Try using a rifle. Chances are, the stealth detection is bugging out and they are detecting you at the last second. A sneak attack bonus message should appear in the corner of your screen.
I managed to stack up several sneak attacks with melee by EM blasting a squad, and then going around crouch-stabbing them.
If none of these work, then I’m not sure. Hopefully the unofficial community patch fixes it, or gets updated soon.
- Comment on Reddit is removing ability to opt out of ad personalization based on your activity on the platform 1 year ago:
Or go in with a lot of money you’re willing to lose for no guaranteed payout
- Comment on VR still makes 40-70% of players want to throw up, and that's a huge problem for the companies behind it 1 year ago:
HTC, Valve, and Oculus (well before the Facebook buyout) established very early on that frame rates of 90 fps or higher with a response time of <1 ms were critical factors for preventing motion sickness. Meta either hasn’t gotten the memo or just doesn’t care.
Even with well-established VR legs, I start feeling unpleasant if my FPS starts dropping below 75 for extended periods of time.
Aside from that, it’s also down to game development. I’ve been seeing newer, inexperienced VR developers creating scenes that don’t take into consideration how our brains perceive motion; and they end up creating some nausea-inducing scenes or game mechanics, in addition to doing things like shoving your head onto the floor or through an object. The easiest example is pressing into a wall or table, and the colliders shove your head and body back when you’re not expecting it.
- Comment on Valve: don’t expect a faster Steam Deck ‘in the next couple of years’ 1 year ago:
On the plus side, you can use any Bluetooth or USB compatible controller and a cheap stand to make your experience more comfortable. Steam’s controller support is fantastic.
- Comment on Oh no. OH NO. 1 year ago:
Same aisle as the dolphin jelly.
- Comment on You can dance the Macarena to other songs besides the Macarena. 1 year ago:
The dance is 16 beats, so it will technically work for almost any song with a 4/4 time signature. Numa numa, CBAT, Never Gonna Give You Up, Axel F, Do It To It, Get Schwifty; and the list could go on for ages. It’s the most common time signature out there.