- Comment on What does this emoji mean? Is this a British thumbs up? 4 months ago:
To add to this, it’s widely used in Brazil who copied it from surf culture.
China also uses it as part of their one hand counting system. To them it’s the number 6 (pronounced ‘leo’). The use of it in western culture has allowed them to adopt it as a way of saying something is cool. They will say 666 (pronounced “leo leo leo”) while making the hand gesture to say something is cool. This fact was very fun to explain to my ultra conservative family back in the states.
Source: I taught in China for nine years in an international school with a very large Brazilian community.
- Comment on The culinary opposite of ice cream is pepperoni. 6 months ago:
- Comment on beat up that brat 7 months ago:
I absolutely love Zenitsu. His whole deal is hilarious.
Mineta is terrible but only his rampant sexism.
- Comment on How long does it take for neurotypical (or just typical) people to get over a minor fight? 7 months ago:
Dude. I’m ADHD and I’m the exact same way. I hate it cause it’s all I can think about.
- Comment on Fallout 4 10 months ago:
Same. It became my goal to build fun settlements everywhere.
- Comment on What are your favorite Dreamcast games? 10 months ago:
MDK2 - Found it randomly and it was a ton of fun.
DOA2 - Some… Fond… Memories. Put the disc in a PC for extra fun.
Army Men: Sarges Heroes - Just good classic fun
Evolution 1 & 2 - My first randomly generated dungeon crawlers.
- Comment on What are y'all buying on the steam sale? 11 months ago:
If you don’t get War of the Chosen then you will be missing out on one of my most played games of all time.
- Comment on Resume morbiusposting 1 year ago:
It says it’s the complete series so iirc 24 episodes at 22-23 mins each for roughly 9 hours of content.
Not saying i would buy it cause i already have this on a hard drive… Somewhere
- Comment on Microsoft is adding a new key to PC keyboards for the first time since 1994 1 year ago:
I just tried this. Why does this exist? Why does this need to be a shortcut? Who uses LinkedIn so much that they need to use a 5 key shortcut to get there faster?
- Comment on I see... 1 year ago:
You’re shaming people for not wanting to subject themselves to the predatory advertisment practices of a billion dollar company.
Which is kind of a dick move.
- Comment on Wake up. 1 year ago:
I don’t think you trust
- Comment on You’ve just spent $400 on a baby monitor. Now you need a subscription | Once upon a time there was a company called Miku who wasn’t making quite enough money... 1 year ago:
We have an owlet with the camera and sock. No subscription yet but also no problem with the camera.
- Comment on Windows 12 May Require a Subscription 1 year ago:
If i remember correctly, 2010 introduced the ribbon and 2013 was the last edition before 365 took over
- Comment on As Smartphone Industry Sputters, the iPhone Expands Its Dominance 1 year ago:
Wrong how? The Microsoft mouse was released in 1983 with 2 buttons. The first time Macs had a second mouse button was with OSX which was released in 2001.
- Comment on As Smartphone Industry Sputters, the iPhone Expands Its Dominance 1 year ago:
His point is that they were 2 decades late to the party.
- Comment on As Smartphone Industry Sputters, the iPhone Expands Its Dominance 1 year ago:
They only made the jump to USB-C because they were forced to. They would have loved to stay on their proprietary hardware for as long as possible.
- Comment on Introducing the new Godot Development Fund 1 year ago:
I think he meant that Swiss watches have near perfect timing, so the timing of this is more than perfect because the shit Unity is pulling.
- Comment on How Sony's Hawk-Eye electronic line-calling system transformed the U.S. Open 1 year ago:
Thanks man. That was a great read.
- Comment on How Sony's Hawk-Eye electronic line-calling system transformed the U.S. Open 1 year ago:
What match was it?
- Comment on Can I keep fried eggs in fridge? 1 year ago:
Get a ceramic pan. Barely any clean up.