- Comment on Study: Dark matter does not exist and the universe is 27 billion years old 11 months ago:
The way I see it, Dark Matter is just a psuedonym for “Whatever is causing gravity to work differently at a galaxy scale than at a solar system scale”. And further, Dark Energy is just a term for “Whatever is causing gravity to work differently at an inter-galactic scale than at a intra-galactic scale or solar system scale”.
But, if we want to entertain the technical aspects of the thought, there’s nothing in the definition of Matter that says it interacts with anything besides gravity (light, magnetism, etc) on its own. Just that it has mass (ie generates gravity) and cant occupy the same space as other mass. We already know via colliders that the higs bosson is the sub-particle solely responsible for Mass, way smaller than the scale of an atom. And we also know that magnetism, electric charge, and by extension light rely on electrons, which exist only at the atomic scale. So its not implausible to think that mass can exist separate from any of the things that we can detect with our other favorite methods (pretty much just different wavelengths of light) besides just the gravity they generate. In this case, gravity IS the thing we’re using to detect it.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate! I just recently got Citra emulator running on my steam deck and it runs great. Plus, Citra can emulate local multiplayer over the internet, so I’m playing with my old buddy who moved to california. Just like we did back in our highschool days.
- Comment on How Googlers cracked an SF rival's tech model with a single word | A research team from the tech giant got ChatGPT to spit out its private training data 1 year ago:
Well something certainly seems to have been done Image