- Comment on Moap 4 weeks ago:
You’re cold to the touch.
Eat it, see what happens.
- Comment on under the ice 5 months ago:
It’s a reference to a film called The Thing.
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
To take a poke at your lovely strawman - ingredients to a recipe may well be subject to copyright, which is why food writers make sure their recipes are “unique” in some small way. Enough to make them different enough to avoid accusations of direct plagiarism.
- Comment on Team Fortress 2 players report that Valve have carried out a ban-wave against aimbots 8 months ago:
Thank you, I came here to snark about this being a once every odd year activity for valve. But you’re absolutely right, it is a gaming landmark and it has an active and devoted community. And it’s one of the few games of that kind that still exist from that time that allows the community to add new content and play in and around it.
I also really hope they continue to support that too.
- Comment on Recognize the mother of Wifi 10 months ago:
- Comment on Autotune is just a "beauty mode" camera for your voice. 10 months ago:
I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the beauty filters were directly inspired by autotune, given that the first (I think?) app was called facetune.
That sounds an awful lot like a portmanteau of facetime and autotune.
- Comment on Who's the MVP of the MPV's? 1 year ago:
Ackshually, the quote is
Alas poor Vorik… I didn’t know him very Horatio.
- Comment on Back in my day 1 year ago:
Me too buddy, me too… and that is the optimism of Star Wars.
- Comment on Back in my day 1 year ago:
And that’s Everything!
- Comment on Back in my day 1 year ago:
What I’m getting at is that the way you’re talking about the sequels is exactly the way people spoke about the prequels when they came out.
I hated the prequels when they came out, I still think they’re basically unwatchable. But they weren’t aimed at me, and a whole new generation of SW fans grew up with a deep fondness for them.
I expect we’ll see the same thing with the sequels.
- Comment on Back in my day 1 year ago:
One swing, ahead of the sword
- Comment on Back in my day 1 year ago:
Someone in 20 years: Say what you will about the sequels, at least they’re not the threquels.
- Comment on Okay, okay, on second thought... make my potatoes a salad. 1 year ago:
Somebody’s not getting their catch of the day I guess?
- Comment on Have you tried sunning you perineum? 1 year ago:
This is from The Never Ending Story, Op’s pic is from the Dark Crystal isn’t it?
Or are you just adding this to the trauma pile?
- Comment on Now that we've had SF for a bit, what do you think? Good, flawed, bad? 1 year ago:
Absolutely agree with all of this. The thing I really can’t get my head around is why they even bothered to have starships in the game.
It’s like at some point, they had this vision of a space exploration game where you could fly about, explore the galaxy, land on planets and walk around etc and you’d have this super cool, fully customisable ship.
Then as they went along, they decided all of that was unachievable but the instead of completely ditching the idea of spaceflight and, I dunno, replacing it with stargates or portals between worlds - something that would lend itself better to picking a destination from a list and fast travelling - they just scrubbed away all the fun stuff about spaceflight and left in a system where the player can almost completely bypass the ship. They can fast travel to the cockpit from anywhere, open a menu, fast travel to a location, open the menu again, then fast travel to a landing point.
Having a ship is just a disappointing reminder of all the fun stuff you can’t do.