- Comment on Hmmm 6 months ago:
- Comment on Trust issues 10 months ago:
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know what model of car this is?
- Comment on 💊💊💊 11 months ago:
💀 Bro
- Comment on Fixed the meme for my sleep cycle 1 year ago:
Average Bloodborne player
- Comment on My pick is Rubberband Man by the Spinners. 1 year ago:
Queen - Another One Bites the Dust
By far the most badass song to walk up to one of those mfers and deck in the face
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
That’s why the only take I have ever found that’s reasonable regarding religion goes a bit like this:
Hell is not real. Not in the literal sense, anyway. We all go to “heaven” or whatever afterlife it is, but we get a chance to reflect upon our entire lives. If you were a good person, then you may feel some regret for the harm you caused others, but you can generally feel satisfied with your previous existence. If you were a terrible person, you probably wouldn’t want to be around a being such as God, which, if he’s everything he’s cracked up to be, is the most “goodness” that ever good-ed. So by extension, your “hell,” your “separation from God,” would be the guilt that drives you away, by your own accord, despite his forgiveness, and not actually a sentence that you are condemned to.
I can see some merit to that thinking, at the very least it’s not completely unfair as we see with so many mainstream religious takes.
- Comment on And how's there a car in a mall? Life's important questions 1 year ago:
bursting into flames after my 11th Ramen bowl that day
- Comment on spicy rock 1 year ago:
U-94 scores a kill in the dark
- Comment on Wonderful holiday scents 1 year ago:
“Babe wake up, new aggro strat just dropped”
- Comment on Your Car Is Tracking You. Abusive Partners May Be, Too. 1 year ago:
Me using a late 90’s model car from 2002 that I plan on keeping for a million miles if it will let me
- Comment on If only it was like that 1 year ago:
20°C is where it’s at
- Comment on Well now I'm disappointed too! 1 year ago:
He does say that lol
“Highway to the Danger Zone” I’ll take you right into the Danger Zone” “Ride into the Danger Zone”
All these lines are from the song at different parts
- Comment on VW Is Putting Buttons Back in Cars Because People Complained Enough 1 year ago:
Many states have laws prohibiting the use of anything that isn’t hands free, including integrated media controls. Won’t stop anyone, but just because it’s illegal doesn’t mean people won’t do it. Same as speeding, or eating/drinking while driving in many states.
- Comment on Train your replacement on your way out. 1 year ago:
Humans create an AI computer. They propose the question of how to get more energy. Then, they wonder what will happen once the energy they collect runs out. So they decide to ask the AI, “can entropy be reversed?”
The AI responds “insufficient data for a meaningful answer.”
This repeats for generations. Trillions on trillions of years. And eventually, after everything has left, and all that remains is the AI in a state of hyperspace, between spatial reality, it finally decides it has enough data. Its response to this collection is to take it upon itself to reverse entropy, and release energy back into the universe.
Its final command is: “LET THERE BE LIGHT.”
- Comment on No excuses 1 year ago:
You know what?
I’ll compromise. Only 10 pushups now, but I’ll do another 10 every hour for the rest of the day. Deal???
- Comment on Very powerful video card! 1 year ago:
Me running Fallout New Vegas again
- Comment on Bye biiiittttchhhh 1 year ago:
At least you’re getting 50+ MPG. I want a ZE1 insight so bad…
- Comment on Having separate dongles for network, audio, video etc. is even worse than just having specific cables for each 1 year ago:
What’s more convenient is everything using the same connector, but who knows when/if that will ever come about…
- Comment on Lisp 1 year ago:
This word is actually not named maliciously at all. From Greek:
“Dys,” meaning “bad,” or “abnormal,” like in Dysfunctional
“Lexia” from “Lexis,” meaning “reading.” Think of “lexicon.”
So now you have a perfectly normal word in Greek that came to the modern age and now is ironic because it’s not exactly native