- Comment on YouTube’s ad blocker crackdown now includes third-party apps 10 months ago:
It’s a management decision. Even if the responsible developer left, the next in line would take up the job. We work for a living and there is little choice in ethical companies you can join for adequate pay.
- Comment on When you are on a videocall do you also keep looking at your own thumbnail video? 10 months ago:
Sir, what are you looking at? Are you even listening?
- Comment on Schools in America apparently have their own army recruiter 1 year ago:
Be it as it may, it’s kinda sad that it is how you say. “Go out and fight against other humans to get yourself out of poverty”.
- Comment on GIS nerds be like 1 year ago:
Oh thank you very much. Yes, the map viewer I often use, although I’ve only touched Landsat and Sentinel imagery.
- Comment on GIS nerds be like 1 year ago:
Ugh, I was in rural china once and the uncle of my ex threw all his trash in his back yard. Disgusting. Nobody really minded though. They didn’t approve, but they didn’t confront him.
- Comment on GIS nerds be like 1 year ago:
Okay what is nhd and ngs? When I’m horny for aerial imagery, I’m usually browsing Landsat and Sentinel archives.
- Comment on Tasty bananasketti 1 year ago:
B bu but wh what are you n now?
- Comment on What got you into coding ? (aside from money) 1 year ago:
I think I was 11 or 12 when I started plaxing Tibia (a very early MMORPG). I really enjoyed it. At some point I found out that somebody has leaked the source code. You could host your own Tibia server. You could create new map segments or introduce new quests by Lua scripting. There was a huge community for “Open Tibia”, hundreds of servers with thousands of players. First, I got into mapping, then I got into scripting and loved it.
- Comment on Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says empathy isn't a soft skill — it's actually 'the hardest skill we learn' 1 year ago:
All of them at once while saying the words.
- Comment on Cope 1 year ago:
And then take all the credit for their findings for yourself ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
- Comment on Google’s claim that search users have choice is “bogus,” Microsoft CEO tells judge 1 year ago:
Thanks, I didn’t know!
- Comment on Google’s claim that search users have choice is “bogus,” Microsoft CEO tells judge 1 year ago:
There are really only two search engines. Its either Google or Bing. The others exist, but they use Google’s and/or Bing’s search results.
- Comment on The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Must Know About Unicode in 2023 (Still No Excuses!) 1 year ago:
Yes, but once code becomes too spaghetti such that a “refactor while you write it” becomes too time intensive and error prone, it’s already too late.
- Comment on Spotify is going to clone podcasters’ voices — and translate them to other languages 1 year ago:
Following up on the other comment.
The issue is that widely available speech models are not yet offering the quality that is technically possible. That is probably why you think we’re not there yet. But we are.
Oh, I’m looking forward to just translate a whole audiobook into my native language and any speaking style I like.
Okay, perhaps we would still have difficulties with made up fantasy words or words from foreign languages with little training data.
Mind, this is already possible. It’s just that I don’t have access to this technology. I sincerely hope that there will be no gatekeeping to the training data, such that we can train such models ourselves.
- Comment on Spotify is going to clone podcasters’ voices — and translate them to other languages 1 year ago:
For the last example: Here
Rendering dreams from fMRI is also already reality. Please, google that yourself if you’d like to see the sources. However, the image quality is not yet very good, but nevertheless it is possible. It is just a question of when the quality will be better.
Now think about smart glasses or whatever display you like, controlling it with your mind. You’d need Jedi concentration :D But I sure do think I will live long enough to see this technology.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Imagine a car company disabling your car.
- Comment on Gitness: Open-source code hosting and pipeline engine 1 year ago:
Thanks, didn’t know this
- Comment on Microsoft Next Console Coming 2028 1 year ago:
Yes, I totally agree with what you said. They currently try to buy out the digital gaming space of the internet, sell it for cheap and later on up the price. That’s what big corporations usually do nowadays. Same with X, Google, Amazon, Netflix, etc. It’s a big issues that we as consumers and later on citizens of our planet face.
However, currently it is a sweet deal for me. And the argument that I’d own the game otherwise doesn’t count for me as I would most probably never replay it.
The argument of whose property the item is is different for me for movies, series, and audiobooks. I’m surprised that this scheme was not yet applied for books / e-books. Or am I wrong?
- Comment on DeepMind’s cofounder: Generative AI is just a phase. What’s next is interactive AI. 1 year ago:
In time they will become better
- Comment on Microsoft Next Console Coming 2028 1 year ago:
I can totally relate. Paying 30-100€ per game is something for rich people or something I’d to once or max twice a year on very carefully selected games, hoping these games are worth it. With Game Pass I spent 120€ a year to access a wide range of games.
Once I played through or once version 2 of a game comes out, I’m not likely to play it ever again.
Also I have phases where I play a lot and phases where I do not play at all. I can simply discontinue Game Pass in these cases.
- Comment on DeepMind’s cofounder: Generative AI is just a phase. What’s next is interactive AI. 1 year ago:
Think further. Don’t own a phone anymore but only smart glasses.
- Comment on DeepMind’s cofounder: Generative AI is just a phase. What’s next is interactive AI. 1 year ago:
That’s just a toolbox and in my experience a pretty limited one as well. What OP means is that Gen AI doesn’t connect to your Emails, Photoshop, your IDE, your browser, and what not with text or speech.
Imagine not using your keyboard and mouse anymore, but only using your speech and natural language for everything (not commands, but natural language).
- Comment on Terraforming Mars Publisher Calls AI "Too Powerful" Not to Use 1 year ago:
Some things you also shouldn’t parameterize for the sake of overview and intuitiveness in understand.
- Comment on Most and Least Verbose Programming Languages 1 year ago:
Yes, but it looks like it is already I think more than twice as verbose as Python.
- Comment on A metric tonne (1000 kg) should be called a megagram (1 Mg). 1 year ago:
You just named the main advantage of the metric system as unintuitive and the opposite (squajibbles, fuckajiter, feet, toes, elbows) as the main advantage of the imperial system. Yet, you say that metric is better. I don’t understand. Why do you find metric better then?
I understand that intuitiveness is subjective and that how a person is raised or lectured alters the view on what is intuitive. From a logical perspective, however, I find the metric system much more intuitive as the names of the metrics denote exactly what we are dealing with (except for the case of tonnes). Yes, maybe the wording is confusing. But from the word itself you can infer what is meant, given you know what milli, giga, mega, nano, pico, etc mean. Its just times or divided by 1000. What is feet in miles or nautical miles? Gotta look that up!
- Comment on The Fall of Stack Overflow 1 year ago:
Uncharted is quite subjective. I used SO most when I was starting out in SE. Looking back through the questions I posted, most of them were very much beginner questions that I would just know nowadays or know where to look for. That was what I used SO for. Beginners asking veterans for help. The least of them were due to bad documentation or exploring uncharted territory. As I grew more confident in the field, I stopped using SO more and more. The latest only for best practices on simple problems I don’t want to reinvent. And exactly those cases GPT now solves faster and I’d be surprised if not even better than SO posts.