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- Comment on 8BitDo Has Announced The Successor To Its Ultimate Wireless Controller | Time Extension 6 days ago:
I agree, I plan to email them back and let them know.
- Comment on 8BitDo Has Announced The Successor To Its Ultimate Wireless Controller | Time Extension 6 days ago:
I emailed support and they confirmed this controller does not support steam input fyi.
So the extra buttons can only be mappable to existing buttons, and the gyro can only emulate joystick movement.
- Comment on Checks out to me. 10 months ago:
This is awesome! I’ve never heard of this before!
- Comment on THE DAY HATH COME 1 year ago:
To be fair, he is dead inside
- Comment on Ubisoft blames “technical error” for showing pop-up ads in Assassin’s Creed 1 year ago:
So technical. Such error
- Comment on A challenge that most of you will find pretty easy. 1 year ago:
Always Alone April
- Comment on Sony’s PlayStation Portal gives a confusing first impression 1 year ago:
That doesn’t change the fact that it is possible. Also some people have vacation homes, or use airbnbs that have better wifi speeds, or will be willing to pay for faster hotel speeds. It’s totally possible, but yes, your point stands that connection speeds matter and I would lower expectations if you are traveling.
Hopefully we get some deeper in depth reviews out there in the coming weeks. A lot of these reviewers only had the weekend and rushed these out. SpawnPoiint, which actually had a good review, admitted that during his review period he never even ran down the battery once. And according to Tested’s review it only has a 4-5.5 hour battery life. The Verge article is also not the best review compared to some reviews like Tested, who tested this on multiple different connection speeds. Having read/watched most of these reviews, the Verge one seems to be the lowest effort.
- Comment on Sony’s PlayStation Portal gives a confusing first impression 1 year ago:
This isn’t true. You can remote play from an outside network that is different from the one your PS5 is connected to provided that your PS5 is in rest mode and your connection at both ends is sufficient.
- Comment on Grown Adult Coward: 'I'm OK With Just Watching Alan Wake II' - Aftermath 1 year ago:
Good point, makes sense
- Comment on Grown Adult Coward: 'I'm OK With Just Watching Alan Wake II' - Aftermath 1 year ago:
This is a really interesting concept. What if developers had paid or ad supported official streams? Sure most people would block the ads or continue to watch their favorite streamer, but a non-zero amount of players might elect to watch the devs play the game in an effort to support them directly. And this would just be additive revenue compared to the zero they are getting right now on streams. It might even be synergistic as official advertisement for the game and as a way to connect directly to their community. I could see it also as a way to play a game but with director commentary on, similar to how movies do it.
- Comment on Games that require you to unlock the basic functions of the game can suck my nuts. 1 year ago:
Is it really half the game? That’s crazy
- Comment on What are some alternative to soulless videogame franchises? 1 year ago:
I haven’t played the beta yet but I’m hoping that The Finals, which is made by ex-Dice devs, will be a good alternative to Battlefield and COD. I just miss destructible environments so badly. Bad Company 2 was so so good back in the day.
- Comment on We have had guns for 200 years but mass shootings only became common in the last 30. So what changed? 1 year ago:
yeah, there’s nothing to argue here. These are scientific definitions of the two terms. A positive feedback loop can be negative in terms of consequences, but it doesn’t change the fact that the loop is defined as a positive feedback loop.
The words “positive” or “negative” in terms of the loop definition do not refer to “good” or “bad”, but rather the mathematical definitions of “additive/multiplicative” or “subtractive/divisive”. A positive feedback loop is an additive or multiplicative function whereby inputs increase outputs which increase inputs which increase outputs.
A classic example is a snowball rolling down a hill that grows in size and gains speed. Whether or not the snowball grows big enough and rolls fast enough to annihilate the school at the bottom of the hill, it doesn’t change the fact that by definition the feedback loop that is generating a larger and larger and faster and faster snowball is defined as positive.
An example of a negative feedback loop could be you getting sick. The input being viral or bacterial particles enter your body, the output is your body temperature increases, which kills the pathogens thereby decreasing the input. The decrease in pathogens then signals to your body that the infection is receding, and you body temperature returns to normal (decreased output). You healing from a sickness is a positive (good) thing, but the feedback loop that did it, is a negative one.
- Comment on We have had guns for 200 years but mass shootings only became common in the last 30. So what changed? 1 year ago:
I agree completely but just so you know, it’s a positive feedback loop even if the outcome is negative.
A positive feedback loop is one where the input creates an output that then increases the input further, which in turn further increases the output.
A negative feedback loop is one where the input creates an output that then lessens the input, which in turn decreases the output.
Shrinking middle class begets ignorance. Political forces capitalize on ignorance to misinform and manipulate the masses to elect people and enact policies that are not in their best interest. Doing so further erodes the middle class and decreases education, begetting further ignorance, misinformation, and political extremism. Positive feedback loop.
(Sorry if this was pedantic but it reminded me of a very specific learning moment I had with an old science teacher of mine about this exact distinction)
- Comment on Choose wisely 1 year ago:
No Kit Kat? I guess a 100 Grand then
- Comment on Elon Musk Offers to Also Ruin Wikipedia 1 year ago:
Unrelated but your account is labeled as a bot account for me. Might want to check your settings.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
God of War Ragnarok about 6 hours in. And just started Returnal to play as my multiplayer game with a buddy online. Got to the first boss just myself and almost beat it. Love the vibe overall. I’ll also probably start Spiderman 2 this week
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Oh, for sure! You should start one!
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Hi! I’m the lead mod over on !
I don’t have any issues with users posting lfg posts so long as personal identifying information is not publicly shared. Gamertag and screen names publicly shouldn’t be an issue I don’t think.
Of course, if you are looking for mainly PC gaming or a different console then this won’t help you much. We have a weekly, “what are you playing” pinned thread. Could be good to hop in there and see what others are playing and strike up a conversation and see if others are willing to team up.
- Comment on Alan Wake 2 - Previously On Alan Wake 1 year ago:
I think I got the remastered version for free on PSN so I’ll probably play it first. Thanks!
- Comment on Alan Wake 2 - Previously On Alan Wake 1 year ago:
Should I just watch this and play 2 or should I definitely play the first one?
- Comment on How do i find remote communities v2.0 1 year ago:
Just wanted to add that you can set your home instance on lemmyverse (click the home icon) so all the links open correctly for you to easily subscribe
- Comment on Due to declining attendance, the Van Gogh Museum launched a limited-edition merch collab with Pokemon, hoping Pokemania would reignite public interest. The usual hypebeast scalpers promptly descen... 1 year ago:
People are only buying off resellers because of the lack of supply. Supply is the issue. Each individual person has their own idea of what the merch is worth and what they are willing to pay. IMHO you can’t blame consumers nor treat them as a monolith.
- Comment on Due to declining attendance, the Van Gogh Museum launched a limited-edition merch collab with Pokemon, hoping Pokemania would reignite public interest. The usual hypebeast scalpers promptly descen... 1 year ago:
The only way to fight this is to radically increase supply IMHO
- Comment on Community Request: c/comedy 1 year ago:
I used to search and find it
- Comment on Bye biiiittttchhhh 1 year ago:
Post is funny, but AI memes are weird
- Comment on Did change to a black background, or did I change a setting I am not aware of? 1 year ago:
I think a recent back end update must have changed it. I had to go back in settings to revert to my grey background.
- Comment on Is anyone interested in a Disney Lorcana TCG Community? 1 year ago:
Thank you for explaining it to me in detail. The mention of my profile was only to give reassurance that I was going to be actively building a community and not just making one and doing nothing. But I can see it from your perspective now. I will remove the mention from the post.
- Comment on Is anyone interested in a Disney Lorcana TCG Community? 1 year ago:
I started it btw !
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