- Comment on Country music 9 months ago:
This is the first thing that came to mind. I love his rendition of it. Thanks for posting this
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
I’d be okay with this if they made those games cheaper. But no, I have to pay $94 CAD for a shit live service game that I don’t even have the rights to and which the online service may be terminated at any time. Fuck EA and their monopoly on sports games.
- Comment on Choose your difficulty 9 months ago:
We talking wilderness of Canada or population centers? Cuz there ain’t no way I’d go into Canadian bush without a shotgun.
- Comment on Xbox Console Sales Are Tanking 10 months ago:
Goes to show what a few good IPs and an all-star legal team can do for you lol
- Comment on Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut PC cross-play and system requirements revealed 10 months ago:
PlayStation trophies and PlayStation friends.
- Comment on Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut PC cross-play and system requirements revealed 10 months ago:
If you read the article you’d know that it’s for cross platform progress of trophies and it also includes your PlayStation friends. Neither of which Steam does
- Comment on Putin Orders Russian Tech Companies To Somehow Make Competitive Game Console In 3 Months 10 months ago:
It’ll be able to know when your draft-dodging ass is home, so it can send some nice FSB gentlemen to come give you a lift.
- Comment on Star Wars Outlaws' $110 and $130 editions prompt a collective sigh from potential players tired of season passes and ill-advised early access periods 10 months ago:
Can’t wait for BG&E 2!..
- Comment on Star Wars Outlaws' $110 and $130 editions prompt a collective sigh from potential players tired of season passes and ill-advised early access periods 10 months ago:
I’ll just keep playing Helldivers 2 pretending I’m a Clone Commando, thanks.
- Comment on Star Wars Outlaws: Official Story Trailer 10 months ago:
This is why Star Wars Force Unleashed will always be one of my favourite Star Wars works ever. They went absolutely nuts with it and said fuck the lore. Brilliant game.
- Comment on What are the best indie games you've ever played? 11 months ago:
Yeah I was let down by Abzu. It was beautiful but didn’t have substance. You speak very highly of The Pathless, I’m excited to try it out. Thanks for the rec!
- Comment on What are the best indie games you've ever played? 11 months ago:
Oh good shout, I remember being intrigued by The Pathless when it came out but never got around to trying it!
- Comment on What are the best indie games you've ever played? 11 months ago:
Are Journey and Outer Wilds considered indie games?
- Comment on Favourite developers 11 months ago:
I can’t name a first party PlayStation studio that misses. They’re just so consistently great it blows my mind.
- Comment on Nobody Wants to Die - Official Reveal Trailer 11 months ago:
LA Noire meet Cyberpunk meets Blade Runner meets Love Death & Robots: Pop Squad. I’m in.
- Comment on Physical or Digital? 11 months ago:
I have a PS5 physical so I buy all my single player games second hand and then sell them for basically the same price. The only digital games I’ve bought have been Elden Ring, Helldivers, and Spiderman Miles Morales.
- Comment on Stress Testing Helldivers 2's HORRIBLE New Meta - YouTube 11 months ago:
Anywhere on body: 110mm rocket pods*, railcannon strike, orbital laser, orbital precision strike*, 2 x EAT, Arc Thrower (20+ to body), flamethrower, Spear, might be others
Front leg and then shoot exposed flesh: EAT, Recoilless Rifle, Railgun on Unsafe mode (4 shots),
When paused after a charge**: autocannon to backside of front leg, laser cannon to backside of front leg, impact grenade to backside of front leg, probably many others
*These stratagems seem to be sticky for some reason and I’ve had good success attaching them to the chargers as they pass or after they’ve stopped.
**Some people seem to think that this strategy takes advantage of a hitbox bug where the charger’s armor is temporarily reduced after their charge attack.
- Comment on Looking for emotional game recommendations 11 months ago:
The Last of Us 1 has been the only game to ever make me emotional. It’s still the gold standard for what a video game is capable of in terms of narrative. The sequel was jarring, but not heart wrenching in the same way the first was.
- Comment on Helldivers 2 gets its first rebalance patch 11 months ago:
Easy solution, just be the host
- Comment on Helldivers 2 gets its first rebalance patch 11 months ago:
Played today. The buffs are not nearly enough.
- Comment on Skull And Bones Open Beta Review: It’s Meh, Matey 1 year ago:
Give us a Black Flag remake you cowards.
Better yet, if someone just makes a Nvidia RTXRemixflexremasterDLSSqwertyuiop mod for the damn game we could drop Ubisoft altogether.
- Comment on Ubisoft CEO defends Skull and Bones’ $70 price despite its live service leanings, calls it ‘quadruple-A’ 1 year ago:
They just had to remake Black Flag for next gen and PC with all the bells and whistles, and they would have sold fuckloads.
- Comment on bonus if she's real 1 year ago:
Definitely possible, but why would someone post a picture of themselves as the punchline? Out of millions of pictures they could have found online?
And yes, I reverse Google searched it and it was original lmao. I’ve put way too much effort into this
- Comment on bonus if she's real 1 year ago:
But it’s not about the femboys interest is it? The lesbian isn’t asking for the straight guy to change her sexual orientation, and the straight guy isn’t asking for the femboys to change his orientation. It’s just as rude if not chauvinistic.
- Comment on bonus if she's real 1 year ago:
How is this different from a straight guy trying to seduce a lesbian?
- Comment on New images reveal what Neptune and Uranus really look like 1 year ago:
No it’s important to be accurate. What if your nan’s got directions to take a sharp right down the hidden driveway after the deep blue planet, but she can only see pale grey planets??? Hmm???
- Comment on Just a little morning pick-me-up... 1 year ago:
What’s sweet tomato sauce? Do they mean ketchup?
- Comment on Can I just convert to Judaism tomorrow and get a free vacation to Israel? 1 year ago:
I corrected my comment. The article I posted was written by a medical anthropologist, not a conservative think tank.
- Comment on Can I just convert to Judaism tomorrow and get a free vacation to Israel? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Can I just convert to Judaism tomorrow and get a free vacation to Israel? 1 year ago:
Friendly reminder that Israel sterilized Ethiopian Jewish women who were trying to invoke the Law of Return and migrate to Israel.