- Comment on this town has been well known for a long time 2 months ago:
So it seems we found the snitch
- Comment on this town has been well known for a long time 2 months ago:
The snitch probably will never see a dime from the reward, you need to provide info on very specific ways to be able to collect. What a dumb fuck. I hope we get to find out who the snitch was, I have my theories…
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
I feel this is all moot. When we run out of fossil fuels and go off the energy cliff, the nuclear facilities will basically build themselves, assuming there will be anyone around that will even know how to build a nuclear reactor
- Comment on Winamp has announced that it is opening up its source code to enable collaborative development of its legendary player for Windows 9 months ago:
I refuse to pay for a subscription where I don’t own the music. CD’s, records, tapes - I still do it. I do need to start ripping mp3’s off YouTube more though - just a matter of time before shit starts disappearing
- Comment on Winamp has announced that it is opening up its source code to enable collaborative development of its legendary player for Windows 9 months ago:
What about xmms? It was basically a winamp clone, I used to use that on my Linux boxes 20+ years ago
- Comment on Winamp has announced that it is opening up its source code to enable collaborative development of its legendary player for Windows 9 months ago:
Nothing wrong with how it was done back then, I still do the same today
- Comment on Fake news, fake penis... 1 year ago:
Last time this made the rounds, it was said she didn’t know the dildo was there, a friend put it there as a prank. It was also said she deleted all her social media and whatnot afterwards too. I don’t have source and admit I can be totally off
- Comment on What is an average person living in the US supposed to do about corporations raising prices? 1 year ago:
You will never get enough people to join in, for various reasons, but I think a big reason is the big money won with media propaganda and influence, and misinformation is just going to get worse.
Look how well occupy wall street went, BLM protests went, look at the current state of anti-Isreal genocide protests are going (people literally cheering for the genocide of kids, and they don’t wanna hear anything about it).
- Comment on Tesla removes Disney+ app amid Elon Musk's feud with Disney CEO Bob Iger 1 year ago:
I will totally agree with you it all does come down to money, but I feel Apple/Tim Cook is still principled in this regard - he has made a stand that the customer is not the product, and the investors/share holders appear to respect this boundary so far. All that is needed is a shithead CEO to come in and squeeze every cent, which at that point might very well be to monetize users like Google. Anything can change tomorrow.
Btw I’m a hobbyist security researcher, and the more I study Apple/iOS/MacOS, the more impressed I am. I don’t actually have any apple devices, but I’m really starting to consider it
Inb4 Linux
- Comment on Tesla removes Disney+ app amid Elon Musk's feud with Disney CEO Bob Iger 1 year ago:
True - show me proof Apple monetizes it’s users, then we can continue this discussion
- Comment on Tesla removes Disney+ app amid Elon Musk's feud with Disney CEO Bob Iger 1 year ago:
Let’s be real here, google and every other company sells you out to their advertisers instantly and even double dip and triple dip on your info wherever they can. Apple doesn’t and they take their security seriously. Feds are always crying about how hard it is to break into iphones, telcos are complaining how apple protects it’s users (because telcos have an interest in monetizing those apple users), and the payouts for finding security vulnerabilities for apple products are very high.
Google and apple are absolutely on different ends of the spectrum of user privacy and security
- Comment on Tesla removes Disney+ app amid Elon Musk's feud with Disney CEO Bob Iger 1 year ago:
Why do they have movies on planes? Are we not all pilots on a plane too? Never saw someone with kids in a car 🤣
- Comment on Tesla removes Disney+ app amid Elon Musk's feud with Disney CEO Bob Iger 1 year ago:
Bro, why you lumping apple in with musk?
Seriously, apple does a spectacular job a user privacy and security, probably second to none.
- Comment on Steve Jobs Rigged The First iPhone Demo By Faking Full Signal Strength And Secretly Swapping Devices Because Of Fragile Prototypes And Bug-Riddled Software 1 year ago:
The problem in all this for me, is that examples like Jobs are pointed to as examples of why this should be done (your entire post basically), and then we have examples like Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos who basically couldn’t deliver the technology and kept the “lie” going.
How does one know they can eventually deliver? In your post, you basically assume the problem is solvable with capital. With some promised tech (like Theranos), at what point does “there is a necessary need to gauge the publics interest in a product to evaluate if capital needs to be invested in this space” turn into fraud if the product turns out to be unattainable? (Think cancer cures, limb regeneration, etc)
- Comment on Google Promises Unlimited Cloud Storage; Then Cancels Plan; Then Tells Journalist His Life’s Work Will Be Deleted Without Enough Time To Transfer The Data 1 year ago:
He clearly cared about his data, don’t equate this man to the people who don’t really think about it and don’t actually back their stuff up (and come crying to everyone when their 10 year old disk dies)
People like to say to use the 3-2-1 backup strategy, which is really good advice, but it does NOT scale, trust me. I guarantee you I have more disposable income than this journalist (I assume that because journalists make shit money), and when I looked into a 3-2-1 solution with my meager 60TB of data, the cost starts to become astronomical (and frankly unaffordable) for individuals.
- Comment on Google Promises Unlimited Cloud Storage; Then Cancels Plan; Then Tells Journalist His Life’s Work Will Be Deleted Without Enough Time To Transfer The Data 1 year ago:
Tell me you don’t know shit about professional video production without telling me you don’t know shit about professional video production.
- Comment on xkcd #2867: DateTime 1 year ago:
Cries in vintage computer collection tears.
You are a monster phoneymouse
- Comment on A Spanish agency became so sick of models and influencers that they created their own with AI — and she’s raking in up to $11,000 a month 1 year ago:
I hope your sitting… It’s too late and it’s about to get much much worse
- Comment on Russia and China-backed hackers are exploiting WinRAR zero-day bug 1 year ago:
When did windows have native rar support?
- Comment on Russia and China-backed hackers are exploiting WinRAR zero-day bug 1 year ago:
WinRAR had a great gui and it integrates much better (imho) into windows than 7zip, only thing 7zip has going for it is it’s free.
If we are talking command line, rar is free (inb4 Unix guys butt in)
- Comment on Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭 1 year ago:
Educate a pleeb here, I’ve been out of the gaming loop. What’s the notable exceptions of great games this year and what two that are not state-of-the-art graphics do you mean?
- Comment on Streaming TV costs now higher than cable, as 'crash' finally hits 1 year ago:
Maybe there will be a way to bundle all these streaming services into one package and sell it to consumers at a discount? We can call it Cable2k? Sable? Stream-able? CableAI? Cable-blockchain?
- Comment on Gamers nexus on LTT 1 year ago:
I’ll have to watch this review to have a knowledgeable opinion, but from the LTT I’ve been watching over the past few months, my initial feeling it is must suck to constantly have to come up with new content and to have the it’s core business at the whim of the YouTube algorithm (where quality of content doesn’t seem to be weighted much anymore). I’ve read a while ago that a thumbnail with a person’s face weighed more than a thumbnail without in the algorithm, that’s why all the LTT videos have the stupid face. It’s small dumb shit like that (to play by the algorithm’s ever changing rules) that can really chip away at a YouTube series
- Comment on Why you shouldn't use Brave Browser 1 year ago:
Underrated comment - the top is filled with toxic scum. Like if one really looked into it, everything would have to be boycotted (not that it isn’t a worthy thing to do, but it gets exhausting and scumbags seem to own everything)
- Comment on Not the hero we deserve, but the one we need. 1 year ago:
I really think this is a much better and longer example of her real voice