I’m just trying to chill, but capitalism
- Comment on 1 year ago:
They only sell it at Chipotle where I’m at. I’m tempted to order a box
- Comment on 1 year ago:
Yeah, I’ll believe it when I see it.
- Comment on Some tech just cant br improved upon. 1 year ago:
An enemy bee?
- Comment on Dukat is upset they still haven't built a statue of him in the parking lot for pushing a cart into traffic 1 year ago:
- Comment on Starfield will get city maps and "new ways of traveling" next year 1 year ago:
The Alucard module
- Comment on The key to eternal life and never dying is to stay in the living room. Don't leave the living room. 1 year ago:
Leave the living room at once. It knows you’re there.
- Comment on Star Trek: Discovery | Final Season Exclusive Clip (CCXP 2023) | Paramount+ 1 year ago:
Better to have a conclusion of some kind, I think.
- Comment on I think trump might win, and it's due to shitty memory and DND 1 year ago:
- Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 1 year ago:
I’ve been playing Horizon Forbidden West. Beat the main game and am in the DLC now. Pretty good, but would recommend not going super completionist on it. There’s just so much.
Oh, by the way, you don’t have to play Machine Strike to fill out all your passive skills. Heck, I’ve maxed out several valor surges too. You can comfortably skip it if you want.
- Comment on Also a bunch of masked ancient aliens to boot 1 year ago:
I think he did perhaps the best acting in TNG.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
The only way you’re going to hit any ranged attacker is by backing them against a wall. Be sure to get them between you and a suitable obstacle so they spend less time running away and blasting you for free.
- Comment on Afraid 1 year ago:
Yeah, he was never even funny to begin with. Only a threat.
- Comment on Sadly, even after Picard season 3 this mystery is still unsolved. 1 year ago:
Another reason I never get invested in the romance.
- Comment on Got a Soulslike itch, any patient games? 1 year ago:
I personally didn’t like it. It’s very easy to get lost, there are very few checkpoints, and the gameplay is just a bit too clunky. Maybe the latter two improve later on, but it lost my attention before that.
- Comment on ROM-eo and Juliet 1 year ago:
I bet Rom would have survived
- Comment on me when I watch my past self die in front of me and have to replace him from a future that never was 1 year ago:
I still think it’s wild how he died and we just have a different O’Brien for the rest of the series.
- Comment on Does more than polish! 1 year ago:
- Comment on 🤔... 1 year ago:
And some emergency manual handles on the doors.
- Comment on Put on a brave face 1 year ago:
Was it the min-
It was the minion
- Comment on If Jesus is the son of God and Satan is the oposite of God, a literal antichrist would be Satan's father, which would God since God gave life to Satan 1 year ago:
And Jesus is an incarnation/aspect of God (at least in the version I’m most familiar with), right? It’s some kinda bizarre circle
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I figure they scaled it up so people can see their product better.
- Comment on Part of why internet search sucks is that many gave up trying in the face of Google. 1 year ago:
Remember when they got rid of Jeeves?
- Comment on it's weird that we are prepared to die for democracy, yet willingly enter dictatorships daily for work and spend the majority of our waking lives with people we vaguely know 1 year ago:
In the US? I only work full time because of the constant threat of death if I don’t.
- Comment on Star Trek: Infinite could be the grand strategy game Trekkies need 1 year ago:
Yeah, I do find it weird how many Star Trek games are all ship combat and such. That’s generally the least interesting part of Star Trek stories.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I’ve read a couple, but I think the only one I have at the moment is “How Much For Just The Planet?”
It was too goofy sounding NOT to read!
- Comment on With the advances of medicine in the coming millennium casual conversations might be like "I'm 245", "Oh, I'm 332", "Damn, I'm just 119" 1 year ago:
Not if you aren’t rich.
- Comment on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds to Feature First-Ever Star Trek Musical Episode | SDCC 2023 1 year ago:
How much for just the planet?