she/her 🐱
I am not obsessed with Haskell, I promise…
- Comment on Lemmy interoperability with other Fediverse projects 6 months ago:
I can see this from my account
- Comment on Encrypted P2P Chat 8 months ago:
Hi I tried your app recently, the main issue that I had was that it had a tendency to drop messages, also the uploading a profile doesn’t currently seem to work (on mobile Firefox at least).
But anyways I love the application concept and it seems like you have made some pretty good progress.
P.s. what is the crypto signature box that you can just draw in?
(Also I think you could probably fit the offline connection into one QR code if you really wanted to (117x117 but still))
- Comment on Mean world syndrome has reacted a fever pitch. 9 months ago:
I’m in the bear group because I’m not scared of being in the woods with a bear. I mean that is literally going for a walk/run in the woods alone…
- Comment on If you flip the N in Niagra upside down.. 1 year ago:
How do you flip it in 120 dimensions?! (sorry, I had to do it… couldn’t resist)