- Comment on A legend has passed 7 months ago:
Explain how they didn’t, then.
- Comment on Make it stop. 8 months ago:
So you admit you did no actual research and just grabbed the first thing you found, and expect us to applaud you for it? GTFO
- Comment on Everything old is new again. 8 months ago:
Ugh, I’m just going to start renting cars.
As if the rental car industry isn’t full of BS, too.
- Comment on Time to fix sleep schedule 8 months ago:
Grill function? What kind of bougie-ass microwave you got? Here I am thinking mines cool because you can turn the beep off.
- Comment on The one your friend borrows 9 months ago:
Glad I’m not the only one
- Comment on Can’t stand it when they do that 10 months ago:
I’m autistic, this made me mad as a kid too.
- Comment on We can dream 11 months ago:
I’m generally binge watching. Idc how good an intro is, after the first episode I’m skipping past it.
- Comment on Millennials are old now? 1 year ago:
My guy, those weren’t called classic rock when they were still new. They were just called rock back then.
- Comment on When people talk about returning the cart after shopping, does that include putting it in a corral, or do you have to take it all the way to the front of the store to be a good person? 1 year ago:
Eh, I don’t get paid enough to care about peoples cars, I just want them in the corrals so it’s easier to deal with them. I’ll of course stop a cart from hitting a car if it was my fault it was about to happen, but if the wind pushes a loose cart that’s between the car owners and god at that point. I drive a shitbox so I personally could not care less if a cart dings it.
- Comment on When people talk about returning the cart after shopping, does that include putting it in a corral, or do you have to take it all the way to the front of the store to be a good person? 1 year ago:
I work retail, I occasionally have to push carts. The corral is good enough. Also frankly, even leaving the cart loose in the parking lot is better imo than the people who leave their carts inside the store right in front of the racks of carts, but don’t actually rack it up(or even face it the right way to be racked up). As soon as even one person does it, everyone does it, and I have to waste fuck loads of time just clearing the entrances of loose carts.
- Comment on When people talk about returning the cart after shopping, does that include putting it in a corral, or do you have to take it all the way to the front of the store to be a good person? 1 year ago:
As an occasional cart pusher, I’d absolutely agree when the weather is nice. Being able to chill for a second as I walk to get the straggling cart is nice. If it’s raining or extremely cold/hot out tho, fuck anyone doing that; I wanna get as many carts in as I can as fast as I can.
- Comment on Looking for a job as backend developer, a Sankey diagram 1 year ago:
I mean, a bog standard rejection email at least would be nice. Being entirely ghosted sucks, at least with a rejection I know not to keep thinking about that job.
- Comment on Venus by Tuesday 1 year ago:
Weather is too hot? It’s because of global warming.
Weather too cold? Also global warming.
Literally yes. It’s not our fault if people are too stupid to realize weather =! climate, are too skeptical to trust the science. Regardless of whether people believe it, it’s literally the facts of the matter that global warming is the cause of these extreme weather events.
I’m really confused what your point is. Climate change deniers looking at objective facts and rejecting them because they can’t comprehend a warmer climate could cause colder weather means they are fucking stupid, not that the facts are wrong. We don’t need to play advocate for dumbassery
Maybe it’s just cold because it’s January?
January had been super mild near me, average lows in the 30s with actual average being like 50, up until this past week when the cold front came in from the north and literally overnight temps dropped to the negatives. I was closely monitoring weather radars this week, I literally watched the cold front coming in… and look at that, the cold front has finally mostly passed over me and it’s once again in the comparatively balmy 30s, and supposed to be even warmer next week. Huh, guess it’s not just because it’s January, who knew?
The whole winter has been super mild actually, besides literally this weeks cold front it’s been warmer on average than it would’ve been in early Autumn here 15ish years ago. We used to frequently get the first blizzard of the year in October, now it takes an abnormal cold front coming down from the literal arctic to even get a blizzard at all, in January! That’s fucking alarming.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Nah, I’m American and the water level should not be that high. That toilets clogged.
- Comment on Jolly Old Saint Schrödinger 1 year ago:
Entering, maybe, but breaking? What are they breaking?
- Comment on Can't remember the last time I wasn't tired 1 year ago:
Could also just be an insomniac like me. No narcolepsy and I can sleep like a baby, but getting to sleep is like pulling teeth. Life’s responsibilities don’t follow my shitty sleep patterns tho, so I’m constantly not getting enough sleep.
- Comment on I realized why I like friendships with lesbians 1 year ago:
I’m a straight man and I’d also be deeply uncomfortable if a friend of mine just randomly asked me if a random woman passing by is hot. It’s a weird thing to randomly ask.
I’d be even more uncomfortable with ANYONE(including women) saying something as generalized as “women are crazy”. Screw the “different tone” BS, there is NO tone you can say that in with a straight face where it’s not at least a little misogynistic, and a LOT of tones you can say it in where it is SUPER misogynistic.
- Comment on Is it safe to use pans with peeling nonstick coating? 1 year ago:
Dishwashers can have some pretty high pressures involved, I wouldn’t be surprised if it can literally chip the seasoning off.
- Comment on Is it safe to use pans with peeling nonstick coating? 1 year ago:
Cast iron is nearly impossible to “ruin”, the idea that you can is nothing more than a huge circlejerk. Even a completely rust covered cast iron pan can be made basically good as new with a little effort.
Obviously restoring your pan every time you wanna use it isn’t practical, so you still wanna take care of it, but actually permanently ruining it? Good luck.
- Comment on My Strange Addiction 1 year ago:
Ayy yo OP why does it say shoot a cat in the background? 😕
- Comment on Damn y'all fucking love landlords don't you 1 year ago:
Where tho? Everyone is clearly taking the piss out of the meme and pretending to agree with it. Nobody is actually out there tipping their landlord(well, I sure fucking hope not at least…).
- Comment on has science gone too far? 1 year ago:
- Comment on We're going in the wrong direction 1 year ago:
Yes. Auto is essentially the “720p or less but we’re gonna lie and say it’s 1080p still” option now. I’m constantly having to manually choose my resolution to get the full bitrate.
- Comment on The Aliens did a little trolling 1 year ago:
Name of episode?
- Comment on Humans are similar to cancer cells 1 year ago:
Just gonna drop this here.
- Comment on HBO Max "thanks" me for being a loyal subscriber, by removing features from my plan without reducing the cost. 1 year ago:
I don’t know about you dude, but I frequently comment on shit I don’t actually give a shit about. Often while taking a shit. Like right now. When did the bar for “caring” drop so far that one deciding to comment in this thread rather than read the back of the shampoo bottle constitutes “caring”?
- Comment on Apple will honor California's 'right to repair' rules nationwide 1 year ago:
Thank god PGA is officially dead, finally. My first Ryzen cpu came in the mail with bent pins, I spent fucking hours straightening all of them. Worth it tho, got 5 years of life out of it between me and my brother before it was finally allowed to rest and spend the rest of it’s life on a shelf(it still works, it’s just slow).
- Comment on Don't forget to tip 1 year ago:
This is the one that c Just baffles me. Tipping a landlord? For what, existing?
- Comment on If Jesus is the son of God and Satan is the oposite of God, a literal antichrist would be Satan's father, which would God since God gave life to Satan 1 year ago:
Bortles rule!
- Comment on The Fediverse should do what redditors have always wanted and Reddit Inc. has always refused to do; Distinguish between NSFW and NSFL. 1 year ago:
No, the NSFL tag is more important imo. I don’t mind seeing tits randomly, I do not wanna see gore ever, period.