- Comment on Ubisoft Exec Says Gamers Need to Get 'Comfortable' Not Owning Their Games for Subscriptions to Take Off 1 year ago:
Maybe I am just an old nostalgic fart but I have games that I own that are over 30 years old that I still have access to and regularly play and that’s how I like it.
I personally don’t at all see any benefit to the consumer that subscription based gaming provides. Arguably you can access more games for less money, but if video streaming is anything to go by (increased prices, less content across more and more services, ads creeping back in etc), that value proposition won’t last long.
- Comment on What are some of the best mini-games youve played? (games inside games) 1 year ago:
I don’t know if it counts but Red Dead Redemption introduced me to Liar Dice! Now I freakin’ love Liar Dice!
- Comment on I’m sorry, but I cannot fulfill this request as it goes against OpenAI use policy 1 year ago:
I don’t think there are that many bots here because of [reason 1], [reason 2], and [reason 3].
And I for one am certainly not a “goes against OpenAI use policy".
- Comment on I dont understand why I have to bring a bottle to the restaurant 1 year ago:
There are “fancy” (and of course expensive) places that specialise in high end cuts of meat - that serve fries as a standard side option.
- Comment on How I cannot be worry?? 1 year ago:
Replace “Then don’t worry” with “If you really think about it you should definitely be worried” and this is my life.
- Comment on House Flipper 2 - Out Now! 1 year ago:
I am curious why it is considered such a terrible practice? A lot of people don’t want to spend time and effort renovating an old property (nor do they have the knowledge or experience to do it well) so there is a market for old but already “fixed up” houses and there are people that make a living doing just that.
- Comment on Microsoft Wants Game Pass On PlayStation, Nintendo, And "Every Screen" Possible 1 year ago:
Nah it won’t be like that - in future you will get to subscribe to multiple services Sony, Microsoft, Epic, Ubisoft, EA, etc to play the games you want!
- Comment on What were your top favorite video games as a kid? 1 year ago:
Battletoads (NES) I have a few but I want to call out this as it gets memed for it’s difficulty - and it was difficult - but not “can’t pass level 3 speeder bikes” difficult!
The game looked great, had extremely tight controls and had an insane amount of level variety! Each of the 12 levels was unique, from platforming, rappelling, biking, surfing, flying, racing, swimming, and even weird ass wall clingers! And they all played well - It also had the most banging pause music ever haha!
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
I am curious to see if your opinion changes as you get through it, as the more I explore the more I find unexpectedly unique and interesting areas (caves, wells, ruins, manors, towers, etc) with unique and well designed enemies and bosses at every turn. It may help a lot that I have never played a souls game so it all feels very new to me!
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
I barely time to game, but have recently sunk 60 hrs into Elden Ring - with no intention of stopping! It is phenomenal!
- Comment on Why does Lemmy (and reddit) show posts from previous page on next page? 1 year ago:
I don’t know if it is lazy as much as it is a design choice - remember at one point Lemmy actually auto updated (which meant posts were pushed down while you were browsing) and it was an intentional design.
- Comment on Always commit 1 year ago:
Well maybe if she had shown more interest in his pull requests, he wouldn’t be off forking other repos!
- Comment on FAA clears UPS delivery drones to fly beyond visual line of sight 1 year ago:
A lot of people posting that the threat of theft or interference will put a halt to drone delivery, but I wonder if that will really be a problem when looking at the the return on investment. A lot of people have said similar things about self service checkouts but industry keeps pushing on.
The cost of drone delivery will shrink dramatically over time (labour and energy being the two big ones) especially if you compare it to equivalent service levels (e.g. same day delivery) so much so that companies would likely easily absorb the costs - if it all works of course.
- Comment on FAA clears UPS delivery drones to fly beyond visual line of sight 1 year ago:
Is it really that different to the vrooming of cars that we have grown accustomed to?
- Comment on BMW Is Giving Up on Heated Seat Subscriptions Because People Hated Them 1 year ago:
HA, I read the title and thought “what is going on? I love my seat warmers” - I completely overlooked the word subscription because it is absolutely absurd that there would be an ongoing cost to the consumer for a feature that provides no ongoing cost to the manufacturer.
- Comment on The birth of JS 1 year ago:
This is one of the most educational and entertaining reads on the internet, if you are into that kind of thing:
- Comment on Young Adults, How Frequent Do You See Your Friends? 1 year ago:
I am not so young but I have always seen my friends once a week for the better part of my adult life. Basically we always make an effort to organise things, sometimes weeks out, sometimes it’s completely impulsive (and they don’t always work out) - from a small breakfast catch up, or a big weekend away, and everything in between!
- Comment on What are some alternatives to bars that stay open late for folks that don't drink alcohol? 1 year ago:
LAN parties (showing my age).
It depends where you live, but my go-to was 24 hr cafes and other food places, but there are also other activities like late night fishing, long drives (or rides), night photography, etc
- Comment on ISPs complain that listing every fee is too hard, urge FCC to scrap new rule 1 year ago:
This article has serious “not the onion” vibes!
- Comment on What's the Best Non-Alcoholic Alternative to an Ice Cold Beer at the End of the Day? 1 year ago:
A tiny bit of sugar free cordial is my go to, mainly as it gives it a hint of flavour without diluting the bubbles too much!
- Comment on Who is this "Jenkins" and what now has broken him? 1 year ago:
I don’t think there is a single right or wrong answer but to play devils advocate making your CI tooling lightweight orchestration for your scripts that do the majority of the work means you lose the advantages of being able to easily add in third party tools that you want to integrate with your pipeline (quality, security, testing, reporting, auditing, artefact management, alerting, etc). It becomes more complex the more pipelines you are creating while maintaining a consistent set of tooling integrations.
- Comment on Who is this "Jenkins" and what now has broken him? 1 year ago:
Why waste time with CI when you can save on thousands of dev hours by limiting yourself to only one giant fuck off release every year!
/Taps forehead so hard it causes brain damage
- Comment on People who back into parking spots: Why? 1 year ago:
I can’t imagine a reverse camera being a better alternative to looking out the front windscreen - sure it being a bit further forward then your seating position and wide angle might give it a bit extra visibility around close objects, but it definitely does not offset the advantage of a natural ~200 degree field of view - and that is before you move your eyes or swivel your head. This is much much more valuable particularly for faster moving objects (which are a greater problems).
That said I may be biased because my current vehicle has rear front and side cameras so I get the best of both worlds!
- Comment on People who back into parking spots: Why? 1 year ago:
Safety - pure and simple. Visibility is much poorer in reverse an you are more likely to hit someone or something you can’t see - and there a lots less potential hazards like cars zooming past or an errant pedestrian (especially children) in an empty parking spot than there will be in the pathway / roadway when it comes time to leave.
- Comment on [Opinion] About Lemmy 1 year ago:
Lemmy apps are buggy so you are going back to Reddit? I got some news for you buddy…
- Comment on Reddit is bringing back r/Place at perhaps the worst possible time 1 year ago:
I don’t want to give Reddit any traffic BUT this might be a good opportunity to let people know of alternatives like Lemmy!