- Comment on 79% of Americans feel burned out as they put most vacation time toward errands, doctor visits, and family care 1 month ago:
I’m moving to Southeast Asia to grow my business. Right now, I’m making $30-50k gross revenue before expenses—solid, but not enough to live comfortably in the West. So I’m heading to Kuala Lumpur, a city I love, where the cost of living is super affordable. I’ll work a bit, enjoy tons of free time, explore the region, lower my stress, and live much better overall. Sure, I could take a $200k job in NY/LA/SF, but after taxes, rent, and everything else, what’s the point? Freedom isn’t just about “f*** you money” or revenue—it’s about being geographically neutral and choosing the best places on the planet for quality of life and value.
- Comment on xkcd #2976: Time Traveler Causes of Death 6 months ago:
Ctrl+F Hitler, ah, there it is. I feel like the xkcd comic missed an opportunity to have a 1932-1945 segment in there about the biggest cause of death for time travelers being OTHER time travelers killing them before they can successfully go back in time and kill Hitler, lol.
Re: conservation of reality, I feel like if I went back and shot Hitler, I would miss, or be stopped by security, or bad weather, or even if I managed to actually do it, he’d be replaced by a look alike, and then it would turn out the guy we always thought was Hitler was actually just an actor, or something. Whatever happened happened and can’t be undone, not through magic resuscitation of a corpse, but through smooth and natural intervention of reality itself, if that makes sense…
- Comment on xkcd #2976: Time Traveler Causes of Death 6 months ago:
I hear the universe is infinite, and no matter how far away from earth you go, there’s just infinitely more universe. So like if you are standing on earth looking twelve billion light years that way and then twelve billion light years the other way you are in a sphere of unimaginable size right? But if you actually went twelve billion light years that way once you get there you can still look this way or that way and see twelve billion more light years every which way. So from that perspective, pretty much anywhere in the universe is the center of the universe…from a certain point of view…
- Comment on [REPOST] Woman says she started wearing ‘terrible wigs’ after work banned her pink hair 1 year ago:
Fuck your stupid pink and blue hair lol that’s how I came up with that
- Comment on You had unrestricted access to the internet as a child, didn't you? 1 year ago:
Personally I feel like it’s less about exposure to extreme gore and porn and stuff like that. It’s more about the constant barrage of awful shit happening all over the world. Neil stupid thing some politician said, police brutality, an asshole on a plane, etc. Our brains just weren’t designed to handle so much stimulus overload. I’m not a psychologist or whatever but that’s my opinion.
- Comment on I was just existing, bro 1 year ago:
I just told the truth. Personal time off, health and wellness, weight loss, surfing, travel, and yes vibing doing nothing.
It went over well. Most interviewers were more interested in that than my professional experience. Most people can’t do that and want to know what it’s like.
For my part, I don’t want to work for/with people who look down on that sort of thing.
Warning: my resume is extremely strong so I have a lot of leverage. YMMV
- Comment on Open for discussion 1 year ago:
I said I miss learning through osmosis, when you hear colleagues talking about something you may have heard of or read about but never seen in real life. So you get hands on practical real life experience on new concepts - or vice versa, teach someone else something new. You know, a healthy exchange of knowledge and ideas to help each other learn and grow.
This guy posted a 3000 word rant about how much he hates me, and he’s going to need weeks to prepare for that mentally and make sure he’s got the right outfit on and knows what kind of soda to offer me. Like dude wtf…
- Comment on Open for discussion 1 year ago:
I truly enjoy a good debate “in good faith” where both parties lay out their positions and defend themselves and challenge my views. There’s very little of that here. Just pure unbridled rage.
- Comment on Open for discussion 1 year ago:
Some of the people here are downright scary in how toxic and antisocial they are. I just got called a social vampire in another thread for having the audacity to say I personally want to return to office because I miss learning from colleagues, which just doesn’t really happen when everyone is wfh. I’m pretty introverted myself but holy shit, the vitriol was intense. Unbelievable.
- Comment on Open for discussion 1 year ago:
Don’t worry, lemmy definitely beats Reddit in the socially maladjusted toxic asshole department.
- Comment on If you resold Taylor Swift Eras Tour tickets, the IRS is watching — A new rule from the IRS is punishing those who resold tickets for more than $600 in profit with a tax penalty 1 year ago:…/irs-announces-sweeping-effort-to-restor…
The complex structures and tax issues present in large partnerships require a focused approach to best identify the highest risk issues and apply resources accordingly. In 2021, the IRS launched the first stage of its Large Partnership Compliance (LPC) program with examinations of some of the largest and most complex partnership returns in the filing population. The IRS is now expanding the LPC program to additional large partnerships…By the end of the month, the IRS will open examinations of 75 of the largest partnerships in the U.S. that represent a cross section of industries including hedge funds, real estate investment partnerships, publicly traded partnerships, large law firms and other industries. On average, these partnerships each have more than $10 billion in assets.
Believe me when I tell you a partnership with $10b assets is insane. Auditing that is extremely labor intensive and requires a ton of highly specialized skills and that all requires resources.
There’s really nothing left to argue here so please just take this at face value and move on.
- Comment on If you resold Taylor Swift Eras Tour tickets, the IRS is watching — A new rule from the IRS is punishing those who resold tickets for more than $600 in profit with a tax penalty 1 year ago:
Right, well, anyway, the IRS budget just got a huge increase under the Biden administration new budget. They’re finally hiring a ton of new agents and updating their ancient tech etc. The R party fought tooth and nail against this and there’s an active smear campaign to make the average person afraid they’re coming after you. They manage to reduce the budget increase which is going to reduce their ability to go after the whales, as you were griping about in your original post.
- Comment on If you resold Taylor Swift Eras Tour tickets, the IRS is watching — A new rule from the IRS is punishing those who resold tickets for more than $600 in profit with a tax penalty 1 year ago:
Yeah this is completely normal and not at all anything to flip out about. Honestly I’m surprised the reporting threshold was ever $20k to begin with. The 1099 reporting threshold for contractors has been $600 for over a decade now so I would’ve assumed the same for scalpers.
- Comment on If you resold Taylor Swift Eras Tour tickets, the IRS is watching — A new rule from the IRS is punishing those who resold tickets for more than $600 in profit with a tax penalty 1 year ago:
It’s super easy to implement, comply, and enforce this. Like almost automated levels of easy. It’s significantly more complex and requires tons of resources and expertise to go after the whales as you say. Resources they just don’t have. Resources that might be wasted if/when it turns out the taxpayer is fully compliant within reason.
It’s not about double standards, it’s purely logistics and resources - at least on the IRS side. Congress is responsible for their funding, or lack thereof, and it doesn’t take long to figure out who’s responsible for the lack of it. So I’d encourage you to focus your ire on the response political party, not the IRS itself.
- Comment on If you resold Taylor Swift Eras Tour tickets, the IRS is watching — A new rule from the IRS is punishing those who resold tickets for more than $600 in profit with a tax penalty 1 year ago:
All that happened here is they lowered the reporting threshold to cast a wider net and force people to reported income they otherwise could have just not mentioned. It’s not quite like flipping a switch but it’s relatively easy to comply with, and relatively easy to enforce. “Fixing taxes” is significantly more complicated, to say the least.
- Comment on Unity Software Inc's President and CEO John Riccitiello Sells 2,000 Shares 1 year ago:
Adding to this: SEC regs for officers in public companies require them to plan and disclose trades well in advance. It’s not exactly my field and I’m way too lazy to research, but it’s probably like one or two quarters in advance. This is to prevent market panic and speculation exactly like the bs in this thread.
- Comment on Unity Software Inc's President and CEO John Riccitiello Sells 2,000 Shares 1 year ago:
Besides slashdot back in the day I’m not sure if there’s a single place on the internet where people stop to think. And slashdot was heavily biased too come to think of it.
- Comment on Judge in US v. Google trial didn’t know if Firefox is a browser or search engine 1 year ago:
It’s just one of the pipes in the interweb plumbing system duh. (That’s actually a slightly better metaphor than I was going for come to think of it.)
- Comment on The Inventor Behind a Rush of AI Copyright Suits Is Trying to Show His Bot Is Sentient 1 year ago:
Anyone here old enough to remember the dot com bubble in the 90’s? Like really remember the hype and insanely bloated overpriced IPOs and all that? This feels exactly the same way.
- Comment on The Inventor Behind a Rush of AI Copyright Suits Is Trying to Show His Bot Is Sentient 1 year ago:
I read once we shouldn’t be worried when AI starts passing Turing tests, we should worry when they start failing them again 🤣
- Comment on The IRS Is Using AI to Target the Ultra-Wealthy for Tax Violations 1 year ago:
It’s a ton don’t get me wrong but I’ve had clients who regularly make $50 million + annually on average. They spend a million bucks a year on household employees alone. Different world up there.
- Comment on The End of Airbnb in New York 1 year ago:
Off topic but I always thought the airbnb logo looks like a hanging ballsack and their service fits well with that image, so I’m not the least bit surprised to see the company struggling.
- Comment on I.R.S. Deploys Artificial Intelligence to Target Rich Partnerships 1 year ago:
You’d be surprised. Small business owners are notorious for running non-deductible personal expenses through their business for example when they really shouldn’t. Plus some super egregious stuff I can’t begin to get into here. It is trivially easy and the state/fed gov can’t begin to crack down for lack of resources. These are your tradesmen like plumbers and electricians, boutique shop owners, salons, food/catering, smaller self employed professionals like doctors, lawyers, therapists, dentists, etc. It’s sort of a grey area and there’s wiggle room for sure, and I try not to let my clients get away with all of it. But I do look the other way a lot and just plug my nose and sign it and push it through when I’m in a hurry, which is basically always. Some people are just maniacs though, it’s really staggering, idk how they sleep at night. Smaller numbers than a hedge fund manager making $50 mil, but it adds up real quick, and fraud is fraud IMO.
- Comment on Are Internet boards and Forums dead 1 year ago:
Holy cow late 2000s…man it’s too bad you missed the 90’s. There were TONS of forums and real communities built around hobbies, interests, fandoms, etc. I really really miss them. I had real actual friends online. I blame facebook reddit et al for their demise. These huge websites are like the wal marts of the internet destroying small communities.
- Comment on Senate confirms Biden FCC pick as 5 Republicans join Democrats in 55-43 vote. Anna Gomez confirmation means "FCC can act swiftly to restore net neutrality." 1 year ago:
I guess I meant I didn’t realize these things can and do swing back and forth with the political pendulum.
- Comment on FTC judge rules Intuit broke law, must stop advertising TurboTax as “free” 1 year ago:
Why, because it’s cheaper to get sued for a few bucks than to not be a shitty company? Interesting. Like Ed Norton’s car recall equation in Fight Club. Got a source? Not challenging you but I’m curious if that’s your opinion or a known concept.
- Comment on FTC judge rules Intuit broke law, must stop advertising TurboTax as “free” 1 year ago:
Feels like every Evil Corporation ™ has gone this route. In ye olden days it used to be a competitive market where businesses tried to provide the best product and services for the best prices. Then at some point everyone collectively decided to start doing as little as possible without getting sued. I’m so sick of it.
Regarding tax compliance for individuals, if you have the slightest complications in your financial situation, it might be best to pay a small time preparer $500 to deal with the hassle. Software isn’t cheap these days so might as well pay a small premium for the better service a pro provides. (Disclaimer: I am a pro so my opinion is biased.)
- Comment on Senate confirms Biden FCC pick as 5 Republicans join Democrats in 55-43 vote. Anna Gomez confirmation means "FCC can act swiftly to restore net neutrality." 1 year ago:
Question: can we expect net neutrality rules to change every 4/8 years with each new administration?
How will that impact everything, broadly speaking? Unstable rules and regs are hard to work around.
People were sending Ajit Pai death threats. Were they aware his rules would be reversed in4-8 years? I sure wasn’t.
Just curious, I have no idea how this sort of thing works.
- Comment on [REPOST] Woman says she started wearing ‘terrible wigs’ after work banned her pink hair 1 year ago:
It’s a costume party!! Not an actual job! How tf are they at all the same thing 😂 🤦♂️
- Comment on [REPOST] Woman says she started wearing ‘terrible wigs’ after work banned her pink hair 1 year ago:
Mistakes can never be corrected, got it.