- Comment on Taco Bell Programming 6 months ago:
This is great until your job outgrows a single computer or you want to have redundancy. Also, chains of bash tools don’t have the best error management when something chokes in one of the middle steps in the pipe. You can still leverage simple bash tools for a lot of the under the hood stuff, but you start needing something more to act as the glue petty quickly when you scale. KISS should still apply.
- Comment on Babe wake up, new VLC update just dropped 8 months ago:
The upgrade looks like a pain in the ass
- Comment on Born from the tragedy of gun violence, this program teaches children how to stop a wound from bleeding out | CNN 8 months ago:
Any training needs to be tailored to age.
Training for 5 year olds should be mostly about thinking about not putting themselves in danger, recognizing when somebody needs help, and getting help.
As for high school age you can get certified as an EMT at 16, so high school age can handle this type of class.
- Comment on Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined 8 months ago:
They had a big library, but not the user base. They were definitely not maintaining anywhere near the infrastructure and bandwidth of major streaming platforms. Netflix claims 260 million users. It’s not hard to get a giant catalog when you dont have to pay for it.
- Comment on How to opt out of the privacy nightmare that comes with new Hondas 9 months ago:
I suspect that it’s because they are marketed to be as much of a tech gadget as transportation. An iPad on wheels. So they figure that they can slip in this crap.
- Comment on Seems legit 9 months ago:
You mean Fxctory
- Comment on How does harddrive failure work when there's multiple partitions? 9 months ago:
It depends on the exact nature of the failure. Controller errors are usually a complete failure. Media failure (magnetic spots on the disk or failed cells in ssd) are often sporadic and only impact data stored in those spots.
Regardless, drives rarely give you any warning. Look at any warning as a gift and get everything off and replace it ASAP.
- Comment on I am the thing that goes *thump* 'Fuck!' in the night 10 months ago:
Bonus for the toilet right there in the bathroom with no door.
- Comment on Hyundai pauses X ads over pro-Nazi content on the platform 10 months ago:
Pause? Not Canceled?
- Comment on Whoops 10 months ago:
I am old enough to remember when they only had manual screw drivers and thicker wood screws that needed to be pre-drilled and lubed with soap.
Go buy a modern “cheap” wood screw. Not a deck screw. An actual wood screw. Pre-drill the correct size hole, including the countersink, and use the correct size manual Phillips screwdriver. You will never strip out the screws.
Now take a 500 RPM impact driver that has almost enough torque to remove lug nuts, a worn or wrong size bit, and a thin shank screw that was only designed to hold down deck boards and the slightest slip or misalignment and have this photo.
We all do it because it is fast/easy. Just understand that you are doing things the convenient way instead of the right way, and you have to expect the stuff to sometimes not work aa advertised because of it.
- Comment on Dell tells remote workers that they won’t be eligible for promotion 11 months ago:
Wondering how many employees don’t live near a Dell office? I guess that they are screwed.
I assume that many teams are spread around the country, so even if you go to an office, you can’t in person collaborate with your team anyway.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Musk is down -$49B YTD. That guy sure knows how to turn gold into horseshit.
Not a solution, but you have to start somewhere.
- Comment on It's not DNS 1 year ago:
Fat fingering BGP config has nuked the internet quite a few times already.
- Comment on Critical vulnerability affecting most Linux distros allows for bootkits 1 year ago:
This flaw is not really that bad because it requires the attacker to already have total and complete control over the system already. For example, if they were able to steal the root password.
This flaw just makes it easier for the attacker to hide and harder to evict them.
- Comment on How do I "ls -R | cat | grep print" ? 1 year ago:
instead. - Comment on Hacker spins up 1 million virtual servers to illegally mine crypto 1 year ago:
accounts of a subsidiary of one of the world’s largest e-commerce entities.
How to say AWS without saying AWS.
- Comment on The most exciting 2024 tech isn't AI 1 year ago:
One of the hurdles to ARM is that you need to recompile and maintain a separate version of every piece of software for the different processors.
This is a much easier task for a tightly controlled ecosystem like Mac than the tons of different suppliers Windows ecosystem. You can do some sort of emulation to run non-native stuff, but at the cost of the optimization that you were hoping to gain.
Another OS variation also adds a big cost/burden to enterprise customers where they need to manage patches, security, etc.
I would expect to see more inroads in non-corporate areas following Apple success, but not any sort of explosion.
- Comment on Microsoft is adding a new key to PC keyboards for the first time since 1994 1 year ago:
The Clippy Key.
- Comment on xkcd #2875: 2024 1 year ago:
Even if Obama were eligible, I doubt that we could convince him to do it again.
He seems way too happy with retirement to want to deal with the militant toddlers that sprung up after he left.
- Comment on AppleTV complete replacement opinions 1 year ago:
I have had various sticks and Roku highest end models and then got the latest ATV with hard wire port that adds Dolby vision and high frame rate HDR. I have a 2022 high-end TV.
The video quality is noticeably better. Not sure of older ATV, but this is clearly better than the top end Roku. Also, I’m not sure if it is the same on older tvs
The other thing is that you want to hard wire if at all possible. Even the best wifi can’t touch the reliability of a wire
- Comment on Amazon Prime Video will start showing ads on January 29th unless you pay extra for ad-free 1 year ago:
Enshitification won’t stop until the frogs realize that they are being boiled to death and jump out of the pot.
- Comment on Merry ChristmaX 1 year ago:
Or he could go it operations where every day is “a bad day to stop sniffing glue” because you are the only thing keeping the house of cards up while dev and network squabble over who’s foot cannon broke shit this time.
- Comment on What is this monstrosity? 1 year ago:
Knock off version of the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile for guys with little weiners.
- Comment on Roughly 31.75 meters 1 year ago:
The board is about 2 feet shorter in cold weather.
- Comment on Seeking Advice to Ensure Robust Security for My Home Server Setup 1 year ago:
Seems like your edge server is acting as a proxy for a media server on some other host on your LAN.
You want to make sure that the media server software is setup securely, patched, and properly isolated from anything else in LAN should that become compromised. Proxy closes off a lot of attack vectors but not application vulnerabilities. The Lastpass hack happened because of some vulnerability in an employees home plex server.
- Comment on As far as we know, there are 0 Taco Bells on Mars. 1 year ago:
What do you think will be the first fast food franchise on Mars?
My guess is Subway. Don’t need to cook anything and all of the ingredients already have enough preservatives to make the journey.
- Comment on Can anyone give me advice on how to solve this T1-11 siding rot? 1 year ago:
Once it’s rotted, you need to replace. This will also give you the opportunity to look at the wood behind the siding as there’s a good chance that the rot goes deeper.
You never want to have untreated wood touching concrete. Concrete will always wick water and rot the wood. When you replace the siding, leave a 3/8in gap between the wood and concrete. Seal the gap with caulk to keep water out.
- Comment on Who makes those terrible sheet cake things that every Chinese buffet has? 1 year ago:
Chinese cakes, desserts, etc use less sugar and are generally more bland than western recipes. It is a matter of different cultures having different tastes.
- Comment on Slow internet speeds? It might be faster to use a pigeon. 1 year ago:
Throughput is good, but the 4 day pings are a killer.
- Comment on lol 1 year ago:
Lying in court is perjury, which is a criminal offense.
That being said, making a mistake on something like a date is a valid defense. Trump immediately recanting gives him a good way to claim mistake.
There’s more value to prosecution to make him seem deceptive and stupid than wasting more time with something like a super weak case for perjury. You also don’t want to give them more ways to draw out and delay the process.