- Comment on Just 137 crypto miners use 2.3% of total U.S. power — government now requiring commercial miners to report energy consumption 1 year ago:
Wind turbines? Solar thermal? Nuclear in exchange for all of those Bitcoins, perhaps?
- Comment on Just 137 crypto miners use 2.3% of total U.S. power — government now requiring commercial miners to report energy consumption 1 year ago:
I mean, fair, but still. People should push them to go green.
- Comment on Just 137 crypto miners use 2.3% of total U.S. power — government now requiring commercial miners to report energy consumption 1 year ago:
You can get solar panels for like $100-$200 on Amazon right now. Nice ones. The price of them dropped like a fucking rock since China got involved.
- Comment on Just 137 crypto miners use 2.3% of total U.S. power — government now requiring commercial miners to report energy consumption 1 year ago:
I agree with you. That still means Bitcoin is on the hook though.
- Comment on Just 137 crypto miners use 2.3% of total U.S. power — government now requiring commercial miners to report energy consumption 1 year ago:
You’d think with all of the money they’re pulling in, they’d invest in solar panels or something to lower their overhead.
Or am I making the mistake of approaching the situation with common sense?
- Comment on The only thing that is preventing basic living essentials for costing more is whether the capitalist class feel like rising the price or not. 1 year ago:
How would they go about it, do you think? Is there a legal way such a thing could be shut down?
- Comment on Actual real political cartoon. Just... wtf 1 year ago:
You don’t sound any better to be quite frank. You’re not only lowering yourself by stooping to their level, but you’re legitimizing their behavior by doing exactly what they accused Flying Squid of doing.
- Comment on The only thing that is preventing basic living essentials for costing more is whether the capitalist class feel like rising the price or not. 1 year ago:
I’m surprised no one here has organized something like this yet.
- Comment on It's all the same no matter what they say 1 year ago:
What really matters is that shelter, food and basic necessities is put into the hands of those who need it and no one is discussing how best to do that.
- Comment on The only thing that is preventing basic living essentials for costing more is whether the capitalist class feel like rising the price or not. 1 year ago:
So I propose a solution:
We start and fund a non-profit organization designed to produce basic living essentials and sell it at the cost to manufacture, regardless of market pressures. Then we all collectively buy from this non-profit and have a functional means of production legally owned and controlled by the people.
Set up strict rules to ban anyone who has ever worked in any upper management position in any for-profit basic essentials producing company from ever holding any position of power in the non-profit. No one from the corporate world at all. No one from any position in state or federal government. No lobbyists or consultants or members of their think tanks or any of their goons.
Use open source designs for the factories and everyone in the community works together to automate them as much as is possible.
- Comment on The only thing that is preventing basic living essentials for costing more is whether the capitalist class feel like rising the price or not. 1 year ago:
I wonder what it would take to convince people to fight for what is right.
- Comment on The only thing that is preventing basic living essentials for costing more is whether the capitalist class feel like rising the price or not. 1 year ago:
Yes, the CEO needs more baby oil to keep the old gears turning
- Comment on ‘Punish the molesters after my death’ School girl ends life ,The girl wrote her suicide note that despite her family lodging complaints, police took no action because the accused are rich. 1 year ago:
That poor girl. May her community avenge her.
The article gives barely any details on her rapists. I find that deeply problematic.
- Comment on By letting the capitalistic class write the laws we let them dictate the morality of the country. 1 year ago:
What happens if an employer empties the business’s bank account and runs to avoid consequences? Does anyone compensate the employee in that case?
- Comment on By letting the capitalistic class write the laws we let them dictate the morality of the country. 1 year ago:
That wouldn’t be practical for most things, especially disposables or perishables like food. It’d be best simply to fine the owner or garnish their bank account. The IRS should enforce wage theft cases since they’re the ones with the power to do that.
- Comment on Google's trying to DRM the internet, and we have to make sure they fail 1 year ago:
The one thing we couldn’t spin up though are core services that I mentioned - banking, healthcare, government sites, etc.
🤔 Actually, if we banded together and had enough people with the know-how and willpower, we could in principle open up our own credit union. Credit unions are alternatives to banks and are specifically designed for shit like this. Just as there are teachers’ and firefighters’ credit unions, so too could there be one for, say, us Lemmonades.
- Comment on Google's trying to DRM the internet, and we have to make sure they fail 1 year ago:
So basically, we’re going to have to build a separate internet that rejects this new protocol and allows for alternate browsers. That tactic, combined with piracy and offering everything the big guys charge money for for free, might be enough to draw at least a chunk of the people away from it.
- Comment on Google's trying to DRM the internet, and we have to make sure they fail 1 year ago:
Let’s just make our own open-source browser then
- Comment on Ally (bank)mobile app fails without connection to graph.facebook.com 1 year ago:
I’d bet you bottom dollar Ally is selling their customers’ financial information to Meta, and this is a manifestation of that.