- Submitted 10 months ago to | 1 comment
- Comment on Me and my new GitHub repository 1 year ago:
A friend mentioned how she tries to at least set up a README with her vision for the project and plan for how to implement it.
Best case scenario is that the planning helps her complete the project herself. Worst case scenario, someone else can pick up where she left off and use her considerations for the project.
I’m thinking of doing that for future projects too.
- Comment on @PostWatchBot - notify new comments on a post 1 year ago:
I might be able to set something up with the InstanceAssistant browser extension. It would be nice to have it in the main UI, but this could help temporarily.
I’ll send a PM :)
- Comment on Lemmy Comments for YouTube is now available! 1 year ago:
This is amazing, thank you for reaching out to the dev!
This was on the list of ideas for InstanceAssistant, but I didn’t know where to start for it. Great to hear that it was added officially.
- Comment on **Simplest solution for fragmented communities:** Redirect comments to one post (by asking or with new functionality) 1 year ago:
Yep I think the defederation point is the big one which causes the idea to break down. I’ll edit the post to better reflect my thoughts now
- Comment on **Simplest solution for fragmented communities:** Redirect comments to one post (by asking or with new functionality) 1 year ago:
Thank you!
Hope it helps :)
- Comment on **Simplest solution for fragmented communities:** Redirect comments to one post (by asking or with new functionality) 1 year ago:
Look, honestly: if you want Facebook ot Twitter, go back to them.
This post was to talk about the merits/drawbacks of a potential change, and the constructive comments on the post have been helpful for that. Some of the other ‘solutions’ that have been posted here feel even more antithetical to the idea of decentralization (ex. redirecting upvotes, having communities follow other communities) so I was looking for a compromise that would address some of the annoyances without making the site another centralized platform. The intent was to allow users to choose how they want to link cross posts together, rather than having the community (or an app/frontend) make the decision for them. We’ve also been seeing users naturally gravitate to a few instances/communities, so I was looking for ways to redirect some of that traffic back to lesser known spaces.
Regardless, I appreciate the comment. Reading the perspectives on this post helped me see how locking the post completely would cause more issues and annoyances than it would help with. A simple “we are discussing X over on this post, feel free to join” seems like the better compromise.
- Comment on **Simplest solution for fragmented communities:** Redirect comments to one post (by asking or with new functionality) 1 year ago:
that’s fair :)
- Comment on **Simplest solution for fragmented communities:** Redirect comments to one post (by asking or with new functionality) 1 year ago:
Everyone who’s subscribed to the same communities will see all of each others’ comments.
This still relies on everyone using the same app/front-end.
I guess I’m thinking about how it would be helpful in more general cases. If someone has an issue with a FOSS app, and they ask about it in two small communities, it would be much better to have the troubleshooting discussion in one place rather than have both communities missing part of the context.
Ultimately in your example, the user can still make both posts, this doesn’t change that. It just directs the comments to one post’s comment section rather than having it spread out.
Still it’s good to think about. Would a good middle ground just be the first implementation then? To link to the post that OP intends to be the main discussion thread, but people are free to ignore that if they want.
- Comment on **Simplest solution for fragmented communities:** Redirect comments to one post (by asking or with new functionality) 1 year ago:
I agree, instance assistant (our extension actually!) handles this, but it would be much better to have it exist natively.
- Comment on **Simplest solution for fragmented communities:** Redirect comments to one post (by asking or with new functionality) 1 year ago:
this proposal would give more controls to the bigger communities
what are the concerns that come to mind?
I’d rather just have different communities
All the individual communities would continue to exist as they do right now. When it makes sense for a post to have a deeper discussion, users can lock and redirect accordingly
- Comment on **Simplest solution for fragmented communities:** Redirect comments to one post (by asking or with new functionality) 1 year ago:
This works for viewing all the comments so far, but it doesn’t solve the discussion aspect since commentors from each community won’t be seeing or responding to the other comments. This is a bigger issue with smaller communities, where they’d mostly be top level comments / chains with minimal depth from each smaller community. Yes you can see all the comments, but the discussion quality is poor.
It’s also not as helpful when the automation fails. Something I’ve found is that the ‘crosspost’ field starts to get crowded on posts that link to a popular website. Combining comment sections from ALL of those posts isn’t as useful as having some intentional action from the OP.
A key aspect about this proposal is that it requires the OP to do something. If it doesn’t make sense for a community (ex. different intents behind the Politics communities), then OP shouldn’t lock their post. If OP does it anyway, then you can downvote that post.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 22 comments
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on How to handle collaborators on an open source project? 1 year ago:
This is very helpful, thank you! I’ll look into setting up more of that sometime
- Comment on How to handle collaborators on an open source project? 1 year ago:
Good to know, I’ll explore some more.
Thank you!
- Comment on How to handle collaborators on an open source project? 1 year ago:
Makes sense, thank you!
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 14 comments
- Comment on I wrote hacky tampermonkey script to fix Lemmy instance links. Any advice? 1 year ago:
Sounds good! This was my first dive into browser extensions as well. It’s not too bad once you go over the basics. If you give it a try, see the contributing page on the repo’s wiki for some resources on how to get started with browser extensions.
A super short summary is:
- manifest.json is the entry point, it links to HTML files (which represent things like the popup, sidebar) and scripts (which do most of the work)
- the background script runs all the time (see background.js), and the content scripts run on specific pages (ex. There’s one for Lemmy community pages, one for error pages)
If you DO give it a try, we were part way through migrating features from the LemmyTools userscript and that might be a good place to start. I wasn’t familiar with userscripts so I didn’t make much progress, and can’t get back to it for a little while. The issues page of the repo should have LemmyTools related features tagged. If any details are missing, let me know and I’ll add them in :)
- Comment on I wrote hacky tampermonkey script to fix Lemmy instance links. Any advice? 1 year ago:
We’re actually working on a browser extension for this! It currently supports both communities and posts
We ran into the same issue, federated sites are hard to work with. Right now, the extension has it so that a user needs to right click on a link to be redirected. That way the user can choose which links get redirected, and there’s no chance of accidentally redirecting the wrong thing.
There are other solutions (using the API for example), but they seemed to slow the browser down too much. Another proposed feature that hasn’t been implemented yet was to redirect when holding down a key (when holding down “r”, try to redirect the link).
Feel free to take a look, try it, and you can totally contribute code. It’s all open source and we’ve tried to keep the code simple and easy to verify/contribute.
- Comment on What software stack would you have chosen for Lemmy? 1 year ago:
I don’t have as much experience working with the stack, but from what I’ve read it seems like Rust is a pretty solid choice for the backend. It also seems like a lot of the upgrades people want are for the front end, so that’s what would benefit the most from being simpler.
Typescript makes sense, and a handful of frameworks have typescript support. What are the benefits of using Inferno over something like Vue/Nuxt or plain React?
- Comment on YSK that You can now generate posts for Lemmy/Kbin, search for posts, and redirect posts from foreign instances (with Instance Assistant v1.2.5) 1 year ago:
For sure, I’ll incorporate a TLDR in future posts :)
- Comment on Instance Assistant v1.2.5 released: You can now generate posts for Lemmy/Kbin, search for posts, and redirect posts from foreign instances 1 year ago:
That’s really great to hear, thank you for the comment :)
Image size manipulation is something that’s on the list, and it’s one of the features that myself and the dev for LemmyTools was working to bring over from the userscript
Here is the specific issue, although I’m not sure when I’ll be getting to it:…/28
In the meantime, you could also try out the userscript itself and see if it does the job, and also what could be improved when we do bring the feature over:
- Comment on Instance Assistant v1.2.5 released: You can now generate posts for Lemmy/Kbin, search for posts, and redirect posts from foreign instances 1 year ago:
Good to know, could you share what website you were trying to post from?
I think one thing I should implement is a little toast message that explains what went wrong (ex. No title contents found)
- Comment on Instance Assistant v1.2.5 released: You can now generate posts for Lemmy/Kbin, search for posts, and redirect posts from foreign instances 1 year ago:
Sorry to those that have already seen this. I’m trying to space out the posts so it’s not in a large clump in your feeds. People have different subscription lists, so I’m trying to reach those that haven’t seen it yet.
These are the last 4 posts :)
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 3 comments
- Comment on YSK that You can now generate posts for Lemmy/Kbin, search for posts, and redirect posts from foreign instances (with Instance Assistant v1.2.5) 1 year ago:
That’s fair, I’ve posted here in the past but I’ll take it off my list moving forward. I think early on there wasn’t much content so it was ok, but now that the community is rolling it’s not that relevant
It’s good feedback!
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 4 comments
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 2 comments
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 0 comments