- Submitted 2 weeks ago to diy@slrpnk.net | 1 comment
- Comment on Recommendations for RaspberryPI 4B case? 11 months ago:
i use this and i don’t feel like having any trouble, but on my pi i only have music rss and rss bridges
- Comment on An invitation to agree 11 months ago:
proposed by different people
English speakers internet literate and we have already cut down most of the world
then we help each other within our limited means
So it doesn’t solve the problem that is the fact that the richer(s? 🤔) need to pay for the lasts and we are just in a worse situation than now (at least here in Europe would be much worse than status quo, in US idk)
The system I propose applies to everyone who agrees, without geographic bounds. You pick and choose the agreements that you believe in, and therefore the people you want to associate with, and the way in which you want to associate with them. It’s consent vs coercion.
Yep I got this part right and I’ve also had the same idea in the past. But never tried to implement it because of the stuff we already saying + if someone is already paying 40% of their income in taxes how would they live agreeing to another set of law for another 40% of the remaining? Either all reclaiming some sort of indipendence from their country (and now we asking people much more than just following the rules, but to live as outlaws in their countries) or idk living with almost no income. Reclaiming land by grouping in an area and slowly taking political control by consent still looks more realistic and less dangerous to me (but it requires people to move and looks like no one wants that lol)
maybe even a nuclear exchange
People that want this could agree on this and could be the people that have the power to do that while us agreeing on not doing this with 0 power over them, for example. Or just most of the world agreeing on “there may be only 2 genders and 2 only” and stuff like this :o
I find myself wishing to exclude me and my people from the system but that would be just a way to protect us during the future events, not to actually change the world
Btw check out the, I think abandoned, basisproject.net in the meanwhile
- Comment on An invitation to agree 11 months ago:
i kinda agree on everything and i also think about social networks with a positive outcome quite a lot myself so i’ve read it interested in the topic. The main issue is the old ‘‘the devil lies in the details’’.
sharing agreemement, easy; sharing them with technology, easy; creating communities around those agreements, kinda easy and so on. What’s the hardest bottleneck? actually recreating a whole legislation of agreements. All of this stuff doesn’t require a single platform, we already live deep down a form of this social network governed by game theory. Every platform we use every app every club we go to every group have implicit agreements.
So the question is: does making them explicit help or not?
My answer is… Not really. We have rules everywhere, also on this lemmy instance. I wrote them kinda carefully to be based on easily agreeable principles and to set a tone and, most of all, to be brief. Having agreements for everything goes against being brief and easily agreeable. The skii example is a good one: what if i don’t skii? i just don’t partecipate in the agreement and so weaken the power of those who do? What if all poor people agree on universal healthcare but rich people don’t? This brings us to the part of ‘‘convincing people to agree’’ and so we are just making politics from scratch again.
I think this comment is a bit chaotic but i’ll try to make a tldr: a platform like that would be overhead and in some cases also dangerous; we need to raise the common ground by talking to people, there are no tech tools to hack this (no, AI could just parrot an emphatic leader, can’t actually choose the words to connect to the person we have in front of). We can’t escape the political spade work :O
p.s. i also have on my mind to write a blog post about this, how people keep trying to solve the moderation problem with tech instead of just making it sustainable to resolve it socially
- Comment on what do y'all actually host? 1 year ago:
pi 4 with yunohost:
- freshrss
- nextcloud
- navidrome
- transmission
- Comment on DIY mini networking rack 1 year ago:
wow, now i want a mini rack :D
- Comment on Is energy access a human right? 1 year ago:
You ask for 10 to receive 7-6-5…
And btw a lot are asking to stop subsidizing fossil fuels to start subsidizing renewables with that same amount of money
It’s a strawman cause we are talking about no particular case. Seems to me that it’s just another attack to just stop oil and similar people, which I don’t like lol
People will die anyway if we don’t stop with fossil fuels also.
It’s really a matter of what path we want to achieve:
- people dying for capitalism
- people dying for green capitalism
- stop with the capitalism, people will die in the transition but should be much fewer than those other 2 options
- Comment on Is energy access a human right? 1 year ago:
I don’t think it would make sense. Better have access to: clean water, food, (temperature regulated) housing, low cost entertainment, medicine
Legit just let people live, not survive and will be enough
- Comment on Is energy access a human right? 1 year ago:
Something I think a lot of the current group of activists don’t understand is that without energy, people die en masse. And they want to end access to energy, which isn’t good.
Why the strawman out of nowhere my friend :)
- Comment on This Billion Dollar Solar Plant was an EPIC Failure 2 years ago:
Reading the comments, just looks like another failure made by businesspeople and management…
- Comment on What do you think about the renewables vs nuclear debate? 2 years ago:
I do wish we had better developed and more universal grid storage tech than just pumped hydro. A large/continental-sized grid is cool and all, but energy independence is still important in geopolitics unfortunately, and simply in practical terms in general too
You are right, I was thinking more about central/west europe where something like this should be easily achievable
- Comment on What do you think about the renewables vs nuclear debate? 2 years ago:
There are 3 big political cons that are missing in your list:
- nuclear requires a looooooot of money(and time) so the owners would probably be private holdings, not only the state
- nuclear safety requires something very near to 0 corruption
- (maybe) in an democratic confederalism or a anarchosocialism society requires too big coordination
Said that, I never support the ''renewables are intermittent'' point... Right now they have this issue because they are in low number and there are stocking issue and it's mostly one source per place (like solar in sunny places and hydro in mountain places). We can have waaaaaayy more solar panels, wind turbines etc. Saying right now they are intermittent is just a biased point.
I agree with @sj_zero@lotide.fbxl.net , anything practical would do. Right now it's late to have nuclear energy in a lot of places, so the discussion is even kinda pointless, we don't have 30years and mld of euros to build them before the climate really hits us. Even if we start now, we still need something else quicker to build and other ways to reduce the usage! (a lot of ''pro nuclear'' people think that we just need a lot of nuclear to then keep doing everything we do now cause clean energy = no emissions)
So ye, I think it's good to use nuclear and to not close the centrals that are already up, but using ''let's build more'' is not a practical plan right now. We are late :)