- Comment on Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas release 20 years ago today. 4 months ago:
Still remember playing it back on ps2… Imo one of finest R* release and for open world genre.
But what elevates me most is the PC release with countless mods resulted off it. Did have good time playing SA-MP & MTA SA back in 2012-2015 on and off… Basically custom SA Multiplayer client that lets you connect to server and play with dozens or even hundreds of ppl within a server, met couple of friends and joined Clan that still connected to this day.
Also this game was the game that introduce me to game modding and also as game modder (made dozen of stuffs for SP and MP maps).
- Comment on Nvidia blocks access to video card driver updates for users from Russia and Belarus. 4 months ago:
I wish Free/Libre movement (as not to be limited only to FOSS and OSHW) to stay away from getting too political. Sure perhaps because their contributors mostly coming from westerner but lately things get piggybacked by nonsense stuffs (Debian wtf?). For truly Free/Libre there should be no border and everyone welcome to contribute instead of artificial reasoning because someone above them have to comply with this-that or whatever the heck the agenda are.
- Comment on Somehow USB disks are still the easiest and most reliable way 7 months ago:
- Comment on New Laptop Memory Is Here! LPCAMM2 Changes Everything! - iFixit Video 9 months ago:
Hopefully it can go mainstream with adoption frim oems and ram kit manufacturers though I’m pretty sure it will cost a fortune for such kit that want to edges out both performance and repairability.
- Comment on Hey Daddy ( Daddy's Home ) - Usher ( Speed up + Reverb + Underwater ) TikTok Version 9 months ago:
Early 2010s interndg called, they want their vaporwave and nightcore edit back
- Comment on Are you prepared for the ramifications of windows 10 EoL? 10 months ago:
The only thing that hold me back full-time linux daily driving is M$ Office because workplace uses M$ suites (Office, Teams, Outlook and so on) and CAD program (Freecad pita for me, haven’t tried Ondsel addon).
I don’t think they would just abandon the support overnight (unless they’re being greedy af and want to drive the failed “Windows 11” adoption very fast). The fact that they only make “sudo” utility only for Windows 11 is disguting (though you can do it yourself on windows 10 too), pretty sure they will keep giving security patches just like XP and 7 being legacy system.
- Comment on Favourite Retro games that can be found on Steam (Linux) 10 months ago:
og Counter Strike (1.6) available on native linux. It plays well even on toaster and lan play, we still have populated pub servers in South East Asia.
Another favourite of mine is og Doom 1 and Doom 2, if you want to modernize (and better mod support) the game, use gzdoom source port.
- Comment on Oh the wonders of technology 10 months ago:
Hmm, pocketable mech keeb? 🤔
Pocketable IBM model F keyboard sounds rad for typist (no pun intended).
- Comment on Microsoft starts testing ads in the Windows 11 Start menu 10 months ago:
Consider most recent offering from china does not have Android One option, this statement is true.
As long as your phone have snapdragon soc, most likely the community have made custom rom for that model. But if you want something more hardened out of the box like GrapheneOS, you’re out of luck.
- Comment on Microsoft starts testing ads in the Windows 11 Start menu 10 months ago:
Ah finally, Windows and Cheap chinese android phone have something in common. Ads in their built in
bloatwaresapps. - Comment on Discord Shuts Down Servers for Switch Emulators Suyu & Sudachi; Disables Lead Developers Account As Well 10 months ago:
Sadly for that matter it is more to the legal area.
For identity they can catch you either from email or the payment info. For email you can make one easily, but for payment search a provider that accept virtual (credit) card, or get something that accept crypto wallet.
Yeah, online exposure can point you sooner or later depending how motivated the party that seek you.
- Comment on Discord Shuts Down Servers for Switch Emulators Suyu & Sudachi; Disables Lead Developers Account As Well 10 months ago:
Internet is really wide and open if you know direction :)
Even libgen (Library Genesis) still provide IRC as one of option to download ebook from their catalog.
FMHY and Internet Archive is a good entry point if you want to search anything.
- Comment on Discord Shuts Down Servers for Switch Emulators Suyu & Sudachi; Disables Lead Developers Account As Well 10 months ago:
I’ll explain it in layman’s terms…
- There is always a price (inconvenience) for secure-ness in online world.
- There’s 2 option to host a forum,
- You can use service like forum hoster or rent a VPS (so you can setup your own server although not self-hosting).
- Self-host yourself (this one a bit tricky if you aren’t prepared).
- Learn some good basic OpSec habit (eg. Never use same password, Never put your personal detail in your active directory especially on your site source document, use 2FA and so on).
- Learn to spot a phising or malicious link and never to randomly click random link in an email (in times when someone tried to social engineering you).
- Use reputable service provider if you are not going to self-host yourself.
- If you happen to self-host, make sure to check your open ports and secure them. Bots always probing any site in the world!
- Comment on Discord Shuts Down Servers for Switch Emulators Suyu & Sudachi; Disables Lead Developers Account As Well 10 months ago:
Maybe in my message seems to focus solely on discord for putting the blame… The problem nowadays is that mostly these “devs” share/upload/host their releases in Discord which means you do use Discord’s CDN to host their files. Another common complaint of these practices is that you need to join their server in order to just download relevant files which makes it infuriating if you stumbles across these practices often. For example I joined 8 different discord servers just to download a software/binary/release, why can’t just put the release on something like Mediafire, Google Drive, Megaupload or perhaps sourceforge.
I do understand Discord is communication platform but most of time some people are too lazy to manage stuff so what happen is that everything is hosted in single place as such Discord.
- Comment on Discord Shuts Down Servers for Switch Emulators Suyu & Sudachi; Disables Lead Developers Account As Well 10 months ago:
I’m pretty sure most of people who mainly use discord as their main social apps probably never touched forum-based internet.
Hosting your own forum is also better as you (the owner of the site) can still retrieve the msgs as long as you still have the access to the host server.
Not to mention using discord is already risking yourself because of their shitty policy.
- Comment on Lemmy Active Users looking good 11 months ago:
As someone who mostly lurking back in reddit, lemmy sort of forces me to engage (give back) in community. While at first I felt weird, it grow on me to contribute for discussion and hopefully I can start my own post in a community lol.
- Comment on Persona 3 Reload sold 1 million copies worldwide within its first week, becoming the fastest selling game in Atlus history 1 year ago:
Yes. You can emulate almost every mainline Megaten games. However, native pc port lets user to have accessibility (especially for casual user) instead of going through steps setup emulator. Paired that with reasonable
regionalprice (except I doubt in the case of ATLUS/SEGA), they can have free money printer while at the same time adds more availability to how you play them. - Comment on How do I learn about DIY modern electronics? 1 year ago:
I recommend to start learning fundamental electronics first then move up to microcontrollers (if you’re interested for that) or straight to device. Make a habit of reading datasheet. Reading datasheet is necessity to understand the characteristic of components you’re after.
While learning Arduinos are good to learn how to handle microcontrollers are interfacing electrics modules. Learning electronics fundamental is good start to put more confident handling electronics (especially low voltage/current stuffs). You may want to tweak lower devices first as higher power devices such as SMPS, Inverter, old CRT TV, Higher power amplifier require more understanding power electronics.
Afterward steps up to analog electronics (op amp, transistors, mosfets) then digital electronics (digital ics, microcontrollers). At this stage reading datasheet is a must in order to not miss anything from components you are going to use.
For learning via youtubes, you can try visit eevblog, GreatScott (general purpose), bigclivedotcom (general device disassembly/tear down), afrotechmods (his old videos are still good for explanation). For books, try to check other commenters.
You can learn at any pace and most importantly have fun :D
source: Am recently graduated mechatronics students, currently working on automotive industry.
- Comment on Persona 3 Reload sold 1 million copies worldwide within its first week, becoming the fastest selling game in Atlus history 1 year ago:
Now if only they port other mainline Megaten games into PC/steam at reasonable price. Seeing Noctune on steam was like fever dream, not to mention that rumour SMTV for PC release from Geforce Now leak ;_;
- Comment on The Cult of AI. How one writer's trip to an annual tech conference left him with a sinking feeling about the future 1 year ago:
AI is a reflection of human nature, but it isn’t necessarily an easily controlled or shaped reflection of that.
This partly true especially models that deployed on public and uses large samples gathered from large amount of peoples. Now the parts that we can’t control is if the model is trained with skewed dataset that benefits certain outcomes.
- Comment on The Cult of AI. How one writer's trip to an annual tech conference left him with a sinking feeling about the future 1 year ago:
Have read the article.
Maybe call me ignorant but as someone from Eastern part of the world, sometimes I wonder why would these people worry when all of these AI stuff are still prompted from human input, in a sense that We are the one who creates them and dictates its actions. All in all they’re just closed loop automata that happens to have better feedback input compared to your ordinary Closed loop system machines.
Maybe these people worried because these (regular people) don’t know how these things works or simply they don’t have or lack of self control in first place which what makes them feels like having no control about what happening.
I understand the danger of AI too, but those who prompted them also human too, in which it is just human nature by itself.
- Comment on YouTube is slowing down for users with ad blockers in new wave 1 year ago:
Been using revanced, sometimes using Iceraven (ff fork) w/ ublock origin on phone, and using librewolf (another ff fork) also w/ ublock origin on desktop. So far never encountered slow down since November 2023.
Is this slow down only on select extension issue? Although when it first happend (late 2023) I was thrown up by sudden yt not loading on my librewolf but it only happend only on single day, afterward it gone.
- Comment on Stop pussyfooting that gaspedal! 1 year ago:
Text that you can hear.
- Comment on What's your favorite game that you will NEVER finish? 1 year ago:
For me I think it is more for JRPG genre games as growing older makes me unable to access them easily as I was younger due to time constraint, somehow I am more appreciate shorter game because I can finish them faster.
This reminds me of my Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System that I had on PS2, lost track where I was progressing and not really want to finish it as I felt the world is large enough with some hidden optional bosses. Another instance of unfinished playthrough is my SMT: Strange Journey because I had lost my track due to irl stuff while the save had 80hr on the clock.
Another series that I would not finish is Harvest Moon/Story of Season, had Back to Nature and A Wonderful Life on PS2 back then (and now on steam), could not complete them as it feels more like a chore. First year is enough for me to mark it as complete.
Payday 2 too with thousands of achievements that I did not bother to collect, I just played them for fun and with friends.
- Comment on What multiplayer games having singleplayer/offline mods? 1 year ago:
np, NFS World probably bit niche side of NFS even though there is EA Black Box involvement on it, while the original game has MTX nature on it, the emulated server deletes them and convert them into the same in game currency that you won from events.
I keeping tab on NFS Edge restoration (Project Verge) as I never played them (It was China only iirc) and it seems pretty fun if the MTX part are gone.
- Comment on What multiplayer games having singleplayer/offline mods? 1 year ago:
NFS World come to mind, there is mod that allows you to play the game with emulated server (so you can play it offline). Also the community made an effort to recreate the client and restore the game by making community servers (alongside some added custom content).
Maybe MMOs that have custom client or simply localhosted emulated server mod count on this context.
- Comment on How to keep a man 1 year ago:
Uhhh, the picture seems like out of this world and at the same time the corn thingy reminds me garmonbozia
- Comment on 2024 could be the year the PC finally dumps x86 for Arm, all thanks to Windows 12 and Qualcomm's new chip 1 year ago:
Tell me you never used Arm based system for daily drive without telling me you never used Arm based system. General software compatibility is not there and PC is not only on Windows or Mac. Sure on Mac they have enterprise support for their user. By having more power (bruteforcing) to run the emulation simply does not mean the software run flawless.
As someone who have Raspberry Pi 4 and Orange Pi 5, the situation is a bit different. Raspberry Pi have a well supported system by communities and the devs, meanwhile on Orange Pi 5 some drivers are not released by the Orange Pi/left to the dust if there are no maintainer, not to mention if you want specific build of binary which not covered by repo/ppa, you have to build yourself from source, and the GPU driver situation for OPi5 which not yet have Vulkan support and sub par performance on Linux meanwhile on RPi5 they have Vulkan support 2 weeks after release.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
JSUE is reworked version of JESawyer tweak mod. It was created by one of original Fallout designer Josh Sawyer but the original version of the mod is gone and people recreate their own as to make improvement out of it (in term of the scripting effectiveness and newer code standard of New Vegas Extended Script modding).
The list of the changes is huge as it overhauls some stuffs within the game. Here is the list of the changes if you are interested to read them. Things that I noticed when I played with it is that you had to make use of Ammo types mechanics, you had to use AP ammos to punch those Super Mutants, Deathclaws or anything that have high DT otherwise you wouldn’t punch their HP much through their thick skin/armor. Carry weight is even more lower than vanilla (though you can change it in .ini file; I don’t recommend to add more than +50 lbs of carry weight to keep it in spirit of the tweak) which makes you to planning ahead during exploration and use those Mojave Mailboxes when you want to transfer some stuff from locations. Survival skills worth the investment in this tweak as chems item is more rare. On my playthrough, I find Hardcore Mode with this tweak really good combination as to make food, chems, drinks and beverage more useful than simply to restore (or buffs) your character stats.
Oh another tip, if you have both Fallout 3 and New Vegas, consider to try Tale of Two Wasteland on your next playthrough, it simply better experience if you want to play Fallout 3 as it use New Vegas engine which more mod supported than 3 version (finding modern mod and bug fixes for 3 is harder than New Vegas based on my last Fallout 3 playthrough).
In my opinion both game are great in their own way and Bethesda did good job saving the IP on Fallout 3 (Bethesda bought Fallout IP when Black Isle/Interplay bankrupt). Without Fallout 3, New Vegas can not exist.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Clocking in at ~80 hrs on my current annual New Vegas playthrough, I’m trying to finish this one as my previous playthroughs always end abruptly nearing the End. The options to solve a problem/quest is what makes this game never be boring and you can RP anything you like (although I have not tried Legion Courier, maybe in future). At the moment I am on my way at the start of Lonesome Road as before concluding the story in Hoover Dam battle.
Viva New Vegas with JSUE tweak makes the game feels like classic Fallout and force player to be resourceful and use every features that the game offer, however I do not recommend to use JSUE tweak if you only played Bethesda Fallout game as Fallout 1 and 2 is a bit infuriating in term of early game difficulty (if you do not know what to do), stick to Vigor Lite if you want closer to vanilla easy difficulty.