- Comment on Man who lost bitcoin fortune in Welsh tip explores purchase of entire landfill 3 weeks ago:
I can’t imagine the data would even be readable after all this time. Hard Drives ain’t built to survive being in a tip for a decade, so the odds that water, corrosive liquid and gas got in there is pretty high. That layer that actually holds the data on the platter is incredibly delicate of course, so I wouldn’t hold any hope that the platter could even be removed and read. Must be terrible to have to get up for work every day knowing what slipped through your fingers.
- Comment on New PANTY & STOCKING with GARTERBELT | Official Teaser 2 months ago:
Gainax may have ruined Christmas, but Trigger saved it.
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 3 months ago:
After around 16,000 hours, I’ve found WoW to be a lot more fun playing with others than just restricting myself to open world and full-PUG content. The last expansion was decent (story was a bit meh, but gameplay was great) and the current expansion has been okay so far. I just hope they can get balancing right on events going forward, since it’s getting tiring seeing them create a massive artificial grind then walk back on it a week or two later.
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 3 months ago:
After playing for 2000 hours, this one is an easy recommendation from me, too. The game was quite light on endgame content at release, but due to the design of the game, now the vast majority of the game occurs at ‘endgame’ and can be very fun. I love how I can come back after a couple of years, buy access to any content I missed in the meantime and have a character that doesn’t need to grind levels or gear, just jump straight into story mode and get caught up on the story. Even better when you don’t have to worry about making your playtime feel like it needs to be ‘worth it’, since you don’t need to pay monthly to play.
- Comment on Why Britain is the world’s worst on homelessness 8 months ago:
Until we:
- Ban buy-to-let mortgages.
- Ban landlords from owning multiple houses.
- Invest into social housing and ban so-called “affordable housing” lettings. We’ll continue to be stuck in this downward spiral.
The problem is, everyone in power is a landlord or otherwise benefits from the current system, so nothing changes and we continue circling the drain as a society.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
A Razor product that doesn’t work as advertised? Consider me shocked.
- Comment on "Look Back" New Key Visual, PV 10 months ago:
I’m looking forward to seeing this, the one-shot was a fantastic read. I hope they manage to nail the effect of seeing Kyomoto’s artwork as well as the manga did.
- Comment on Discord lays off 170 people, blames growing too quickly | TechCrunch 1 year ago:
How the fuck does a chat program justify a workforce of one thousand employees in the first place?! How do they expect to ever get in the green when they’re spending that much money on staff?
Is their entire business model to just endlessly pull in V.C. money and “grow” until they can’t get investors on board anymore? Actually, don’t answer that one, I assume that’s how almost every tech company works these days, and at some point it’s all going to crash.
- Comment on AI one-percenters seizing power forever is the real doomsday scenario, warns AI godfather 1 year ago:
That’s great. Now try training that model on a 4080 and you’ll see it’ll take significantly longer. Try amassing the data needed for training on your home PC and see how much longer beyond that which you’ll need. There’s a reason the current race is down to just a few companies, it costs pennies to run queries on an existing model, millions to build that model in the first place.
- Comment on Former soldier searched Google, Reddit for spying tips, prosecutors say — Investigators say they found a document on the man's computer titled: “Important Information to Share with Chinese Governme... 1 year ago:
Ah, there it is. Say it louder for those at 99 IQ in the back that you’re lumping in with this guy. That is, if you think they’re even smart enough to be able to understand you in the first place.
And it wasn’t a question you posed at all- it was a generalised statement that you consider half the population to be “dumb”, which, in a roundabout way, is where I’ve been going with this.
- Comment on Former soldier searched Google, Reddit for spying tips, prosecutors say — Investigators say they found a document on the man's computer titled: “Important Information to Share with Chinese Governme... 1 year ago:
You’re the one that brought up IQ in the first place, you can’t blame me for engaging on that.
It’s hard to detect a joke when it doesn’t exist in the first place.
- Comment on Former soldier searched Google, Reddit for spying tips, prosecutors say — Investigators say they found a document on the man's computer titled: “Important Information to Share with Chinese Governme... 1 year ago:
Approximately half the people in the world have an IQ in the double digit range. IQ literally has its mean at 100 for a given population. I don’t think I understand what you’re getting at there.
- Comment on Keir Starmer set to reject EU overtures to join revamped bloc as 'non-starter' 1 year ago:
Politics is fucked up, glad you noticed. Lib Dems are also sellout liars and there will never be another referendum. Sorry to burst all your bubbles at once, but that’s the way it goes in this country.
- Comment on Keir Starmer set to reject EU overtures to join revamped bloc as 'non-starter' 1 year ago:
Voting for a party that will get into bed with the Tories at the first sign of power coming their way, a party that has repeatedly said they will not do a deal with Labour, is a vote for another Tory hegemony.
Lib Dems had one chance to show they wouldn’t sell out and they cheated their core demographic that got them power. They don’t deserve a second chance.
- Comment on Keir Starmer set to reject EU overtures to join revamped bloc as 'non-starter' 1 year ago:
I’m surprised he said anything considering his track record on not taking a stance on things.
- Comment on Brexit: Labour will seek re-write of deal, Starmer says 1 year ago:
Wow, Starmer actually managed to decide on a manifesto pledge? I was starting to think that indecisive git was incapable of actually standing behind a statement. At this rate, we might know where Labour stand on a whole three issues by the time the general election is called.
- Comment on What are some great open source games? 1 year ago:
Helium Rain launched a few years ago as a commercial game with an open source launcher (BSD-3), and as of a few weeks ago the game became free on Steam. The developer is no longer maintaining it, but there’s still a small community that are interested in it.
- Comment on The Batshit Crazy Story Of The Day Elon Musk Decided To Personally Rip Servers Out Of A Sacramento Data Center 1 year ago:
One day, one of these stunts he pulls is going to end up ruining whatever company he does it in, and I’m all here for it. Though we’ll probably never know since he’ll just blame it on something / someone else and his little muskettes will follow along.
- Comment on Alan Turing: Stolen items returned to UK school from US after 40 years 1 year ago:
So a random woman stole the items, changed her name to Turing a few years later, then 35 years later tries to loan the stolen items to a university pretending to be a relative? What an absolute nutcase!!