- Comment on Studios are cracking down on some of the internet’s most popular pirating sites 6 months ago:
I watched the original and it was so bad. How can the new movie be an insult? Can it get worse?
- Comment on Do you prefer to buy games on Steam or GOG? 6 months ago:
GOG is usually my first choice, mainly because its a european company and because of DRM. But I also try to not buy all of my games only on one store. You never know when it suddenly goes to shit and then all your games are trapped in that store.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
Funny is that I have only seen Anti Vegan threads on here. Like, who is the annoying one?
- Comment on We can do all three things at once 10 months ago:
I tell you a secret, It’s not profitable for anyone.
- Comment on We can do all three things at once 10 months ago:
Yes because nuclear plants are so expensive which means electricity price will go up for the non rich people. Unless of course they use tax money to bring down the cost but that means you still paying with your taxes to make it more affordable.
- Comment on We can do all three things at once 10 months ago:
Then why dont you have 100 nuclear plants on that space
- Comment on We can do all three things at once 10 months ago:
Well renewables are better for future generations. Maye you shuld push for that instead of an overly expensive water cooking maschine
- Comment on We can do all three things at once 10 months ago:
No, money is the problem. If nuclear wasnt that expensive then sure, go for it.
- Comment on We can do all three things at once 10 months ago:
Agreed, the future generations already have enough problems. Thats why we should invest into stuff that brings solutions and does not create problems.
- Comment on We can do all three things at once 10 months ago:
Because funding nuclear is just a hole with not bottom and it takes too much time. Money should be spent on other things.
- Comment on We can do all three things at once 10 months ago:
But why would you do that if you can just without.
- Comment on We can do all three things at once 10 months ago:
No, investing in nuclear costs sooo much money. Money that would be missed for building reneweables. If the conservatives wouldnt have blocked the renewable boom we had in 2012, we would be much further. Im glad were out of that nuclear stuff.
- Comment on We can do all three things at once 10 months ago:
Don’t you think it sounds crazy to build a underground storage just to have it closed for a million years. I just can’t understand why anybody would want that.
- Comment on We can do all three things at once 10 months ago:
But its also possible without nuclear waste. You are just pushing the problems with the waste to the future generations.
- Comment on We can do all three things at once 10 months ago:
Could be that Finland is a big country with only 5,5 million people living there compared to 83million in germany. Easier to find a place.
- Comment on We can do all three things at once 10 months ago:
People who want nuclear plants should also vote for having a nuclear waste storage in your area if that is possible. In germany we still dont have a solution for the waste we already have and the states who want Nuclear Plants are already said no to havin a storage in their state. You cant make this shit up
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Thanks for the advice, my PC is already full AMD so I guess that makes it a bit easier? :D lucky
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I will just dual boot at the beginning and play around with Linux for a bit.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Think I will try Linux for real now
- Comment on Ecosia plants 200 million trees 1 year ago:
Can I ask what search engine you would recommend that is not some kind of misleading or a scam
- Comment on Japanese disaster prevention X account can’t post anymore after hitting API limit - The issue has arisen after major Tsunami warnings have been issued in areas of Japan following a strong earthquake 1 year ago:
Which they already have
- Comment on Japanese disaster prevention X account can’t post anymore after hitting API limit - The issue has arisen after major Tsunami warnings have been issued in areas of Japan following a strong earthquake 1 year ago:
NERV already has a Mastodon server.
They already announced last year that they want to move away from Twitter.
- Comment on Do you actually own anything digital? 1 year ago:
Yep, I always check GOG first when I want to buy a game on PC.
- Comment on Elon Musk Says He Might Put X/Twitter Behind A Paywall 1 year ago:
Yes please!
- Comment on IGN | Rotten Tomatoes Under Fire After PR Firm's Scheme to Pay Critics for Positive Reviews Uncovered 1 year ago:
I was thinking the same lol
- Comment on Is there a game that you've been very patient for, which turned out to be dissappointing when you finally started playing it? 1 year ago:
Diablo 4
Really loved the first cinematic and enjoyed the Beta. But I’m already bored after reaching lv 30. Haven’t played it in weeks. I don’t know, the MMO aspect kinda ruined the expirience for me and the combat isn’t fun enought to keep me engaged.
- Comment on Netflix says people just kind of rolled over and accepted the password sharing crackdown 1 year ago:
I canceled my sub aftear being subbed for many many years.