- Comment on Indiana parents warn nation after child is removed from home for improper pronoun usage: ‘Can happen anywhere’ 11 months ago:
The state wasn’t “keeping their child from them”, the state was protecting a child who didn’t want to go back to shitty parents.
- Comment on I've noticed my boomer parents using Instagram and tik tok. I can't tell you how excited I am for them to kill those platforms like they did facebook. 11 months ago:
Early 20’s here with 65y/o parents 👋
- Comment on Windows Mixed Reality to be removed in Windows 11 24H2 1 year ago:
We’re a long way off from iron man type shit, but yeah this is the path to getting there. It’ll probably take decades but hopefully we can iron out the kinks and inconveniences to not so much “solve” problems vs normal screens, but elevate our ease of access and capabilities.
- Comment on Tired brain is worst brain 1 year ago:
I feel you, I once was applying it to my inner thigh, and it leeched onto my balls and ruined my life for a few hours.
- Comment on Tired brain is worst brain 1 year ago:
It’s it possible, much like an edible, you applied the second dose before the first dose had the time to set in?
- Comment on Researchers come up with better idea to prevent AirTag stalking 1 year ago:
I think the main issue with air tag stalking is somebody else slipping their own air tags into your car, purse, backpack, etc to always know where you are
- Comment on The lamest countries 1 year ago:
More specifically with Serbia, they were genociding until NATO stepped in and bombed them, and have spent the last 20+ years crying about how NATO was the big bad boogie man who attacked first, while simultaneously trying to destabilize Kosovo through frequent Russian backed violations of the MTA that ended the open conflict. Literal government policies of a schoolyard bully.
- Comment on Here as well 1 year ago:
Yes, statistics generally teaches to not worry excessively about outliers.
- Comment on makes sense 1 year ago:
Factorio definitely taxes CPU usage heavily if you’re building a mega base. Don’t get me wrong, it’s gotta be a big ass base, but you could just import somebody’s monstrosity and run it in the background.
- Comment on Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer released early by rockstar after it was supposedly leaked 1 year ago:
What’s the in trailer that you couldn’t expect? I didn’t really see anything GTA V didn’t already have.
- Comment on Fusion 360 increasing annual price by $190 USD 1 year ago:
Just in case anybody doesn’t know, if you’re a US or Canada veteran, solidworks is $20 a year
- Comment on Dwarf Fortress- Adventure Mode Announcement Trailer 1 year ago:
Is it Linux only? What an interesting change of pace, if so
- Comment on If other countries can afford massive internet pysops why can't I find a job in the states where I get to meme and troll all day for the US military? 1 year ago:
I think OSINT, Open-source intelligence, would be more akin to trolling on social media. They’re the ones who crawl through Instagram and shit to ID Russian soldiers locations when they post selfies and the likes.
- Comment on US rejects AI copyright for famous state fair-winning Midjourney art 1 year ago:
I’m pretty specifically trying to bring to mind the time it takes to hone the skill. Photography is similar in that it takes many many hours to get to the point where you can produce a good work of art.
If an artist (or photographer) spends a couple hours on a peice, that’s not the actual amount of time needed. It takes years to reach the point where they can make art in a few hours. That’s what people are upset about, that’s why nobody cares about “it took me hours to generate a good peice!”, because it takes an artist 10,000 hours.
What AI art is doing is distilling that 10,000 hours (per artist) into a training set of 99% stolen works to allow someone with zero skill to produce a work of art in a few hours.
What’s most problematic isn’t who the copyright of the AI generated age belongs to, it’s that artists who own their own works are having it stolen to be used in a commercial product. Go to any AI image generator, and you’ll see “premium” options you can pay for. That product, that option to pay, only exists on the backs of artists who did not give licensing for their works, and did not get paid to provide the training data.
- Comment on US rejects AI copyright for famous state fair-winning Midjourney art 1 year ago:
If I took a few hours to make an impressive AI generated price of art, that’s still %0.0001 the amount of time an actual a real artist would’ve spent developing the skill and then taking the time to make the peice. I get to skip all that because AI stole the real artists’ works.
- Comment on Are you holding off on any game in particular right now? 1 year ago:
Mind flayers (the “Cthulhu”) are prominent bad guys in DnD, super popular. They’re canonically aberrations from a different realm, so they’re designed to be freaky Lovecraft aliens. Idk if you’re saying BG3 looks weird or crazy, but aliens and spelljammer space-ship like things are established canon in DnD, the source material.
- Comment on For real 1 year ago:
Yep, I deployed and my wife and I stayed faithful to each other. The military just has a way of convincing terrible matchups to get married. I started dating my wife a bit before I joined, and basic training had me ready to marry her as soon as I graduated. Luckily she was smarter than me and we waited a few years and worked out about 40,000 problems before we actually got married.
But I see a lot of young soldiers who aren’t smarter. The military can make you feel very alone, make you miss your friends or girlfriend super badly, make you want to make a big romantic gesture when you get back to them, make you want to lock in a partner to face the world with. So yes the 18-20 year olds go marry somebody they really shouldn’t have, and over the years they grow apart because they were only held together by expectations. Then when they get split up by a deployment, they both want to experience another person consequence free.
- Comment on [REPOST] Military Wife Demands Salute? Never! 1 year ago:
Because commissioned officers write the rules that make them feel good and strong and important, and remind anybody who hasn’t gone to college that they’re mangy peasants unworthy to be in said college graduate’s presence.