- Comment on THE FINALS | Season 2 | March 14 11 months ago:
I second this. Got over 80 hours of playtime right now and it is a blast (when playing with friends)
The new season looks awesome. It won’t ever replace Titanfall 2, but it scratches the same itch.
- Comment on I'm making a "Stanley Parable"-inspired game, accepting suggestions 11 months ago:
If your game allows people to hold stuff: A small purple Stegosaurus that the player can pick up. It ever so slightly grows in size whenever you enter a new room. Once it is big enough you can use its tail as a ramp to get to a new area, otherwise inaccessible.
- Comment on What are some good games with *zero* replayability? 11 months ago:
Limbo and Lost in Random
You could replay them for the vibe, but that’s it
- Comment on EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea" 1 year ago:
The issue is not the genre “single player (shooter)” itself, but that these big companies just churn out the same generic bullshit and then act surprised when no-one plays it.
AAA studios just don’t have the balls anymore to take a risk and develop something unique. And this is their downfall.
Titanfall 2, Metro Exodus, Ghostwire Tokyo, Doom (to name a few) are all excellent first person shooters. All of them have something unique about them that makes them worthwhile.
- Comment on Did youtube give in already? 1 year ago:
I have YouTube Premium and use the included ad-blocker of OperaGX. Never had that pop up and my YouTube runs like it always has.
I think once you pay for Premium they don’t care anymore of you have an ad-blocker running.
- Comment on How Much Does It Cost to Charge an Electric Vehicle? (A comparison at home and on the road, with gasoline) 1 year ago:
46 cent per kWH is insane for home prices the fuck.
- Comment on This should be illegal 1 year ago:
Furthermore, if you don’t want to pirate: Buy your games on GoG. They are DRM free and you don’t need the launcher to play (GoG Galaxy is amazing though btw)
- Comment on How Much Does It Cost to Charge an Electric Vehicle? (A comparison at home and on the road, with gasoline) 1 year ago:
Those are amazing prices.
In Germany I pay: -0.33$ at home and work -0.72$ - 0.88$ on public chargers
Gas is currently about 7.68$ per gallon. ._.