- Comment on What happens if flat Earthers go to space? 1 year ago:
If they believe, then they become “mind controlled”, “double agents”, “traitors”, etc to other flat earthers.
- Comment on Over half of all tech industry workers view AI as overrated 1 year ago:
I’ve authored multiple FOSS libraries and have deployed numerous applications to production lmfao
Did you become a “dev” by going to a bootcamp and learning HTML and JS?
- Comment on Over half of all tech industry workers view AI as overrated 1 year ago:
I completely disagree with the premise that AI is overrated. It’s fucking underrated.
Sure, if you just blindly put input into ChatGPT and use the output it’s not that useful. It’s a tool. You need to know how to use a tool to get the most use out of it. If you know how to use it properly, then it’s fucking amazing. Anyone claiming that AI can just magically work and do anything is a fraud.
The truth is that anyone who can’t get practical use of it is probably ass at communicating with people. Pretend it’s another engineer who’s junior to you and your passing work off to them. If you can’t do that, then you probably shouldn’t ever progress beyond mid-level in your career.
- Comment on Over half of all tech industry workers view AI as overrated 1 year ago:
Sounds like you don’t know how to use AI to work faster and are just jealous.
- Comment on Jeff Bezo is now cosplaying as a working class man. 1 year ago:
This Ken’s job is Costume
- Comment on Am I crazy, or are Americans going insane? 1 year ago:
then I’ve never visited that part of the world before
Yeah, it sure sounds like you’ve never visited a Muslim majority country before. I can’t speak for the most war-torn parts of the Middle East, but I can say that even the “nicer” parts like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, etc. have no shortage of racism and sexism.
You have no idea what the fuck you’re even talking about.
- Comment on Am I crazy, or are Americans going insane? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Am I crazy, or are Americans going insane? 1 year ago:
Then I guess you’re lucky?
- Comment on Am I crazy, or are Americans going insane? 1 year ago:
I mean, I grew up in the same church environment. So I do understand their belief system intimately. The problem isn’t any understanding on my part, it’s their mindset. They want to make their current beliefs right, not to find the truth and be right. Recently, verbally insulting and degrading them has actually given me results. So maybe their tendencies to do the same to others out of hate is just projection.
- Comment on Am I crazy, or are Americans going insane? 1 year ago:
I wish it was. You want another dumb reason I’ve heard for voting Hillary? “She reminded me of my mom, so I trust her.”
- Comment on Am I crazy, or are Americans going insane? 1 year ago:
Sure, but they’re still the people I grew up with in life. I won’t let them be part of my life if they truly believe that the January 6th seditionists did nothing wrong. But I still care about them and try to talk them down from this.
- Comment on Am I crazy, or are Americans going insane? 1 year ago:
Wish I personally knew more people like you. Only three people I know would fit this description.
- Comment on Am I crazy, or are Americans going insane? 1 year ago:
I promise you, I know someone who has met only a single Palestinian in their entire life here in America and now believes that at least 80% of Palestinians in Gaza are not bigots because this one person isn’t. I also know somebody who has apparently found “leftist Qanon” and now believes that Hamas is good and literally has not murdered a single baby in Israel.
Who knows? Maybe the area I live in has just been polluted by something? Or maybe COVID fried everyone’s brain? I did move away for most of my life and only came back just before COVID.
- Comment on Am I crazy, or are Americans going insane? 1 year ago:
Why does everyone think this?
I think this because I’ve spent over a decade of my life trying to understand where people come from and getting nowhere with helping them. I’ve read the scripture they share with me and they just ignore rebuttals and tell me I have “an unteachable spirit” or I “can’t understand their gospel”. I’ll listen to the podcasts of political thinkers they listen to and hear absolutely nothing of substance, nothing that actually provides a foundation for their beliefs beyond “wouldn’t it be nice if we had X”.
The only progress I’ve ever made is by recently telling people they have no clue what they’re talking about and calling them a dipshit or asshole where appropriate. It’s insane. They don’t care about studies, stats, facts, whatever. No attempt at rational debate changes their mind in any capacity. But having the “quiet and patient” person in their life snap at them seems to do something at least.
- Comment on Am I crazy, or are Americans going insane? 1 year ago:
This is exactly what I mean in my post. I’ve been “patient and polite” for decades. And then I see shit like this not just online, but also with leftists I personally know.
As someone who’s actually been to Muslim countries in the Middle East and seen their brand of racism and literal slavery, you have no fucking clue what you’re talking about. Yes actually, I believe that a MUSLIM MAJORITY country is going to mostly be racist, transphobic bigots. Do you have any fucking idea what Muslims in the Middle East are actually like?
Have you ever seen a slave in real life? Have you ever driven past ancient ruins from other religions that were defaced and scrubbed clean? Have you ever been warned “make sure you don’t have any religious material on you” before entering a country? Have you ever had to drive in a convoy with a security detail? Have you ever been near a suicide bombing? Have you ever seen 15 women in full Burqas being lead around and told what to do by a 12 year old boy?
You dipshit “leftists” are sheltered and have no fucking clue just how evil other people can be. Since you’ve got no fucking nuance, I’ll spell it out for you. I do not blindly support Israel. I openly condemn every atrocity they commit. But I can see that if I were gay there’d be only one country in the Middle East that I could feel safe in.
I’ve ranted and vented, and I feel just about done caring about all this. Boomers are going to reap what they’ve sown with the failing economy and climate change destroying their chances at retirement. But you dumbass Millennials and Gen Z who think they know it all are also going to reap what you’ve sown in the future. Learn some history, learn about just how awful every fundamentalist religious culture is. Learn how to use a firearm or flee this country if you want any chance at a happy ending in your life.
- Comment on Am I crazy, or are Americans going insane? 1 year ago:
I have asked them about it, and it generally goes one of two ways depending on which way they identify.
Rightwing: “Because it’s in the Bible.”
Leftwing: “I don’t know, I just think that.”
- Comment on Am I crazy, or are Americans going insane? 1 year ago:
I do live in a town with two major colleges for the region. It’s crazy how many “socialists” I’ve met who don’t even know about concepts like UBI. “Tax the rich” doesn’t make you socialist. That’s just the easiest, lowest hanging fruit to figure out.
- Comment on Am I crazy, or are Americans going insane? 1 year ago:
“Friend”, if you came here to make that comment and are blindly pro-Palestine, you fall into the group of leftists I’m talking about.
- Comment on Am I crazy, or are Americans going insane? 1 year ago:
I hope it’s just a bubble. I do live in a region where if you drive out in the deep rural areas, there’s a non-zero chance that you’ll see a swastika flying on a flag. I’ve just never seen so many people be so “un-American” while claiming to be true patriots.
- Comment on Am I crazy, or are Americans going insane? 1 year ago:
I don’t need to understand where they’re coming from if they want to cut social programs, lower taxes on the rich, support societies that would happily execute gay people, etc.
Even though I don’t need to understand, I do actually. When it comes to the people on the right, it’s mostly people I’ve known from growing up in a religious family and from spending a lot of time doing work in factories. They’re bigoted zealots who think that the real problem with Millennials and Gen Z is that they just don’t want to work anymore. And if they just wanted to work and put in the effort they could all be retiring with nice cars and mansions.
As for the people I know on the left, it’s not as many who are completely insane. But it’s still most of them. People who voted Hillary because “it was her turn!” or even voted Obama because “I feel bad for black people, so he needed to be president no matter what” (those are literal fucking quotes, I shit you not). Not only that, but they’ll talk about how dangerous the rightwing is and how they want to overthrow the country, and then the very next topic of conversation can be about how they don’t trust themselves with a gun and are offended at the suggestion that they should arm themselves.
If you think with either of these I’m talking about you and you’re offended, you need to reevaluate your morals.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 70 comments