- Comment on EpicJazz MegaJackrabbit | Civvie 11 1 week ago:
Jazz jackrabbit was also a marketing vehicle for the Gravis game pad. And the gravis game pad, As shitty as it was, was a fucking revolution And playing it with jazz jackrabbit was a fucking delight.
- Comment on Retro-Bit Accused Of Plagiarising Existing Fan-Translations 1 week ago:
Anybody out there have any thoughts on this? Three days and no comments that’s pretty sad. I don’t know enough about the industry to have an opinion on this.
- Comment on Do you leave your consoles on? 4 months ago:
Bet you a nickel that old Wii now has a toasted GPU chip and graphical artifacts. The Wi-Fi chip apparently cooks the GPU if you has Wii24 enabled.
- Comment on What's your financial cutoff point on game collecting? 7 months ago:
The price of the console, any modern quality of life upgrades (RBG out, in game reset, etc), the price of the best flash cart and an SD card loaded with ROMs.
- Comment on Have video games become expensive now? 10 months ago:
Why did Dr Mario cost $120?!? I never saw SNES games costing that much. Sounds more like Neo Geo game prices from what I remember.
- Comment on The four houses dads belong to. 1 year ago:
I’m just flat wrong. I’ll own it :)
- Comment on The four houses dads belong to. 1 year ago:
I thought skoda is just Eastern European for VW? In 2000 all of the cabs in Israel were skoda which were just rebranded jettas.
- Comment on The four houses dads belong to. 1 year ago:
I have a metaboHPT Brad nailer and it was absolutely the most affordable I could find outside of harbor freight level, and at the same time one of my highest quality tools. Truly a joy to use.
- Comment on The four houses dads belong to. 1 year ago:
Green vs Blue.
- Comment on The four houses dads belong to. 1 year ago:
The Lidl tools give me some serious Harbor Freight vibes.
- Comment on The four houses dads belong to. 1 year ago:
Wait TTI does dewalt too? I thought dewalt was same co as Milwaukee.
- Comment on The four houses dads belong to. 1 year ago:
I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop and for a Belgian or something to drop in here to say that they’ve had fully interchangeable batteries for the last twenty years, and then make fun of us for building houses out of wood because we didn’t clear cut our continent.
- Comment on The four houses dads belong to. 1 year ago:
- Comment on The four houses dads belong to. 1 year ago:
And sometimes the harbor frieght is a direct clone of the name brand but for inferior plastic parts where the name brand would have metal. You can often upgrade the knockoff to be a near equivalent.
- Comment on The four houses dads belong to. 1 year ago:
Maybe where you’re from. DeWalt is the premium brand, Milwaukee is the second tier from the same manufacturer.
- Comment on The four houses dads belong to. 1 year ago:
Disappointed metabo isnt represented. Used to be hitachi? I’ve got a pneumatic brad nailer from them and it’s both wondrous and affordable.
- Comment on Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads 1 year ago:
Allahu’s Snackbar with a lifelike painting of Mohammed over the cash register and morality police, fuck yeah.
- Comment on Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads 1 year ago:
Are you dumb? Or just not capable of understanding that some of us are in the legal world and think in terms of what the courts will do, and what rationale they will have? I didn’t stake out a position. However I absolutely think this legislation is terrible.
- Comment on Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads 1 year ago:
The right to privacy is now in question because of Dobbs. It’s a fucking nightmare of possibilities.
- Comment on Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads 1 year ago:
I’m curious about why. The one law that had been overturned so far was on the basis of government compelled speech, because in addition to age verification, the law required porn sites to have a paragraph talking about how porn makes baby Jesus cry. I’m not so sure ID requirements by themselves are going to have the same outcome.
- Comment on Windows 10 end of life could prompt torrent of e-waste as 240 million devices set for scrapheap 1 year ago:
Elsewhere, Linux support areas seem more likely than not to have a large contingent of “WHY ARE YOU ASKING A DUMB QUESTION, you horror of a human being? Why didn’t you Search the site for words you don’t know using our broken search engine, instead of infecting us with your congenital idiocy?” folks.
- Comment on Windows 10 end of life could prompt torrent of e-waste as 240 million devices set for scrapheap 1 year ago:
2013 Dell XPS i7-4470 up in this jawn.
- Comment on Their Bionic Eyes Are Now Obsolete and Unsupported 1 year ago:
My ex-wife once got intestinal worms. The medicine to get rid of them, which has been on the market forever, and which is on the short list of medicines that the WHO says should be freely available to everyone as a matter of public health? $800 for Americans, literally free everywhere else in the world. Apparently intestinal worms are now so uncommon in the US that the drug is only distributed in extremely small quantities, which The Invisible Hand apparently allows big pharma to charge a fortune for. I brought in the worm in a jar in case the doctors needed to identify it, and apparently so many of the doctors and nurses had never seen one that they asked us if it was alright for them to pass around to take selfies with it. LOL.
- Comment on inches plus coins equals metric system 1 year ago:
Since 2000, they’ve used all-American steel vs. our quarters, which are copper at the core. PS: I don’t really know if the Canadian quarters is made of all-American steel, I just like the ambiguity of the statement.
- Comment on Reactionaries and inconsistency are a match made in heaven 1 year ago:
It’s a huge part of the culture of generational poverty as well. I used to work in Legal Aid and some of the schemes that folks used to milk the system to illegally (yet understandably) avoid the trap you’re talking about were absolutely brilliant. One couple used domestic protection orders to have a legal paper trail that the male couldn’t legally live with his partner (to avoid “household” income counting as your income). There was zero domestic abuse going on, but the women would lie, get her protection order, and have something to hand to the social service workers. Male partner would sneak in and out to avoid being too obvious that it was a sham. Absolutely brilliant, made it a shame that such smart fraudsters never had a life that gave them a vision and hope for something greater.
- Comment on Reactionaries and inconsistency are a match made in heaven 1 year ago:
Wait, so they got rid of the Poles and other Eastern Europeans they loved to hate—who are they importing for labor now?
- Comment on Reactionaries and inconsistency are a match made in heaven 1 year ago:
They pay more if you consider that they frequently pay SS if they have a fake SSN but don’t get any benefit from doing so.
- Comment on Consumers are paying more than ever for streaming TV each month and analysts say there’s no reason for the companies to stop raising prices 1 year ago:
Why isn’t anyone mentioning that there are arrrrr streaming sites that won’t land someone a cease and desist?
- Comment on YouTube is increasing Premium prices in multiple countries, right after an ad-blocker crackdown | You either pay rightfully for the video content you consume, or you live with the ads. 1 year ago:
How? I keep having to clear cookies. Now use Firefox. With logged in window I find the video I want and I open it in private window with ublock origin enabled. No warning in private logged out window.
- Comment on Voyager 1's Golden Record 1 year ago:
There is a cover on it. Also a stylus was included. Don’t know how much protection the cover affords, but at least they have a fighting chance of figuring out how to play the record since the stylus was included.