- Comment on Foundation - Foundation 1.0 Is Now Available! - Steam News 3 weeks ago:
I played for several hours yesterday, and had no issues with crashing at all. They released a patch since you made this comment that fixed several crashes, so I guess you found at least some of the causes stated in the patchnotes.
The biggest issues I encountered were a problem with selecting submodules of a storage while editing the storage, and a lack of explenation on what watchman actually do other than stand there and look pretty.
- Comment on where the magic happens owo 3 months ago:
Allow me to translate:
Top left is a thermal cycler. Basically it heats and cools samples at a given rate. This is primarily used for for magic. Top right is the fancier version of this, it is for qMagic, so it can do the heating and cooling and has a magic detector for magic components that reacts to magic happening so you can quantify approximately how much magic is going on in the beige box.
Bottom right is a luminex. This uses detection of magic signals to measure magic.
Bottom left is the beige box where magic happens.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
- It reduces the barrier of entry for new users to get an account going that is not flooded by political extremist views in it’s feed.
- It causes anonymous users to not see they shitshow. And since most users start out by browsing anonymously while deciding whether they want an account or not, that is a big deal.
- It gives the impression that this community is at least somewhat ok with the views that these extremists hold.
It should be opt-in to view posts and comments from these sources.
- Comment on YSK about the studies done about Online Dishinibition 7 months ago:
- Comment on The Star Trek Adventures first edition Core Rulebook pdf free for Saturday, June 22 8 months ago:
Our group played this system for a short bit. We loved the social combat system and the pooled resources. A good DM can absolutely make it feel like a Star Trek episode. Our problem with the system, is that you have to play the lawfull good guys for it to work well; just like a Star Trek episode. Our group likes to play morally grey.
- Comment on Christians think gay people are trying to convert them to being gay *because Christians try to convert people to being Christian*. 1 year ago:
I love the fact that people joke about this nowadays. Because my mom still has bad memories from her childhood, where her teachers forced her to be right handed, acting as if it was a choice, and she was just really bad at writing. This was not a third world country either, but the Netherlands.
- Comment on I hope this ship holds together! 1 year ago:
Jup. They do that. After an edition of the challenge where someone fainted and crashed due to the heat, they also added regulations for airflow. It might be hot outside-air, but that is still way better than inside-over air.
- Comment on What's your favorite game that you will NEVER finish? 1 year ago:
Europa Universalis IV and Stellaris. For exactly the same reasons.
I spend way too much time in those games. Hundreds of hours each. But the end game is just too much of a slog. You already won, so there is no challenge; the framerate tanks into unplayable territory; and the micromanagement to manage the late game wars and economy becomes insane.
But starting with a different empire, and doing early/mid game again is awsome!
- Comment on I'm Starting A Search Engine For The Fediverse 1 year ago:
Should a dedicated search not use/index ActivityPub instead of the html interface?
If so, instances can simply defederate from search engine instances. So the point you are trying to make still holds.
- Comment on I have some questions about the Fediverse 1 year ago:
- Threads federates
- Threads hosts 99% of all content and all users.
- Threads releases and update that allows a new feature. Example: they add buyable threads gold, that you can reward to a post or comment.
- The rest of the fediverse can’t implement this feature, and is inherently left behind in terms of features.
- Threads releases an update that breaks federation. 99% of the users do not notice.
- It takes Threads 3 months to fix the issue.
- Go back to step 5.
Every non-Threads participant will have less features, and is constantly struggling to keep up with the changes and bugs of Threads. Result: the fediverse cannot grow. Only the most stubborn anti-Meta users will accept the objectively worse experience, just to avoid using Threads. But the average user will just use Threads, instead of joining Mastodon, Kbin, Lemmy, or any of the many other fediverse instances that Threads can federate with.
- Comment on Windows 10 end of life could prompt torrent of e-waste as 240 million devices set for scrapheap 1 year ago:
Disabling the tpm requirement is just a registry hack in win 10, or a selectable option when creating an install usb with rufus.
I think they will make a simple calculation; What is going to cost more: The bad PR of nolonger updating 240 million pc’s, or accepting that a small portion of your users does not have tpm?
They haven’t stopped advanced users from installing win11 on older hardware so far. So no loss there. I also doubt they lose enterprise money if they allow win10 to upgrade regardless, as tpm is now well entrenched as the default on new hardware.
- Comment on Microsoft ending support for Windows 10 could send 240 million PCs to landfills: Report - CNA 1 year ago:
This info needs to be more widespread.
- Comment on Should Defederate with Threads 1 year ago:
New users will look at before they create an account. They will choose to join after seeing threads posts and comments on the front page. The default settings will keep them looking at threads untill they figure out they can block it. But when they do, they realise that 90% of all posts and comments came from threads, and they just disabled most of the content.
I would be ok with an opt-in mechanism, where the default settings and the anonymous settings disable threads content, but you can unblock them.
- Comment on Relative size comparison of social media platforms (December 2023) 1 year ago:
I already saw this happening on Reddit. The largest subreddit were filled with generic posts. They got a lot of content, not necessarily good content. But there were plenty of small or medium sized subreddits that had much better content. The Fediverse feels like it is missing the big subreddits. It also feels too small to have the small niche subreddits. What is here in terms of content feels more like a few medium sized subreddits.
- Comment on Engineering Diagram 1 year ago:
That would be like Mickey Mouse having a pet mouse, or Donald Duck feeding the ducks in the park, or Goofy having a pet dog named Pluto.
- Comment on Why do a lot of fediverse instances put their software (i.e. Lemmy/Mastodon) in their name somehow? 1 year ago:
More like “fediverse” instead of “social”. Facebook is also a “social”, but it does not communicate with other fediverse instances. The fact that you are federated and share content is what should be in the name.
And behold: many instances DO use fediverse over lemmy in their name.
But Lemmy is not perfectly compatible with Mastodon and kbin. At the time some of the instances were made, Lemmy could not even federate with Mastodon at all. So it makes sense that instaces explicitly picked a name with Lemmy in it.
- Comment on Blind date? 1 year ago:
I thought ghost busting was Beverly’s thing?
- Comment on Possible headcanon reason why consoles always explode on the bridge 1 year ago:
I used to put that one in the same category as the man-in-suit gorn from TOS: budget/tech restrictions. But even in the latest SNW episode, we see Chapel waking up on a piece of wreckage with gravity still perfectly fine, while also getting several zero gravity scenes in the same episode.
- Comment on one please 1 year ago:
But where and when is the crew supposed to go then? I don’t remember a single episode where someone mentioned they were off to drop some logs.
Heck, imagine being a species that does this the normal way, dropping that unit like a real warrior. Not getting those breaks will put a constipated look on your face all the time!
- Comment on What are some alternative to soulless videogame franchises? 1 year ago:
If you want to play animal crossing, but only have a PC: try Dinkum. Same gameplay loop, but with a few minor twists and turns. And the setting is Australia. Hence you ride your mu around town, shearing the wool of your pleeps and milking your vombats. Ofcourse you need to defend them from crocos and fire spitting devils. But anything you kill can be thrown on the BBQ. And to get rich, you start a fairy bread empire. Exporting millions worth of sugary goodness.
- Comment on Intel doesn’t think that Arm CPUs will make a dent in the laptop market 1 year ago:
There is also a sizable market for laptops that do not do much more than log onto a remote desktop. Especially with remote working, that has becomes the perfect middle ground between security, cost, and ease of use. A cheap ARM processor would work perfectly for those machines.
- Comment on Amazon drivers’ urine packaged as energy drink, sold on Amazon - A documentary shows how easy it is to bypass Amazon's buying and selling safeguards. 1 year ago:
I love this show for the fact that at one point, this guys water is actually used as a solution for some random problem. None of the nonsense is left as just nonsense, it is all part of the world.
- Comment on Scottish couple facing $33k repair bill after driving Tesla in heavy rain 1 year ago:
I’m currently driving a Scoda Fabia myself. The globe box just broke, because something inside got stuck, and the 20 year old plastic handle just didn’t want to budge, and broke instead. Meanwhile, I just drove 1500km in it over the span of 3 days. It just keeps chugging along.
- Comment on Grayjay: A new app that merges different video platforms into one 1 year ago:
The quote: “Subject to the terms of this license, we grant you a non-transferable, non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to access and use the code solely for the purposes of review, compilation and non-commercial distribution.”
Source: Section 2.1 of…/LICENSE?…
- Comment on Desalination system could produce freshwater that is cheaper than tap water 1 year ago:
Ofcourse. But that is because the seashells are the obviously superior method. The friction is with the sand and sawdust method.
- Comment on Desalination system could produce freshwater that is cheaper than tap water 1 year ago:
I imagine actually applying your solution would cause quite some friction.
- Comment on Study reveals some teens receive 5,000 notifications daily, most spend almost two hours on TikTok | Kids officially don't like Facebook 1 year ago:
I already get an internal struggle to scream out of frustration every time I see the mail box of one of my colleagues having 100+ unread mails. Most coming from automated systems like Jira, Jenkins, etc. I funnel all those mails into separate folders, and just click through them once in a while. Or mass mark them as read.
I don’t think I could survive 5000 notifications.
- Comment on Do life insurance rules that deny payment after suicide discriminate against those with mental health issues? If those rules didn't exist would suicide rate increase? 1 year ago:
I agree that the ‘unjust’ part is implied here. However, it is certainly not part of any textbook definition of discrimination.
Because the ‘unjust’ part is implied so often, people have started to change the meaning of the word discrimination. I think that is quite dangerous, given how essential the word is in various constitutions and laws.
- Comment on No more cordon blur: France prepares to ban vegetarian products from using meaty language 1 year ago:
I’d love to see more plant based products that are just their own thing. Why be a mediocre immitation of meat, if you can be your own awsome product. For example: falafel is awsome in it’s own right.
- Comment on Golang be like 1 year ago:
Which is have been able to use since we switched to C++17 … a couple of months ago.