- Comment on I found a weird IP address on my network that had transmitted an insanely small amount of data. I put the address in my browser and got this. what the heck am I looking at? 4 months ago:
77ms of latency is pretty slow. Based off that I’d assume (but not rule out) that it’s not: on the machine you used to run nmap, not on ethernet, probably wifi with a shitty connection
So, some really dumb, likely irrelevant, questions that might spark an idea:
Do you see anything weird connected in the wifi client list?
Are you running a VPN server or using VPN to bridge any networks?
You said you’re running dual WAN, are those configured properly and not leaking random internet shit into your LAN?
Do you have anything that might be running some kind of out-of-band management system like DRAC on a dell server?
What’s your IoT situation?
Do you have an on-site NVR for security cams?
Did you find the mac? If so what are the first 3 octets? Even if the vendor can’t be found, there’s always the chance some crazy ubernerd is going to recognize it. (If it’s 00:d0:2c or 44:d9:e7 I got ya covered)
Again, most of those are probably irrelevant, but throwing the thoughts out there :)
- Comment on xkcd #2976: Time Traveler Causes of Death 6 months ago:
Dad comes home with the milk
- Comment on 30% of Children Ages 5-7 Are on TikTok 10 months ago:
Look at Mr Moneybags here, getting cared for in an old person home.
- Comment on don't tell iceland 10 months ago:
Go on… 🤔
- Comment on My mental state 1 year ago:
Eating the paper is half the fun of candy dots.
- Comment on Junior Dev VS Machine Learning 1 year ago:
The LLM has stack overflow memorized, which is what separates the juniors from the seniors.
- Comment on A Skibirational message on Christmas 1 year ago:
Exactly, that’s what i keep telling everyone. C’mon people
- Comment on Fusion 360 increasing annual price by $190 USD 1 year ago:
Probably not well. Its drm does some weird shit where it (3dexperience) runs in the background and then launches a web page that has you log in and you launch and update from the browser. I think there’s a way to directly launch it with a shortcut but all in all it just does so much weird shit that i haven’t even tried.
I miss Autodesk Inventor but i can’t remotely justify the price for dicking around with personal projects and solidworks for makers is a pretty damn good deal. Plus SW seems like the industry standard so looks better on a resume? I’m a programmer so it doesn’t really matter but meh.
OnShape might be okay, probably runs just fine on Linux, but i hate that its cloud based. I just want to own my software goddamnit.
One day we’ll have a foss parametric non-destructive blender-level cad suite. FreeCAD and OpenSCAD are neat but not really what I’m looking for.
I’m ranting again…
- Comment on Stardew Valley creator confirms he's made "a ton of progress" on update 1.6 1 year ago:
I wish i could transfer my save file from my switch to my steam deck. I have the oled switch and i guess i need to mod chip it in order to access the file system.
- Comment on You can boil water with water by using the electricity from hydro power to power your kettle. 1 year ago:
And the gravity tank is filled using solar radiation.
- Comment on Let's confuse Americans! 1 year ago:
Hi Dad, I’m Dad!
- Comment on CHEESE 1 year ago:
- Comment on happy partially muscled screaming skeleton day 1 year ago:
What if the jaw shuts?
There’s only one way to find out!
- Comment on Nightmares are just your brain doing combat readiness drills 1 year ago:
I’m prepared to spit out so many frickin teeth
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Yeah you should be getting the hang of rocket league by then
- Comment on all head, all the time 1 year ago:
The way she everts her stomach and digests you with her enzymes. You just can’t get that with other gals.
- Comment on how the ivory tower maintains their exclusivity 1 year ago:
- Comment on JAPANESE KNOTWEED 1 year ago:
Of course a council full of invasive plants would say that
- Comment on I am keep losing my computer mouse (wireless) and feel anxiety to purchase more mouse. How should I help myself ? 1 year ago:
Buy an expensive ass mouse. I bought an expensive ass socket set and haven’t lost a socket since.
- Comment on Gen Z Explains Why They Want Less Sex In TV And Movies 1 year ago:
Hodor’s big floppy hog should have got the throne
- Comment on I wish 1 year ago:
Psh screw those people, they need to see my massive coder wang
if(!i&1){ … }
- Comment on What does going to a mental institution do for you? 1 year ago:
Dude pregabalin withdrawals are fucking awful. I’m sorry you went through that
- Comment on xkcd #2846: Daylight Saving Choice 1 year ago:
After 12 years you’d have gained an entire day! If that’s not saving daylight i don’t know what is.
- Comment on ai is truly genius 1 year ago:
Here let me try 😘